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You’ve Lost that Leader Feelin’: How to be a Leader in the 21st Century Sarah Hagan @thesarahhagan Sarah Hagan @thesarahhagan QCon SF 2018

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Sarah Hagan @thesarahhagan QCon SF 2018 1 What are your leadership strengths? 2 What are your areas of opportunity? 3 What are you hoping to learn today? *Basically Belinda Carlisle Oooh, baby, do you know what that’s worth? Oooh, heaven’s managing on earth!*

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Sarah Hagan @thesarahhagan QCon SF 2018 Subject matter expert Team member People manager *Practically Paul Simon If you’ll be my manager, I can be your long lost pal, I can call you Betty, Betty when you call me, you can call me Al.

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Hold me closer, Tiny Manager.* 1 *Exactly Elton John Sarah Hagan QCon SF 2018 @thesarahhagan Empathy and Self-Awareness

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Sarah Hagan @thesarahhagan QCon SF 2018 I shot the sheriff, but I did not show him empathy.* *Non-Empathetic Eric Clapton

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I don’t need dollar bills to have empathy (I love cheap thrills!).* *Sounds like Sia Ask open-ended questions Follow up Be curious Allow for pauses Listen 90% Talk 10% Sarah Hagan @thesarahhagan QCon SF 2018

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2 Sarah Hagan QCon SF 2018 @thesarahhagan Building Relationships Is this the real life? Is this just managing? *Quite Possibly Queen

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Sarah Hagan @thesarahhagan *Not Quite Naughty by Nature QCon SF 2018 You down with em-pa-thy? Yeah, you know me!* Breadth Depth

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Sarah Hagan @thesarahhagan Hey now, you’re an empath, get your game on, go play!* *SmashSarahMouth QCon SF 2018 Less critical Most critical

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Sarah Hagan @thesarahhagan *Jay-Z j/k-ing QCon SF 2018 I got 99 problems and my team’s not one.* Name Formal Role Informal Role Interests Sarah Data scientist, statistician Chief Gratitude Officer Research, design thinking Andrew Data scientist, UX Network connector Data governance, qual. data Ben Director Fun bringer Design thinking, brainstorming Val Instructional designer Comedic relief, tea provider Org development/design

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Sarah Hagan @thesarahhagan QCon SF 2018 Career Capabilities Connections Contributions Blame it on the e-e-e-e-e-e-empathy.* *Should’ve been Jamie Foxx

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3 Sarah Hagan QCon SF 2018 @thesarahhagan Feedback and Coaching Feedback, with the force don’t stop— don’t stop ‘til you give enough!* *Manager Michael Jackson

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Feedback in black, I hit the sack, I’ve been too long, I’m glad to get feedback.* *Not Actually AC/DC Sarah Hagan @thesarahhagan QCon SF 2018

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Feedback, feedback, feedback to where you once belonged.* *Basically the Beatles Seek Feedback Give Feedback Sarah Hagan @thesarahhagan QCon SF 2018

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Sarah Hagan @thesarahhagan 1 Talk face-to-face 2 Prime the feedback 3 No sandwich protocol 4 Make it timely 5 Focus on the SBI 6 Follow up when appropriate We are never ever ever giving feedback together.* *Totally Taylor Swift QCon SF 2018

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*Joking Journey Don’t stop be-leadin’, hold onto that feelin’! SITUATION BEHAVIOR IMPACT Anchored in time and place; be specific Observable action; only what you heard/saw On you, others, task, or company Sarah Hagan @thesarahhagan QCon SF 2018

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Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes!* 4 *Definitely David Bowie Sarah Hagan QCon SF 2018 @thesarahhagan Empowerment and Leading Through Change

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Sarah Hagan @thesarahhagan QCon SF 2018 Anarchy! Self-managed, goal-directed Turned off; worst of all! Wasted potential Specify ends? Specify means? Sometimes leadin’ don’t feel like it should, Leading hurts so good.* *John Mellencamp Managing No Yes No Yes

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Technical Adaptive Problem Definition Clearly defined Not clear; requires learning Solutions Clear; optimize execution Requires experimentation Feelings Logical Emotional Work Processes Can use what exists Challenges existing processes Leadership Authoritative Stakeholders brought along Sarah Hagan @thesarahhagan QCon SF 2018 I’m starting with the man in the mirror, I’m asking him to change his ways.* *Actually Michael Jackson

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It’s just another manic manager.* CORE EMERGING LEGACY What’s not changing? What’s changing? What are the new expectations? What’s being left behind? Sarah Hagan @thesarahhagan QCon SF 2018 *Basically The Bangles

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Oooh, we’re halfway there, Oooh—ooh, leadin’ with a prayer!* Slides: Links to resources (including handout copies): Sarah Hagan @thesarahhagan QCon SF 2018 *Boss Bon Jovi