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developer_productivity == developer_joy // (really!) Holly Cummins Senior Principal Software Engineer Red Hat

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@holly_cummins #RedHat

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@holly_cummins #RedHat why are you smiling?

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@holly_cummins #RedHat why are you smiling? work is not a place to be happy!

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#RedHat @holly_cummins ΑΡΙΣΤΟΤΈΛΗΣ

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#RedHat @holly_cummins «τελειοῖ δὲ τὴν ἐνέργειαν ἡἡδονή» ΑΡΙΣΤΟΤΈΛΗΣ

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#RedHat @holly_cummins «Η ευχαρίστηση στην δουλειά βάζει την τελειότητα στην εργασία» ΑΡΙΣΤΟΤΈΛΗΣ

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#RedHat @holly_cummins “Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.” Aristotle

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#RedHat @holly_cummins joy has business value.

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#RedHat @holly_cummins the science bit

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#RedHat @holly_cummins piglet litters grow faster if they play more

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#RedHat @holly_cummins job satisfaction is the no. 1 predictor of organizational performance

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@holly_cummins #RedHat research shows: fun is good for business.

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@holly_cummins #RedHat research shows: fun is good for business.

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#RedHat @holly_cummins https:/ /

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#RedHat @holly_cummins “Your brain at positive is 31% more productive than your brain at negative, neutral or stressed. " https:/ /

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#RedHat @holly_cummins

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#RedHat @holly_cummins https:/ /

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#RedHat @holly_cummins "Individuals [who just watched a comedy video] have approximately 12% greater productivity." https:/ /

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@holly_cummins #RedHat so how do developers become productive?

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@holly_cummins #RedHat so how do developers become productive? joyful?

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@holly_cummins #RedHat lack of joy creeps up on us productivity

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@holly_cummins #RedHat lack of joy creeps up on us

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@holly_cummins #RedHat → productivity tip for the lazy, happy, developer get rid of boring stuff

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@holly_cummins #RedHat → productivity tip for the lazy, happy, developer it’s probably waste get rid of boring stuff

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@holly_cummins #RedHat

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@holly_cummins #RedHat repetitive

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@holly_cummins #RedHat meaningless repetitive

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@holly_cummins #RedHat meaningless repetitive

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@holly_cummins #RedHat low-value meaningless repetitive

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@holly_cummins #RedHat low-value meaningless repetitive repetitive

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@holly_cummins #RedHat low-value meaningless repetitive repetitive repetitive

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@holly_cummins #RedHat low-value meaningless repetitive repetitive repetitive

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@holly_cummins #RedHat low-value meaningless repetitive repetitive repetitive redundant

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@holly_cummins #RedHat low-value meaningless repetitive repetitive repetitive repetitive redundant

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@holly_cummins #RedHat repetitive low-value meaningless repetitive repetitive repetitive repetitive redundant

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@holly_cummins #RedHat repetitive low-value meaningless repetitive repetitive repetitive repetitive redundant

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@holly_cummins #RedHat manual handoffs

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@holly_cummins #RedHat boilerplate code

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@holly_cummins #RedHat manual status updates

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@holly_cummins #RedHat meetings

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#RedHat @holly_cummins “toil” SRE is a discipline dedicated to eliminating toil from ops because toil isn’t worth it.

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@holly_cummins #RedHat → productivity tip for the lazy, happy, developer make computers do the hard work

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@holly_cummins #RedHat → productivity tip for the lazy, happy, developer make computers do the boring stuff

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@holly_cummins #RedHat (yet) computers don’t expect to have fun

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@holly_cummins #RedHat automation revenge! (yet) computers don’t expect to have fun happy, lazy developer

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@holly_cummins #RedHat bonus: making computers do stuff is really fun

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@holly_cummins #RedHat → productivity tip for the lazy, happy, developer automate all the things

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@holly_cummins #RedHat what should be automated? - tasks that are error-prone - tasks that people can do half-asleep

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@holly_cummins #RedHat

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@holly_cummins #RedHat you can do better than bash

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@holly_cummins #RedHat there are lots of ways you can do better than bash

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@holly_cummins #RedHat you can do a lot better

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@holly_cummins #RedHat → productivity tip for the lazy, happy, developer make stuff easy to find

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@holly_cummins #RedHat adding developer experience improvements here is easy

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@holly_cummins #RedHat

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@holly_cummins #RedHat bonus: templates automate all the bits needed to start a new project (CI, build, boilerplate code …)

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@holly_cummins #RedHat → productivity tip for the lazy, happy, developer go beyond infrastructure automation automate knowledge

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#RedHat @holly_cummins

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#RedHat @holly_cummins Guillaume, my CI was red. Is there a known failure in the vertx suite?

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#RedHat @holly_cummins Guillaume, my CI was red. Is there a known failure in the vertx suite? Guillaume, my CI was red. Is there a known failure in the gRPC suite?

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#RedHat @holly_cummins Guillaume, my CI was red. Is there a known failure in the vertx suite? Guillaume, my CI was red. Is there a known failure in the kafka suite? Guillaume, my CI was red. Is there a known failure in the gRPC suite?

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#RedHat @holly_cummins Guillaume, my CI was red. Is there a known failure in the vertx suite? Guillaume, my CI was red. Is there a known failure in the kafka suite? Guillaume, my CI was red. Is there a known failure in the gRPC suite? Guillaume

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#RedHat @holly_cummins Guillaume, my CI was red. Is there a known failure in the vertx suite? Guillaume, my CI was red. Is there a known failure in the kafka suite? Guillaume, my CI was red. Is there a known failure in the gRPC suite? the solution? “auto-Guillaume” Guillaume

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#RedHat @holly_cummins the solution? “auto-Guillaume” with develocity

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#RedHat @holly_cummins the solution? “auto-Guillaume” with develocity

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#RedHat @holly_cummins the solution? “auto-Guillaume” with develocity

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#RedHat @holly_cummins the solution? “auto-Guillaume” with develocity

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#RedHat @holly_cummins

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@holly_cummins #RedHat → productivity tip for the lazy, happy, developer go beyond infrastructure automation make coding better

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@holly_cummins #RedHat let’s talk about quarkus

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@holly_cummins #RedHat

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@holly_cummins #RedHat Java dynamism

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@holly_cummins #RedHat build time Java dynamism

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@holly_cummins #RedHat build time runtime Java dynamism

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@holly_cummins #RedHat build time runtime Java dynamism

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@holly_cummins #RedHat packaging (maven, gradle…) build time runtime Java dynamism

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@holly_cummins #RedHat build time runtime Java dynamism

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@holly_cummins #RedHat build time runtime Java dynamism

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@holly_cummins #RedHat > build time runtime load and parse • config files • properties • yaml • xml • etc. Java dynamism

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@holly_cummins #RedHat > build time runtime Java dynamism

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@holly_cummins #RedHat @ @ > build time runtime • classpath scanning and annotation discovery • attempt to load class to enable/disable features Java dynamism

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@holly_cummins #RedHat @ @ > build time runtime Java dynamism

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@holly_cummins #RedHat @ @ > build time runtime build a metamodel of the world Java dynamism

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@holly_cummins #RedHat @ @ > build time runtime Java dynamism

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@holly_cummins #RedHat @ @ > build time runtime start • thread pools • I/O • etc. Java dynamism

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@holly_cummins #RedHat @ @ > build time runtime ready to do work! Java dynamism

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@holly_cummins #RedHat what if we start the application more than once? @ @ >

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@holly_cummins #RedHat what if we start the application more than once? @ @ > @ @ >

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@holly_cummins #RedHat what if we start the application more than once? @ @ > @ @ > @ @ >

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@holly_cummins #RedHat what if we start the application more than once? @ @ > @ @ > @ @ > @ @ >

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@holly_cummins #RedHat what if we start the application more than once? @ @ > @ @ > @ @ > @ @ >

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@holly_cummins #RedHat what if we start the application more than once? @ @ > @ @ > @ @ > @ @ > so much work gets redone every time

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@holly_cummins #RedHat what if we initialize at build time? @ @ > build time runtime

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@holly_cummins #RedHat what if we initialize at build time? @ @ > build time runtime

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@holly_cummins #RedHat what if we initialize at build time? @ @ > build time runtime start • thread pools • I/O • etc.

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@holly_cummins #RedHat what if we initialize at build time? @ @ > build time runtime ready to do work! start • thread pools • I/O • etc.

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@holly_cummins #RedHat repeated starts are now efficient @ @ >

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@holly_cummins #RedHat repeated starts are now efficient @ @ >

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@holly_cummins #RedHat repeated starts are now efficient @ @ >

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@holly_cummins #RedHat repeated starts are now efficient @ @ >

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@holly_cummins #RedHat repeated starts are now efficient @ @ >

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@holly_cummins #RedHat repeated starts are now efficient @ @ >

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@holly_cummins #RedHat repeated starts are now efficient @ @ > less wasted work

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@holly_cummins #RedHat outcome

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@holly_cummins #RedHat quarkus applications outcome

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@holly_cummins #RedHat quarkus applications - start faster outcome

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@holly_cummins #RedHat quarkus applications - start faster - use less memory outcome

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@holly_cummins #RedHat quarkus applications - start faster - use less memory - have higher throughput outcome

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@holly_cummins #RedHat

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@holly_cummins #RedHat adding developer experience improvements here is expensive

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@holly_cummins #RedHat adding developer experience improvements here is expensive adding developer experience improvements here is cheap

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@holly_cummins #RedHat the dream

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@holly_cummins #RedHat don’t make humans tell the computer what the computer already knows the dream

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@holly_cummins #RedHat don’t make humans tell the computer what the computer already knows the dream is now achievable

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@holly_cummins #RedHat package com.example; import org.jboss.logging.Logger; public class Thing { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Thing.class); public void doSomething() {"It works!"); } }

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@holly_cummins #RedHat package com.example; import org.jboss.logging.Logger; public class Thing { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Thing.class); public void doSomething() {"It works!"); } } import io.quarkus.logging.Log; Log

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@holly_cummins #RedHat public String hello(@QueryParam("name") String name) {

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@holly_cummins #RedHat public String hello(@RestQuery String name) {

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#RedHat @holly_cummins testcontainers integration … without quarkus @TestConfiguration(proxyBeanMethods = false) public class ContainersConfig { @Bean @ServiceConnection public PostgreSQLContainer> postgres() { return new PostgreSQLContainer<>(DockerImageName.parse("postgres:14")); } } public class TestApplication { public static void main(String[] args) { SpringApplication .from(MySpringDataApplication::main) .with(ContainersConfig.class) .run(args); } } @Import(ContainersConfig.class)

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#RedHat @holly_cummins testcontainers integration … without quarkus quarkus

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@holly_cummins #RedHat what if… you could inherit boilerplate Hibernate queries from a superclass, instead of having to write them all? example: hibernate

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@holly_cummins #RedHat @ApplicationScoped public class GreetingRepository { public Entity findByName(int name) { return find("name", name).firstResult(); } void persist(Entity entity) {} void delete(Entity entity) {} Entity findById(Id id) {} List list(String query, Sort sort, Object... params) { return null; } Stream stream(String query, Object... params) { return null; } long count() { return 0; } long count(String query, Object... params) { return 0; } } example: hibernate with panache

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@holly_cummins #RedHat DAO @ApplicationScoped public class GreetingRepository implements PanacheRepository { public Entity findByName(int name) { return find("name", name).firstResult(); } } example: hibernate with panache

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@holly_cummins #RedHat machine efficiency unlocked human efficiency

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@holly_cummins #RedHat machine efficiency unlocked human efficiency and human joy

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@holly_cummins #RedHat this isn’t using gen AI to automate code generation this is making the need for the code go away

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@holly_cummins #RedHat

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@holly_cummins #RedHat

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@holly_cummins #RedHat

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@holly_cummins #RedHat

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@holly_cummins #RedHat

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@holly_cummins #RedHat

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@holly_cummins #RedHat

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@holly_cummins #RedHat

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@holly_cummins #RedHat 70% unnecessary code

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@holly_cummins #RedHat 70% unnecessary code code isn’t an asset it’s a liability

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@holly_cummins #RedHat but if you do have to write boring code … gen AI can help a lot.

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@holly_cummins #RedHat but if you do have to write boring code … gen AI can help a lot. gen AI can (sometimes) help a lot.

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#RedHat @holly_cummins measurement

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#RedHat @holly_cummins don’t just shift work from the measured pile to the unmeasured pile

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#RedHat @holly_cummins don’t just measure what is easiest to measure

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#RedHat @holly_cummins we can measure “time at the computer!”

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#RedHat @holly_cummins we can measure “time at the computer!” desks are not the only place value is created

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#RedHat @holly_cummins we can measure “time at the computer!” desks are not the only place value is created

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#RedHat @holly_cummins

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#RedHat @holly_cummins 14% took showers specifically for the purpose of coming up with ideas

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#RedHat @holly_cummins I am most productive while - showering - running

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#RedHat @holly_cummins I am most productive while - showering - running this slide was written while running

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@holly_cummins #RedHat → productivity tip for the lazy, happy, developer use voice memo to capture all the work you do while running * the text on this slide was originally a voice memo

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@holly_cummins #RedHat

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@holly_cummins #RedHat but what if you’re not debugging- in-your-head while running?

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@holly_cummins #RedHat but what if you’re not debugging- in-your-head while running? what if you’re feeding chocolate

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@holly_cummins #RedHat but what if you’re not debugging- in-your-head while running? what if you’re feeding chocolate into the office fan, to see what happens?

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@holly_cummins #RedHat

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@holly_cummins #RedHat we work in a creative industry

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@holly_cummins #RedHat we work in a creative industry play helps creativity

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#RedHat @holly_cummins creativity brings us joy

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@holly_cummins #RedHat productivity happiness

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@holly_cummins #RedHat it’s not a trade-off. productivity happiness

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@holly_cummins #RedHat it’s not a trade-off. productivity happiness it’s a double-win.

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@holly_cummins #RedHat ours is the only profession where “lazy” is a compliment

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@holly_cummins #RedHat we need to make it a profession where “happy” is also a compliment

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#RedHat @holly_cummins

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#RedHat @holly_cummins takeaways

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#RedHat @holly_cummins takeaways - joy has business value

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#RedHat @holly_cummins takeaways - joy has business value - get rid of dumb work

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#RedHat @holly_cummins takeaways - joy has business value - get rid of dumb work - if you can’t get rid of the work, make computers do the work

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#RedHat @holly_cummins takeaways - joy has business value - get rid of dumb work - if you can’t get rid of the work, make computers do the work - don’t make humans tell the computer things the computer already knows

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#RedHat @holly_cummins takeaways - joy has business value - get rid of dumb work - if you can’t get rid of the work, make computers do the work - don’t make humans tell the computer things the computer already knows - get rid of flab from the programming model (like quarkus does!)

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#RedHat @holly_cummins takeaways - joy has business value - get rid of dumb work - if you can’t get rid of the work, make computers do the work - don’t make humans tell the computer things the computer already knows - get rid of flab from the programming model (like quarkus does!) - measure the important metric, not the one that’s easy to measure

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@holly_cummins #RedHat thank you slides