Lightweight Markup
• Base format to generate other formats
• Readable as plain text
• Works well with programmer tools
Slide 15
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Semantic Meaning
• The power of HTML, and LWML
• Semantics mean you are saying what
something is, not how to display it
• Once you know what it is, you can
display it properly
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# HTML (Bad)
issue 72
# HTML (Good)
issue 72
.issue { text-format: bold; }
Classic HTML Example
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# Bad
Warning: Don’t do this!
# Good
Don’t do this!
# Best
.. warning:: Don’t do this
Classic LWML Example
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Semantic Markup
• Shows the intent of your words
• Works across output formats
• You can style warnings differently in
HTML, PDF, epub, man pages, etc.
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Markdown vs. reST
• Markdown is JUST for HTML
• reStructuredText does more, thus is
more complex
• reStructuredText is ugly, not only
because of the complexity
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If you care about your
words, you should write
in a way that preserves
semantic meaning!
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• http://localhost:5000/?
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Page Level Markup
• A line that starts with “.. “, 2 periods
and whitespace
• Ends at the next un-indented line
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• .. directive-name::
• Main source of extendability
• A lot of Sphinx’s power comes through
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.. code-block:: python
from datetime import datetime
time =
print time
Directive Example
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Directive Example
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Inline Markup
• Anything that is included in the page
content itself
• Used for embedding things into the
rendered output
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Interpreted Text Roles
• Good example of Inline Markup
• Look like :role:`target`
• :pep:`8` will create a link to PEP 8
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.. _my-reference-label:
Section to cross-reference
This is the text of the section.
It refers to itself, see :ref:`my-reference-label`.
Interpreted Text Role
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Interpreted Text Role
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Extension Point Review
• Directives for page level markup
• Interpreted Text Roles for inside
Slide 32
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• The best LWML that I know of
• Gives you the most semantic meaning
• Most extensible
• Sphinx adds documentation semantics
to reStructuredText
• Play with it at
Build your Docs
• Put RST into your docs directory
• Run `make html`
Slide 38
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• Best documentation tool I know of
• Great community and lots of prior art
• So good, that I built an entire website
around it :)
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Sphinx Additions
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TOC Tree
• Table of Contents Tree
• Allows hierarchal notion of documents
• Gives you a nice index page of all your
• .. toctree:: Table of Contents
Slide 41
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• Allows you to reference content in other
• Intersphinx extension lets you
reference content in other projects
• :ref:`python:keywords`
• :doc:`tutorial`
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Tons of code-specific
• Environmental Variables, RFC’s,
Tokens, Keywords, Classes, Filenames,
Man pages, etc.
• :rfc:`1984`
• Ships with lots of useful extensions
• Has an API for defining your own
• Ships with doctest runner, coverage
stats, graphviz support, todo lists,
viewing source code, etc.
Slide 45
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• Pulls docstrings from your classes and
• Runs dynamically so it’s always up to
date with your source code
• A bit hard to work with, because it’s
made to be manually edited
• .. class:: django.core.views.View
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Sphinx Review
• Documentation Generator
• Takes reST files and turns it into
• Adds lots of nice markup specific to
writing tech documentation
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Read the Docs
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Read the Docs
• Builds and hosts Sphinx documentation
• Defacto hosting provider for Python
• Created in 48 hours in 2010 Django
• Provides a lot of value on top of Sphinx
Open Source
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Fast Forward to Today
Slide 58
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RTD Stats
• 118 people have contributed code
• 3,801 commits
• 844 issues
• 1,475,000 builds
• 150 million pageviews, 9M a month
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No content
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Read the Docs Features
Slide 61
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Beautiful Theme
• Designed by Dave Snider (a real
• Looks great on mobile
• Beautiful fonts and colors
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Beautiful Theme
Slide 63
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• Based on your VCS
• Every tag and branch convert into a
• Build and host old versions of your
docs, for users who still use them
Slide 64
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Post Commit Hooks
• We support GitHub and BitBucket
• Your docs build automatically when you
push a new commit
• Your docs are always up to date
Slide 65
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• Host multiple languages of your docs
• Host one version of your docs, not in
English :)
Slide 66
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• The main site is
• We now have 8 languages that are
Slide 67
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• We index everything into Elastic Search
• Provide full-text search of your
• Much better than the built-in Sphinx
search, since we can use a server
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• Host your docs on your own domain
Slide 69
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Multiple Formats
• Zipped HTML
• ePub
• Man Pages
Slide 70
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Highly Available
• We host everything with redundant app
servers straight from nginx, without
touching a database
• Never had significant (multi-hour)
downtime of documentation serving
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Lots of small things
• Serve multiple projects on one CNAME
• Have multiple people manage a project
• Python 3
• Virtualenv & requirements.txt support
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Using Read the Docs
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Using RTD
• Register for an account
• Import your project with Sphinx
• There is no step 3
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Slide 75
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• Why Write Documentation
• Why reST and Sphinx exist and how
they work
• Why Read the Docs is awesome :)