Slide 21
Slide 21 text
- [Hu+19] Diachronic Sense Modeling with Deep Contextualized Word
Embeddings: An Ecological View, ACL2019
- [Giulianelli+20] Analysing Lexical Semantic Change with Contextualised
Word Representations, ACL2020
- [Montariol+21] Scalable and Interpretable Semantic Change Detection,
- [Loureiro+22] TimeLMs: Diachronic Language Models from Twitter, ACL2022
- [Aida+21] A Comprehensive Analysis of PMI-based Models for Measuring
Semantic Differences, PACLIC2021
- [Qiu+22] HistBERT: A Pre-trained Language Model for Diachronic Lexical
Semantic Analysis, arxiv
- [Martinc+20] Leveraging Contextual Embeddings for Detecting Diachronic
Semantic Shift, LREC2020
- [Rosin+22] Time Masking for Temporal Language Models, WSDM2022