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exploring git repos with SQL gitbase and source{d} engine

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Francesc Campoy VP of Developer Relations [email protected] @francesc

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just for func

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just for func li !

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Agenda ● What is gitbase? ● How was it built? ● Q&A

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What is gitbase?

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Slide 7 text ● SQL interface to git repositories ● Open Source ● Written in Go

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LANGUAGE(path, content): Returns the language of a file given its path and contents. Powered by Some custom functions

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Lines of code per language # total lines of code per language in the Go repo SELECT lang, SUM(lines) as total_lines FROM ( SELECT t.tree_entry_name as name, LANGUAGE(t.tree_entry_name, b.blob_content) AS lang, ARRAY_LENGTH(SPLIT(b.blob_content, '\n')) as lines FROM refs r NATURAL JOIN commits c NATURAL JOIN commit_trees ct NATURAL JOIN tree_entries t NATURAL JOIN blobs b WHERE r.ref_name = 'HEAD' ) AS lines WHERE lang is not null GROUP BY lang ORDER BY total_lines DESC;

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Lines of code per language # total lines of code per language in the Go repo SELECT lang, SUM(lines) as total_lines FROM ( SELECT t.tree_entry_name as name, LANGUAGE(t.tree_entry_name, b.blob_content) AS lang, ARRAY_LENGTH(SPLIT(b.blob_content, '\n')) as lines FROM refs r NATURAL JOIN commits c NATURAL JOIN commit_trees ct NATURAL JOIN tree_entries t NATURAL JOIN blobs b WHERE r.ref_name = 'HEAD' ) AS lines WHERE lang is not null GROUP BY lang ORDER BY total_lines DESC;

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Some custom functions UAST(content, language, [filter]): Returns the Universal Abstract Syntax Tree resulting of parsing the given content in the given language. Powered by

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SELECT files.repository_id, files.file_path, ARRAY_LENGTH(UAST( files.blob_content, LANGUAGE(files.file_path, files.blob_content), '//*[@roleFunction and @roleDeclaration]') ) as functions FROM files NATURAL JOIN refs WHERE LANGUAGE(files.file_path,files.blob_content) = 'Go' AND refs.ref_name = 'HEAD' Number of functions per Go file

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SELECT files.repository_id, files.file_path, ARRAY_LENGTH(UAST( files.blob_content, LANGUAGE(files.file_path, files.blob_content), '//*[@roleFunction and @roleDeclaration]') ) as functions FROM files NATURAL JOIN refs WHERE LANGUAGE(files.file_path,files.blob_content) = 'Go' AND refs.ref_name = 'HEAD' Number of functions per Go file

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source{d} Engine ● Too many moving pieces ● Too many steps to get started ● Solving it all with the power of Docker!

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No content

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No content

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Demo Time!

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How was gitbase built?

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vitess (by YouTube)

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go-mysql-server ● Ready to run MySQL server ● Extensible via interfaces Database and Table ● Example:

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Making it go faster

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Indexes ● SQL Indexes can speed up queries substantially ● Vitess doesn’t provide this ● Pilosa does!

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Caches ● Caching is the obvious option to make queries faster ● We didn’t want to reinvent the wheel ● We didn’t have to, thanks to Hashicorp ● Based on

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● The regexp package in Go is linear, but not always faster ● Alternative: (onigurama) Regular Expressions

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We want you!

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And we’re hiring!

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Thanks! @francesc