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Class Based Views: Past, Present and Future Dr Russell Keith-Magee DjangoCon AU 2014

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Class Based Views

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In the beginning...

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In the beginning... • It’s 2005 • Django is for building websites • Views are for displaying content • There a lots of common patterns in views • We all like being DRY

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Generic Views • Display a template • Display a single object • Display a list of objects • Display a form • Create, Update, Delete • Display a date archive

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Key features • Each view is a function • Configuration via arguments

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Example: Before def edit_book(request, book_id):! try:! book = Book.objects.get(pk=book_id)! except Book.DoesNotExist:! raise Http404! if request.method == 'POST':! form = BookForm(! instance=book, ! data=request.POST)! if form.is_valid():!! return HttpResponseRedirect(! book.get_absolute_url())! ...

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Example: Before ...! else:! form = BookForm(instance=obj)! return render(request, 'edit_book.html', {! 'book': book! 'form': form! })!

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Example: Before urlpatterns = patterns('',! url(! r'^/book/(?P\d+)/$',! book_view,! name='edit-book'! )! ...!

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Example: After urlpatterns = patterns('',! url(! r'^/book/(?P\d+)/$',! generic.update_object, {'model': Book,},! name='edit-book'! )! ...!

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Example: After urlpatterns = patterns('',! url(! r'^/author/(?P\d+)/$',! generic.update_object, {'model': Author,},! name='edit-author'! )! ...!

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Problems • Configuration options limited by args • No control over logic flow • No re-use between views

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Example: Before def edit_book(request, book_id):! try:! book = Book.objects.get(pk=book_id)! except Book.DoesNotExist:! raise Http404! if request.method == 'POST':! form = BookForm(! instance=book, ! data=request.POST)! if form.is_valid():! !! return HttpResponseRedirect(! book.get_absolute_url())! ...

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Example: Before def edit_book(request, book_id):! try:! book = Book.objects.get(pk=book_id)! except Book.DoesNotExist:! raise Http404! if request.method == 'POST':! form = BookForm(! instance=book, ! data=request.POST)! if form.is_valid():! book.prepare()!! return HttpResponseRedirect(! book.get_absolute_url())! ...

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Let’s go class-based!

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Django 1.3

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What went wrong? • Fundamental confusion over purpose • Confusion over implementation choices • Ravioli Code • Bad documentation

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Purpose • Two distinct, but connected bodies of work • Class Based Views • Class Based Generic Views

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Class Based Views • A class based analog of a view function • Method-based HTTP-verb dispatch • ... and that’s it

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Example from django.views.generic import View! ! ! class MyView(View):! def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):! return render(request, 'myview.html' {})! ! def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):! ...!

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Class Based Views • Automatic OPTIONS request handling • Automatic naïve HEAD request handling • Automatic HTTP 405 on unknown verbs

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CB Generic Views • Uses Class Based View as a base • Creates analogs of the old generic views • Addresses limits of functional approach

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Implementation choices

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Ravioli • Goal: Replace function-based generics with class-based generics • Show what class-based approach can do • End point views built out of mixins

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freakboy3742’s Ravioli Cooking 101

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Mixins def edit_view(): get object if POST: get form if form is valid: handle form redirect else: handle failure else: get form return response

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Mixins • UpdateView • BaseUpdateView • ModelFormMixin • FormMixin • SingleObjectMixin • ContextMixin • ProcessFormView • SingleObjectTemplate
 ResponseMixin • TemplateResponseMixin def edit_view(): get object if POST: get form if form is valid: handle form redirect else: handle failure else: get form return response

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Mixins • UpdateView • BaseUpdateView • ModelFormMixin • FormMixin • SingleObjectMixin • ContextMixin • ProcessFormView • SingleObjectTemplate
 ResponseMixin • TemplateResponseMixin def edit_view(): get object if POST: get form if form is valid: handle form redirect else: handle failure else: get form return response

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Mixins • UpdateView • BaseUpdateView • ModelFormMixin • FormMixin • SingleObjectMixin • ContextMixin • ProcessFormView • SingleObjectTemplate
 ResponseMixin • TemplateResponseMixin def edit_view(): get object if POST: get form if form is valid: handle form redirect else: handle failure else: get form return response

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Mixins • UpdateView • BaseUpdateView • ModelFormMixin • FormMixin • SingleObjectMixin • ContextMixin • ProcessFormView • SingleObjectTemplate
 ResponseMixin • TemplateResponseMixin def edit_view(): get object if POST: get form if form is valid: handle form redirect else: handle failure else: get form return response

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Mixins • CreateView • BaseCreateView • ModelFormMixin • FormMixin • SingleObjectMixin • ContextMixin • ProcessFormView • SingleObjectTemplate
 ResponseMixin • TemplateResponseMixin def create_view(): instantiate object if POST: get form if form is valid: handle form redirect else: handle failure else: get form return response

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Mixins • CreateView • BaseCreateView • ModelFormMixin • FormMixin • SingleObjectMixin • ContextMixin • ProcessFormView • SingleObjectJSON
 ResponseMixin def create_view(): instantiate object if POST: get form if form is valid: handle form redirect else: handle failure else: get form return JSON response

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Example: After from django.views import generic! ! ! ! ! urlpatterns = patterns('',! url(! r'^/book/(?P\d+)/$',! generic.update_object, {'model': Book,},! name='edit-book'! )! ...!

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Example: After CBGV from django.views import generic! ! ! ! ! urlpatterns = patterns('',! url(! r'^/book/(?P\d+)/$',! generic.UpdateView.as_view(model=Book),! name='edit-book'! )! ...!

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Example: After CBGV from django.views import generic! ! class BookUpdateView(generic.UpdateView):! model = Book! ! urlpatterns = patterns('',! url(! r'^/book/(?P\d+)/$',! BookUpdateView.as_view(),! name='edit-book'! )! ...!

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Example: After CBGV class BookUpdateView(generic.UpdateView):! model = Book! ! def form_valid(self, form):! self.object.process()! return super(BookUpdateView, ! self).form_valid(form)!

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Example: After CBGV from random import random! ! class PermissionsMixin(object):! def get_object(self, queryset=None):! if random() > 0.8:! raise Http404('Better luck next time')! else:! return super(PermissionsMixin, ! self).get_object(queryset)! ! class BookUpdateView(PermissionsMixin,! generic.UpdateView):! model = Book!

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Ravioli tastes good! • Allows for reuse of core logic • Extremely flexible for inserting new logic • Easy to add your own mixins • But: You need to grok all the pieces

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Documentation • Bad as originally released • Much better now • • Still need framework decisions needed

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Where to from here?

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Have we solved the wrong problem?

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Generic Views • Display a template • Display a single object • Display a list of objects • Display a form • Create, Update, Delete • Display a date archive

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Modern web sites have different problems

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Modern problems • Multiple forms/formsets per page • Continuous scrolling, not pagination • AJAX support (including in-place editing) • PJAX • Multiple “actions” per page • Rich, Javascript-driven UI

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API-driven UI • A modern web site is an API with a UI • A user interface is: • a way to get meat to invoke an API • a way to visualize API results

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API-driven UI in Django • APIs are easy • DRF, TastyPie and others. • Still need “views” • Navigation • Composition

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All of this requires a strong base framework

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Class-Based Views provide that framework

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django.contrib.admin • Django’s admin is a class based view • Implemented using simple __call__() • Doesn’t have HTTP Verb support • Suffers from state problems

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Doesn’t need to be part of Django core

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Call to action • In discussion: Do you mean CBV or CBGV? • Docs can still be improved • #18830 - FormCollection • Experiment with APIs. • Django’s admin is a useful case study

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Questions? @freakboy3742