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How To Speak Unicorn Translating Design for the Digital Age

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@marktimemedia What is DESIGN? What is a DESIGNER?

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@marktimemedia Design is bigger than “DESIGN”

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@marktimemedia Student of process and principles Connector of patterns and people Translator of ideas and emotions Researcher of systems and solutions Educator of theory and application Advocate of value and practice

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@marktimemedia The Design UNICORN A mythical, all-powerful design creature with a deep knowledge of every part of the project life cycle

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@marktimemedia Becoming fluent in the language and concepts of multiple disciplines, in order to reach across silos, solve problems creatively, and add value SPEAKING UNICORN

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@marktimemedia Adorable badass. Carefully curated spontaneity. Master suitcase packer & dedicated maker of fancy tacos. Lover of lists & purveyor of process. Chronic imposter syndrome. Definitely a Ravenclaw. Designer & Developer Conference speaker & organizer AIGA MN Director of Technology HI, I’M MICHELLE. actually not coffee

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@marktimemedia Anxious alicorn. Master of magic & dedicated scholar. Lover of lists & purveyor of process. Chronic imposter syndrome. Definitely a Ravenclaw. Princess of Friendship Leader of the Mane Six Head of the School of Friendship THIS IS TWILIGHT SPARKLE

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@marktimemedia The UNICORN’S JOURNEY Cyclical Purposeful Transformative

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@marktimemedia THE HERO’S JOURNEY Literary storytelling technique following the main character's initiation, trials, and triumph over adversary

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@marktimemedia THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD A problem is identified, relevant data is gathered, a hypothesis is formulated from this data, and the hypothesis is empirically tested

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@marktimemedia THE DESIGN ABILITIES NON- PROCESS Navigate ambiguity Learn from others Synthesize information Rapidly experiment Move between concrete & abstract Build & craft intentionally Communicate deliberately Design your design work

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@marktimemedia Student Connector Translator Researcher Educator Advocate

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@marktimemedia PHASE 1: Designer as Student “Always Learning”

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@marktimemedia The Student of Friendship

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@marktimemedia DESIGN SKILLS Curiosity Synthesizing Information

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@marktimemedia UNICORN TOOL: A Design Library Favorite design resources • Don’t Make Me Think – Steve Krug • The Strategic Designer – David Holston • • • The A List Apart library

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@marktimemedia UNICORN TOOL: A Design Library Favorite non-design resources • You Are A Badass – Jen Sincero • The Four Agreements – Don Miguel Ruiz • How To Make Sense of Any Mess – Abby Covert • Atomic Habits – James Clear • Anything by Brené Brown

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@marktimemedia PHASE 2: Designer as Connector “People over Process over Tools”

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@marktimemedia Friendship challenges in Ponyville

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@marktimemedia DESIGN SKILLS Understanding Synthesizing Information Build & Craft Intentionally

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@marktimemedia UNICORN TOOL: The Five Whys “The 5 whys get from the initial problem question to a true underlying cause through deduction, ending with a concrete action item/counter-measure.”

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@marktimemedia UNICORN TOOL: The Five Whys • Can be a single flow, or multiple flows • Best if you have a team highly familiar with the subject • Not to assign blame, but to find incremental solutions

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@marktimemedia USING 5 WHYS • Troubleshooting existing problems • Investigate something unexpected • Partner with “5 Hows” (counter measures for each revealed problem)

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@marktimemedia PHASE 3: Designer as Translator “Stop, Collaborate, and Listen”

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@marktimemedia The Princess of Friendship

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@marktimemedia DESIGN SKILLS Empathy Learning from Others Communicating Deliberately

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@marktimemedia UNICORN TOOL: Non-Violent Communication Expressing and Hearing feedback without blame or criticism, using ‘I’ statements

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@marktimemedia UNICORN TOOL: Non-Violent Communication Observation, Feelings, Needs, Request “When I see/hear… I feel… because I need/value… Would you be willing to…?”

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@marktimemedia UNICORN TOOL: Active Listening Active listening comprises both a desire to comprehend as well as to offer support and empathy to the speaker. It differs from critical listening, in that you are not evaluating the message of the other person with the goal of offering your own opinion.

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@marktimemedia UNICORN TOOL: Active Listening • Yes: Neutral, patient, asking open ended questions & getting clarification, summarizing/reflecting, eye contact • No: Interrupting, ignoring, one-upping, waiting until you can say "your part"

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@marktimemedia PHASE 4: Designer as Researcher “How To Know What You Don’t Know”

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@marktimemedia Quests of the Friendship Map

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@marktimemedia and-interpret-the-results DESIGN SKILLS Defining Navigating Ambiguity Moving from Abstract to Concrete

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@marktimemedia UNICORN TOOL: Atomic Design All designs can be broken down into foundational elements that can be assembled into any number of larger and more complex components

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@marktimemedia UNICORN TOOL: Atomic Design Use Case: Designing a system • Designing rules rather than screens • Designing puzzle pieces • Designing from small to large, general to specific

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@marktimemedia UNICORN TOOL: Atomic Design Use Case: Designing for the unknown • Designing for content that doesn’t exist • Leveraging pattern finding to build future content types

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@marktimemedia PHASE 5: Designer as Educator “Learning by Teaching”

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@marktimemedia Opening a school

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@marktimemedia DESIGN SKILLS Ideating & Prototyping Rapidly Experimenting Learning from Others

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@marktimemedia UNICORN TOOL: Pair Programming Two people working together on the same problem at the same station, usually with different roles, but offering equal collaboration

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@marktimemedia UNICORN TOOL: Pair Programming Use Case: Working Together • Mentorship and onboarding • Brainstorming and collaboration can-pair-together-to-create-better-products-e4b09e3ca096

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@marktimemedia PHASE 5: Designer as Advocate “Building Bridges”

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@marktimemedia Ambassador to other kingdoms

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@marktimemedia DESIGN SKILLS Build & Craft Intentionally Designing your Design Work

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@marktimemedia UNICORN TOOL: DesignOps/DevOps The combination of cultural philosophies, practices, and tools that increases an organization’s ability to deliver well- designed, high-quality applications and services that meet people’s needs, while working at high velocity

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@marktimemedia UNICORN TOOL: DesignOps/DevOps The design of best-practice processes, developing unified values and workflow across teams, disciplines, and roles asking-yourself-now-fdac491bfe4f

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@marktimemedia PHASE 7: Designer as Student (again) “Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable”

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@marktimemedia New challenges await

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@marktimemedia DESIGN SKILLS The Design Cycle Learning from Others Designing your Design Work

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@marktimemedia UNICORN TOOL: Agile Principles Individuals and interactions over processes and tools Working software over comprehensive documentation Customer collaboration over contract negotiation Responding to change over following a plan

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@marktimemedia Student Connector Translator Researcher Educator Advocate

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@marktimemedia QUESTIONS? Here’s how to get in touch: Michelle Schulp [email protected] @marktimemedia WHERE TO FIND ME NEXT: ONLINE: Various podcasts (do you have one? Want a guest?) Fitness & Freelance blog EVENTS: Cocktails with Creatives Solopreneurs meetup The Draw In SPEAKING: WordCamp US