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for developers @iamctodd #designsprint design s

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warm-up challenge #1

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warm-up challenge #2

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How do you know the code you write will be used?

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A tale of an idea

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“Example” quotes.

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A team of 12 ..?! $90k..??

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no. @#$%’n. way.

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No content

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No content

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11 evolution revolution Innovation Team Existing CTCT Team MVC Minimum Viable Concept MVP Minimum Viable Product build clarify scale New Team PRODUCT pilot integrate Project Team EXISTING PRODUCT

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No content

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NAMES design sprint

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design spike

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product discovery

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discovery session

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deep dive

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discovery sprint

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! Understand Diverge Converge Build Test

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Source:;; Empathize Define Prototype Test Ideate Discovery Interpretation Experimentation Evolution Ideation

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Define Understand Build Test Ideate Understand Diverge Prototype Validate Decide 2013 Unpack Sketch Prototype Test Decide 2015 Understand Diverge Build Test Converge Empathize Define Prototype Test Ideate

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Phase 1 Understand Phase 2 Diverge Phase 3 Converge Phase 4 Build Phase 5 Test Get the Background Gear Up Scrutinize Your Work Build Prototype Test Interviews Get Inspired Generate Solutions Team Sketching Structure Interviews Daily Retrospective Define the Problem Daily Retrospective Prototype Sketch Daily Retrospective Project Wrap-up Know the User Daily Retrospective Finish Prototype Daily Retrospective !

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No content

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understand Get the Background Introductions Rules of the Design Sprint Introduce the Idea Parking Lot Review Agenda Pitch Practice Review Research and Past Work ! Get Inspired Goals & Anti-goals Existing Product, Competitors, and Substitutes Facts and Assumptions ! Define the Problem Problem Statement Challenge Map(s) ! Know the User Who / Do Personas User Journey Map ! Wrap-up Daily Retrospective

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understand Get the Background Introductions Rules of the Design Sprint Introduce the Idea Parking Lot Review Agenda Pitch Practice Review Research and Past Work ! Get Inspired Goals & Anti-goals Existing Product, Competitors, and Substitutes Facts and Assumptions ! Define the Problem Problem Statement Challenge Map(s) ! Know the User Who / Do Personas User Journey Map ! Wrap-up Daily Retrospective

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pitch practice

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facts, assumptions, questions

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assumptions questions facts

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what’s an assumption?

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Connect 9 dots Use four straight lines or less Do not lift pen once you start No reversing

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ten minutes...

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five minutes...

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so.. what’s the problem?

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problem statement

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user journey

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No content

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ten minutes...

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diverge Gear Up Review Agenda and Rules Pitch Practice Background Phase Recap Job-Stories ! Generate Solutions Mind Map 8-Ups (aka Crazy Eights) Storyboard Silent critique Group critique Super vote ! Wrap-up Daily Retrospective

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diverge Gear Up Review Agenda and Rules Pitch Practice Background Phase Recap Job-Stories ! Generate Solutions Mind Map 6-Ups (aka Crazy Eights) Storyboard Silent critique Group critique Super vote ! Wrap-up Daily Retrospective

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job stories

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When ___SITUATION___ happens, I want/need __MOTIVATION__ so that I can __OUTCOME__.

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three minutes...

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six-up: six different ideas in 5 minutes

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No content

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five minutes...

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@iamctodd #designsprint break 3:00 to 3:30pm

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No content

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ten minutes...

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converge Get Started Describe Converge Pitch Practice (yes, again!) ! Scrutinize Your Work Recap Background $100 Test Assumptions Table Identify Alternative ! Wireframe Prototype Team Sketching - I Ritual Dissent Team Sketching – II Final Sketch ! Wrap-up Daily Retrospective

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converge Get Started Describe Converge Pitch Practice (yes, again!) ! Scrutinize Your Work Recap Background $100 Test Assumptions Table Identify Alternative ! Wireframe Prototype Team Sketching - I Ritual Dissent Team Sketching – II Final Sketch ! Wrap-up Daily Retrospective

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dot vote venn diagram 2x2 matrix

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assumptions table

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No content

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ten minutes...

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No content

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ten minutes...

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build Prototype Refine Screens Build it! ! Test Interview Prep Define Pre-roll questions Define Tasks Define post-roll questions Confirm Interviews ! Wrap-up Daily Retrospective

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build Prototype Refine Screens Build it! ! Confirm Interviews Define Pre-roll questions Define Tasks Define post-roll questions Confirm Interviews ! Wrap-up Daily Retrospective

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66 Lo Hi Interactive Fidelity Hi

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paper prototype

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interview structure

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Pre-roll questions Tasks / Interview Post-roll questions

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ten minutes...

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test ! Interviews #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 ! ! Wrap-up Daily Retrospective Sprint Retrospective !

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test ! Interviews #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 ! ! Wrap-up Daily Retrospective Sprint Retrospective !

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test with two teams

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five minutes...

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five minutes... second test

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what .. worked? ..was validated?

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what’s next?

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} } } DESIGN SPRINT JUMP START AGILE SCRUM Define Understand Build Test Ideate WEEK 1 Refine Build Test WEEK 2 Refine Build Test WEEK 3 Refine Build Test WEEK 4

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source: SMashing Mag/D. Dimmick SPRINT

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! Understand Diverge Converge Build Test

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MORE? @iamctodd Early Release on O’Reilly Media design

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@iamctodd #designsprint design s

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get answers .. by talking to users!

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A = Interviewer B = Speaker C = Observer

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one minute...

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C = Interviewer A = Speaker B = Observer

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one minute...

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B = Interviewer C = Speaker A = Observer

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one minute...

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what did you.. see? hear? observe?

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Thought Process Observation Insight Trend Refined Problem

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Observation Observation Insight Trend

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reframe it

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Too Broad HMW redesign dessert? Just Right HMW redesign ice-cream to be more portable? Too Narrow HMW design a cone for ice cream that won’t drip?

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what are you solving for? really