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Page 59
of this page in my website, what's working and what's not working? And
we will give them a key code and we'll say, "This element is green, it's
working. This element is red, it's not working." We are so far from that
here, right? Like, we're starting so far in a position where we then have to
transfer this into a Miro board and have to synth it and analyse it, and
then we have to make so many steps to get to that end point. It wasn't
working to me. It didn't quite click. I hope you've all seen this slide - this
is one of my favourites. Tell me why? Why do we note-take? We have a
client who's asked us a question, particularly for usability testing, we have
a client who's asked us a question. They want to know something, they
want an answer. Do we have to make changes? Do we have to improve
things? "Is it really great and we can just keep it as it is?" We need to ask
ourselves this, "Why do we use the templates that we have?" Is it
because that's just what's always existed? We know that there's huge
danger in that, we can't use what's always existed. We need to question
ourselves and ask why we use the things that we do. Alright, go here. So,
what I was thinking with the team, what was working and what was not
working - let's start at the end. So, ultimately, we are going to do some
usability testing, we are going to give our client the results. Why don't we
start here? Instead of working in an Excel document, instead of working
in a Word document, we're going to start in Miro, we're going to put our
pages we're interested in, chuck them straight into Miro and note-take
directly into Miro. That's gonna work and it will be great. It did not work
and it was not great! (LAUGHTER) So, this was about a year and a half
ago, and a couple of the team who were on this project, we had a big
debrief after this first session. I said, "It will be great, it will be fun." It
was super confusing. The team had to note-take live during the usability
testing session. Comments were everywhere. It was all sorts of
not-working. What do we do? We're HCD practitioners, we iterate, right?