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Dr. Javier Gonzalez-Sanchez [email protected] o ffi ce: 14 -227 CSC 305 Individual Software Design and Development Lecture 01. Course Presentation

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First n a me L a st n a me Dr. J a vier Gonz a lez-S a nchez j a viergs@c a www.j a Contact Information

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Where Am I from?

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www.j a a ching/ At CSU: Softw a re Engineering (CSC 305, CSC 307, 308, 309, 508, 509) Hum a n-Computer Inter a ction (CSC 486 a nd CSC 570) Teaching

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Your Turn • Wh a t is your n a me (or how you go by it)? • Are you pro f icient in progr a mming with J a v a ? • Did you took 307/308/309?

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Course Content

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Key Ideas • Individual (well, sometimes team of two) • Design (Software Design) • Development 9

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Individual | Code is meant for human consumption 10

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Individual | Code is meant for human consumption • Someone else is going to re a d my code. • Someone else is going to try to modify or extend my code. • My code should be Open a nd Close. • Wh a t m a kes code e a sy to underst a nd? • St a nd a rd Problems h a ve St a nd a rd Solutions 11

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Design | Manufacturing vs. Crafting Standard Solutions

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Design | Manufacturing vs. Crafting • Anybody c a n do progr a mming. • You a re Engineers a nd Scientists, therefore … • Wh a t a bout te a m-working? "Gre a t te a ms a re built when good individu a ls bring their strengths together.” • CSC 305 is a bout the individu a l 13

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Tools 14

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Topics • Week 1: Course Overview • Week 2: Object-Oriented Design • Week 3: Exceptions, Logging, Error H a ndling • Week 4: Memory M a n a gement • Week 5: Disk-b a sed Dyn a mic D a t a Structures • Week 6: File I/O • Week 7: Cre a ting Libr a ries a nd APIs • Week 8: Best Pr a ctices for Reuse • Week 9: Individu a l Project • Week 10: Fin a l Ex a m Week 16

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Guidelines 17 Attendance (participation) is Expected

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Guidelines 18 Hours per Week

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Guidelines 19 Late Assignments

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Guidelines 20 Regularly visit our course page on Canvas

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Grading 21 Project

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Grading 22

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Homework: Review Java Read The Java Tutorials (Links available on Canvas) As needed

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Homework: Style Guide Read Java Style Guide Apply it Always!

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Questions 27

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Lab 01

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Lab 01 Show me your Java programming "best" skills in developing a "smart" Tic-Tac-Toe(text mode but bonus points for GUI) Team of (max) 2. Individual work is OK

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Lab 01 Do not forget:

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Hint (for text-based apps)

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CSC 305 Individual Software Design and Development Javier Gonzalez-Sanchez, Ph.D. [email protected] Winter 2025 Copyright. These slides can only be used as study material for the class CSC305 at Cal Poly. They cannot be distributed or used for another purpose.