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an introduction to FlowType Gabriele Petronella software engineer @ buildo twitter: @gabro27

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me, hi!

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Software engineer at buildo

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What is Flowtype?

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What is Flowtype? function add(x, y) { return x + y; } add(2, 3); add(2, true); // oh, come on!

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What is Flowtype static typing? function add(x: number, y: number) { return x + y; } add(2, 3); // ok! add(2, true); // boolean. This type is incompatible ...

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Static typing

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Clarity function addListener( event: string, listener: Function ): EventEmitter; vs function addListener(event, listener); // good luck

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Especially when /** * Adds a listener * @param {string} event - The event * @param {string} listener - The listener * @return {object} An EventEmitter */ function addListener(event, listener); // types, nah..

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but also

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Static typing in JS (?!)

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Flowtype "vs" Typescript It's a bit like React vs Angular. Different scopes. Let's see what are we talking about.

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Flowtype "vs" Typescript (cont'd) Typescript is a language that compiles to JS. It has language features that are not present in JS. Examples: enums, visibility modifiers, short-hand constructors...

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Flowtype "vs" Typescript (cont'd) Flow is a typechecker. It doesn't compile to anything, it just typechecks.

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Flowtype + Babel ~= Typescript (or at least you can compare them) and actually Flowtype + Babel + Webpack ~= Typescript

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Flowtype "vs" Typescript (cont'd) • Typescript is a lot more stable • Typescript cares a lot less about soundness • Typescript's type system is less powerful • Typescript "pushes" you to its own buildchain • Type definitions are vastly more available on Typescript

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Flowtype, get started npm install -g flow-bin # per project flow init

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Flowtype, get started (cont'd) Add the @flow pragma to all the files you want Flow to consider /* @flow */ const answer = 42; // typechecks!

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Easy on-boarding Since you have to whitelist files, on-boarding is really easy. You can tinker with JS, and then progressively make your code base more solid. You have an option, which is very unobstrutive and easy to bail from.

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Optionality is the property of asymmetric upside with correspondingly limited downside — Nassim Taleb

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Easy on-boarding (cont'd) Flow's type inference is extremely aggressive and you may benefit from it even without type annotations.

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DEMO! Type inference

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Type inference // oh, I see, an array of strings const names = [" foo", "bar ", "baz"]; // ah no, an array of strings and numbers names.push(2); // wait, you can't trim a number! => name.trim());

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Native types So, yes Flow knows about string, number and all the other native types you would expect. Also, it ships with typings for the JS standard library and some very common API such as the DOM, Node.js and React.

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Special types • mixed is supertype of all types. • any type can be used where a mixed is required. • any is both supertype and subtype of all the types • any type can be used where a any is required. • it can fit where anything is required

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DEMO! any vs mixed

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any vs mixed In general, prefer mixed.

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Composite types const user: { name: string, age: number } = { // |-------- the type ---------| name: 'Gabriele', age: 27 };

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Type aliases type User = { name: string, age: number }; const user: User = { name: 'Gabriele', age: 27 }; function getFriendsOf(user: User): Array { ... }

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Quiz! const names = ['foo', 42]; What's the type of names?

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Union types const names = ['foo', 42]; So, what's the type of names? Answer: Array string | number is what we call union type

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DEMO Dealing with union types

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Dealing with union types function getUser(userId: string): Error | User { ... } const result = getUser("foo"); if (result instanceof Error) { console.log('AAAAAHHH!'); } else { console.log(; }

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Quiz! What's the (inferred) return type of foo? function foo(x: number) { if (x > 42) { return x; } }

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Let's try! function foo(x: number): number { if (x > 42) { return x; } } NOPE! We return number in some cases, but in others we can return undefined.

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Let's try again! function foo(x: number): number | void { if (x > 42) { return x; } } (void is the type of undefined) YEP! That's the return type.

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Ok, that seems pretty common... A | void | null has a syntax shorthand in Flow Meet ?A the nullable type

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Our final attempt function foo(x: number): ?number { if (x > 42) { return x; } }

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DEMO! Dealing with nullable types

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Dealing with nullable types const longName = names.find(name => name.length > 20); if (longName) { longName.substring(0, 1); } // or if (longName != null) { longName.substring(0, 1); }

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Adopting Flow vademecum

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$FlowFixMe type User = { name: string }; // $FlowFixMe const u: User = { foo: 'hey' }; Disables typechecking on the next line

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weak mode // @flow weak less aggressive type inference, useful when starting on a new project.

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force the hand of the typecheker const x: number = 'foo'; // sorry, nope const y: number = (('foo': any): number); // oh, ok

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Third-party modules You have some dependencies right? npm install -g flow-typed npm install --save-dev flow-bin flow-typed install It will install every compatible type definition it finds.

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Stripping types With Babel npm install -D babel-plugin-transform-flow-strip-types { "plugins": ["transform-flow-strip-types"] } With flow-remove-types npm install -g flow-remove-types flow-remove-types src/ --out-dir lib/ flow-node index.js # or run directly

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A wild demo appears!

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Useful resources • https:/ / • https:/ / • Jeff Morrison - A Deepdive into Flow https:/ / watch?v=VEaDsKyDxkY • https:/ /

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Wrap up • a typechecker, not a language • powerful type system • easy to adopt, easy to leave

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THANK YOU! Questions? function speaker(question): ?answer { // TODO } Twitter: @gabro27