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Couchsurfing with Elderly Care Çağrı Sarıgöz Fatih İleri

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! World is getting older ! The need for nursing at home is arising The Problem

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! Sharing Economy Opportunities

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! Crowdfunding Opportunities

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! Handling healthcare of lonely and/or elderly people in need of nursing Goals

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! Monitoring their health status Goals

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! Enhancing their life qualities Goals

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! Free accomodation opportunity for volunteers Goals

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! Raise the awareness about elderly people in need of nursing Goals

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! Website Components

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! Mobile Application Components

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! Donation-Based Crowdfunding Components

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! Volunteers (carers and observers) Components

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! Easy patient definition and volunteer account creation Features

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! Patient profile page creation ◦ Informative videos about short life stories and nursing needs Features

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! Volunteer location processing for best matching with the patients Features

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! Integration with Smart Home Systems Features

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! Reporting expenses of the needs taken care of to the system server Features

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! Scoring of carers by the observers Features

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! Create patient account (via website, mobile app) ◦ Address, diseases, needs, visiting frequency ! Create volunteer account (via mobile app) ◦ Carer or observer decision System Workflow

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! Request location from the next carer (via mobile app) ! Send the nearest patient information to the carer (via mobile app) ◦ If the carer is OK with the patient, make the assignment ◦ If not, jump to the next carer by requesting location System Workflow (Cont’d)

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! Carer handles the healthcare ! Reports the expenses to the system (via mobile app) ! Expenses repaid to the carer from the crowdfunding account System Workflow (Cont’d)

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! Evaluation of the carers by the observers (via mobile app) ! Ranking of the carers (visible via mobile app and website) ! A predefined number of top ranking carers are awarded System Workflow (Cont’d)

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