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Migrating to Jetpack Compose ߓ೙઱ GDG Korea Android, Coupang [Korea Android]

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Codelab উղ

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Slide 3 text Repo fork೧ࢲ, ѐੋ ࠳ے஖ীࢲ ૓೯ೞҊ, ௏٘۽ ԙ թӝӝ! ޷ܻ Fork ߉ই֬ਵन ٜ࠙਷ ୭नചܳ ೠߣ ࠗఌ٘۰ਃ! Repo উղ week 4-2-Migrating to Jetpack Compose

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߄۽ द੘!

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Migration ҅ദ

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7 ੼૓੸ਵ۽ بੑ

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8 Views Compose Views in Compose

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Views Compose

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5. Hello, Compose! fragment_plant_detail.xml

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5. Hello, Compose! fragment_plant_detail.xml

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5. Hello, Compose! class PlantDetailFragment : Fragment() { .. . override fun onCreateView(...): View? { val binding = DataBindingUtil.inflate<...> ( inflater, R.layout.fragment_plant_detail, container, fals e ).apply { .. . composeView.setContent { MaterialTheme { PlantDetailDescription( ) } } } .. . } } Compose World

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6. Creating a Composable out of XML fragment_plant_detail.xml

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6. Creating a Composable out of XML @Composable private fun PlantName(name: String) { Text( text = name, style = MaterialTheme.typography.h5, modifier = Modifier .fillMaxWidth() .padding(horizontal = dimensionResource(R.dimen.margin_small)) .wrapContentWidth(Alignment.CenterHorizontally) ) } PlantDetailDescription.kt

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6. Creating a Composable out of XML @Composable private fun PlantName(name: String) { Text( text = name, style = MaterialTheme.typography.h5, modifier = Modifier .fillMaxWidth() .padding(horizontal = dimensionResource(R.dimen.margin_small)) .wrapContentWidth(Alignment.CenterHorizontally) ) } android:textAppearance="?attr/textAppearanceHeadline5" PlantDetailDescription.kt

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6. Creating a Composable out of XML @Composable private fun PlantName(name: String) { Text( text = name, style = MaterialTheme.typography.h5, modifier = Modifier .fillMaxWidth() .padding(horizontal = dimensionResource(R.dimen.margin_small)) .wrapContentWidth(Alignment.CenterHorizontally) ) } android:layout_width=“match_parent” PlantDetailDescription.kt

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6. Creating a Composable out of XML @Composable private fun PlantName(name: String) { Text( . . . modifier = Modifier .fillMaxWidth() .padding(horizontal = dimensionResource(R.dimen.margin_small)) .wrapContentWidth(Alignment.CenterHorizontally) ) } android:layout_marginStart="@dimen/margin_small" android:layout_marginEnd="@dimen/margin_small" android:gravity="center_horizontal" PlantDetailDescription.kt

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ViewComposition Strategy

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10.ViewCompositionStrategy Composable ࣻݺ ઱ӝ

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10.ViewCompositionStrategy Composable ࣻݺ ઱ӝ ViewCompositionStrategy. DisposeOnDetachedFromWindow

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10.ViewCompositionStrategy • Fragment Fragmentীࢲ ࢎਊػ Composition੉ ࢚క(State)ܳ ੷੢ೞ۰ݶ Fragment View lifeCycle ਸ ٮۄঠ ೤פ׮. 
 • Transitions ੹ജ ژח Window ੹ജ੉ ߊࢤೡ ٸ, Windowীࢲ ܻ࠙ػ റীب ComposeViewо ҅ࣘ ಴द غ؊ۄب, ӝࠄ DisposeOnDetachedFromWindow ੹ۚী ٮۄ ࢚క(State)о ࢏ઁؾפ׮. 
 • RecyclerView ViewHolder ژח ੗୓ ࣻݺ ઱ӝ ҙܻ CustomView Composable ੄ ViewCompositionStrategyܳ ٮ۽ ୓௼೧઻ঠ ೞח ா੉झ

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10.ViewCompositionStrategy class PlantDetailFragment : Fragment() { .. . override fun onCreateView(...): View? { val binding = DataBindingUtil.inflate<...> ( inflater, R.layout.fragment_plant_detail, container, fals e ).apply { .. . composeView.setContent { MaterialTheme { PlantDetailDescription( ) } } } .. . } } Compose World

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class PlantDetailFragment : Fragment() { .. . ... } 10.ViewCompositionStrategy composeView.apply { setViewCompositionStrategy( ViewCompositionStrategy.DisposeOnViewTreeLifecycleDestroyed ) setContent { MaterialTheme { PlantDetailDescription() } } }

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ViewCompositionStrategy compose/ui/platform/ViewCompositionStrategy •DisposeOnDetachedFromWindow •DisposeOnLifecycleDestroyed •DisposeOnViewTreeLifecycleDestroyed

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Views in Compose

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9. Views in Compose code @Composable fun CustomView() { val selectedItem = remember { mutableStateOf(0) } AndroidView( factory = { context -> CustomView(context).apply { // View setup } }, update = { view -> // View সؘ੉౟ ۽૒ ୶о view.coordinator.selectedItem = selectedItem.value } ) }

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@Composable fun AndroidView( factory: ((Context) -> T)?, modifier: Modifier? = Modifier, update: ((T) -> Unit)? = NoOpUpdate ): Unit summary#AndroidView(kotlin.Function1,androidx.compose.ui.Modifier,kotlin.Function1)

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ViewModels in Compose

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7. ViewModels and LiveData @Composable fun PlantDetailDescription(plantDetailViewModel: PlantDetailViewModel) { ... }

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7. ViewModels and LiveData @Composable fun MyExample( viewModel: ExampleViewModel = viewModel() ) { /* ... */ } @Composable fun MyExample2( viewModel: ExampleViewModel = viewModel() ) { /* ... */ } LifeCycleOwnerо ࢓ই੓ח زউ زੌೠ ੋझఢझܳ ߈ജ

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Theme ഐജ

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11. Interop theming MDC-Android Compose Theme Adapter

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୶о উղ

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12. Accessibility in Jetpack Compose 15. Advanced state and side effects in Jetpack Compose ੉ߣ ೯ࢎী ನೣغ૑ ঋ਷ ٮՏٮՏೠ Codelab

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4઱ର 2ߣ૩ ૑Әࠗఠ द੘ೞࣁਃ