DiffUtil and ListAdapter
Masatoshi Kubode
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©2018 Wantedly, Inc. DiffUtil and ListAdapter potatotips 50 19.Apr.2018 - Masatoshi Kubode
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©2018 Wantedly, Inc. Self introduction Masatoshi Kubode Twitter: @swiz_ard GitHub: @kubode Qiita: @kubode Wantedly Visit UserGrowth
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©2018 Wantedly, Inc. 1. DiffUtil 2. ListAdapter 3. Demo Agenda
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©2018 Wantedly, Inc. DiffUtil
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©2018 Wantedly, Inc. • Calculates the differences between 2 lists • Detects change, insert, remove, move • Move detection is optional • O(n) • 1000 / 50 modifications 4.6ms on Nexus 5X DiffUtil
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©2018 Wantedly, Inc. ListAdapter
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©2018 Wantedly, Inc. • Added in support library 27.1.0 • A RecyclerView.Adapter using DiffUtil • Just submitList(newItems) • Calculates the diff on a background thread • Notify diff results on the main thread ListAdapter
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©2018 Wantedly, Inc. Demo ListAdapter
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©2018 Wantedly, Inc. • Should not use with MutableList • Does nothing if same instance submitted ListAdapter Important point
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©2018 Wantedly, Inc. Conclusion
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©2018 Wantedly, Inc. • DiffUtil automates the adapter notification • Simplify around the adapter operations Conclusion
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©2018 Wantedly, Inc. https://github.com/kubode/DiffUtil-sample Repository
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©2018 Wantedly, Inc. Thanks