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Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100

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Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Developer Consultant @ Thinktecture AG Sascha Lehmann @derLehmann_S [email protected] Spezialisierung: Angular und UI/UX

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Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Consultant @ Thinktecture AG Christian Liebel @christianliebel [email protected] Spezialisierung: Angular, PWA, Cross-Platform

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09:00–10:30 Part I 10:30–11:00 Break 11:00–12:30 Part II 12:30–13:30 Lunch Break 13:30–15:00 Part III 15:00–15:30 Break 15:30–17:00 Part IV Timetable von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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Expectations Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100

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Questions: anytime! Hands-on labs (everyone can participate) Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Setup LAB #N

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1. What is Angular? 2. Why SPA? 3. Angular CLI 4. Modules 5. Bindings 6. Pipes 7. Components 8. Input/Output 9. Directives 10.Dependency Injection Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Agenda

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11. Services 12. Structural Directives 13. Observables & RxJS 14. HttpClient 15. Lifecycle Hooks 16. Async Pipe 17. Routing 18. Template-Driven Forms 19. Debugging Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Agenda

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The next best todo list app! Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Our Demo Use-Case

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1. What is Angular? von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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SPA Framework Cross- Platform Platform- agnostic Open- source What is Angular? von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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Technical Basis Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Angular

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Release Schedule Time-based release schedule (6 months) • March/April: even version • September/October: odd version Deprecation Policy • Compatibility to previous major version (1 year) • Long-Term Supported Version (critical fixes/security patches only) • Current Version -> 15 Angular von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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2. Why SPA? von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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Properties • Fat clients (i.e., load everything they need to run during bootstrap) • A change of the view does not lead to a server-side page navigation Single-Page Web Applications (SPA) von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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Advantages • Very performant • Works offline • No special server requirements (i.e., serving static files is sufficient) Disadvantages • Some logic (i.e., computation- intensive) can only be run on a server (connection required) • Logic is transfered to the client (code can’t be kept secret) Single-Page Web Applications (SPA) von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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Architecture Single-Page Web Applications (SPA) Server- Logik Web API Push Service Web API DBs HTML, JS, CSS, Assets Webserver Webbrowser SPA Client- Logik View HTML/CSS View HTML/CSS View HTML/CSS HTTPS WebSockets HTTPS HTTPS von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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Cross-Platform Support Single-Page Web Applications (SPA) JS HTML CSS .ipa .exe .app ELF .apk .appx Single-Page Web Application Capacitor Electron von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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3. Angular CLI von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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Features Angular CLI von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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Features Angular CLI von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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Features Angular CLI von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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Features Angular CLI von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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Features Angular CLI von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Let’s try out StackBlitz LAB #0

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4. Modules von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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Application Segmentation UI-related components (BookModule) UI-related components (TodoModule) Logic/ infrastructure components (BookModule) Logic/ infrastructure components (TodoModule) Modules von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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Angular Building Blocks UI-related components (BookModule) UI-related components (TodoModule) Logic/ infrastructure components (BookModule) Logic/ infrastructure components (TodoModule) Modules Components Directives Pipes High-Level Services Low-Level Services von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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Modules Components Directives Pipes Modules Services von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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Dependency Tree AppModule TodoModule CommonModule BookModule CommonModule TicketModule ShopModule EditorModule Modules von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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For the future Modules von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart Standalone Components Directives Pipes !

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5. Bindings von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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UI references a property on the component instance that should be interpolated Or: UI references a method on the component instance that should be called on a certain event Automatically updates UI when the model is updated Keeps presentation and model in sync Data Binding von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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btnCalc lblVal von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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{{ Moustache Syntax von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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Handlebars von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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Interpolation Component view (HTML) {{ value }} Component logic (TS) @Component(/* … */) export class AppComponent { public value = 'Hello'; } Bindings von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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Interpolation Component view (HTML) {{ value }} Component logic (TS) @Component(/* … */) export class AppComponent { public value = 'Hello'; } Bindings von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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[ ] ( ) More Bindings von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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Pass data in Bind to a certain property of a DOM node or component/directive Property Binding [ ] von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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More options Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Property Bindings

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Get data out Bind to a certain event of a DOM node or component/directive Event Binding ( ) von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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Event Binding von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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- Interpolations - Property Bindings - Event Bindings Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Bindings LAB #1

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Magic value: $event Contains the event arguments Event Binding ( ) von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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Event Binding LAB #2 von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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6. Pipes von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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UI-related Re-usable Manipulate binding values for the view without changing the underlying value (one-way) UI-related components (BookModule) UI-related components (TodoModule) Logic/ infrastructure components (BookModule) Logic/ infrastructure components (TodoModule) von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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Principle Pipes Value Pipe Transformed Value von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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Principle Pipes Hello UppercasePipe HELLO von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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Built-in Pipes • uppercase • lowercase • date • number • percent • currency • json Pipes von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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Parameters Pipes can also have parameters delimited by a colon Pipes von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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Built-in Pipes Pipes von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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Custom Pipes Pipes von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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- Interpolation - Built-in pipes - Create a new pipe Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Pipes LAB #3

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7. Components von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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UI-related Re-usable Custom DOM element HTML Template UI-related components (BookModule) UI-related components (TodoModule) Logic/ infrastructure components (BookModule) Logic/ infrastructure components (TodoModule) von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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Principle Components Input 1 Component Output A Input 2 Output B Input 1 Component von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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Components von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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Usage @Component({ selector: 'app-todo', templateUrl: './todo.component.html', styleUrls: ['./todo.component.css'] }) export class AppComponent { } Components von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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- Create a new component - Use the new component in your AppComponent’s template Components LAB #4 von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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8. Input/Output von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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Bindings for component state/events [ ] ( ) Input/Output von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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We want to pass arbitrary data to components: Input von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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Component Perspective Input von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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Property Bindings If you want to bind a static string to a property, you can use a simplified form by leaving out the square brackets. Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Input

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Property Bindings If you want to react to changes (i.e. new value or updated reference) of the property binding, use TypeScript field setters: Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Input

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We want to get informed about custom events: Output von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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Component Perspective Output von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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- Input - Output Input/Output LAB #5 von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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9. Directives von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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UI-related Re-usable Manipulate styling or behaviour of a DOM element Or: Manipulate DOM structure (not covered here) UI-related components (BookModule) UI-related components (TodoModule) Logic/ infrastructure components (BookModule) Logic/ infrastructure components (TodoModule) von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Directives

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Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 HostBinding

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Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 HostListener

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- Create a color directive - Create a click directive Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Directives LAB #6

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10. Dependency Injection von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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Motivation - Low Coupling, High Cohesion - In a unit test, a developer is not interested in arranging a test setup for a complete tax calculation or even performing it. - A developer might be interested in switching between different strategies (e.g. a different tax calculation for Germany and Austria) - Thus: A component should not arrange its dependencies on its own (Inversion of Control, IoC) but rely on an external party instead (dependency injection container/IoC container) Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Dependency Injection

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Goal - DI container is aware of environment - Sets up dependencies accordingly - Low Coupling, High Cohesion Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Dependency Injection DI Container My Calculation Mock TaxCalc Germany TaxCalc ELSTER

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Dependency Tree Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Angular DI RootInjector Module Component Module Component Module Component Component

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Dependency Tree - Angular Dependency Injection is type-based - Only classes can be used as providers and injectables, as interfaces vanish during TypeScript transpilation - Alternative for non-class dependencies: InjectionTokens - Classes have to be marked as @Injectable() if they want to request dependencies - Dependencies can be requested by simply using them as a constructor parameter Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Angular DI

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Self-Register as an Application-wide Singleton @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' }) export class TaxCalculation {} Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Angular DI RootInjector Module Component Module Component Module Component Component

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Providing Dependencies Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Angular DI RootInjector Module Component Module Component Module Component Component

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Consuming Dependencies @Injectable() } Throws an error if dependency cannot be resolved! Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Angular DI

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Consuming Dependencies @Injectable() } Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Angular DI

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Sample ElementRef allows accessing the native rendering host element of the directive or component Retrieved via Dependency Injection constructor(elRef: ElementRef) {} Dependency Injection von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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Storing Dependencies Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Angular DI

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Storing Dependencies } Useful TypeScript feature: Constructor parameter + access modifier automatically creates a field with the same name and type Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Angular DI

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11. Services von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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Not UI-related Re-usable Contain common (domain-specific) logic Contain infrastructure (non-domain-specific) code UI-related components (BookModule) UI-related components (TodoModule) Logic/ infrastructure components (BookModule) Logic/ infrastructure components (TodoModule) von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Service

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- Injecting ElementRef - Injection Tokens - Create a new service Dependency Injection/Services LAB #7 von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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12. Structural Directives von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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UI-related Re-usable Manipulate DOM structure UI-related components (BookModule) UI-related components (TodoModule) Logic/ infrastructure components (BookModule) Logic/ infrastructure components (TodoModule) von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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Conditionally Include Node in DOM Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 *ngIf

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Multiple conditions
Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 *ngSwitchCase

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Repeat DOM Node Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 *ngFor

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Repeat DOM Node
  • Wash my clothes
  • Tidy up the room
  • Mine bitcoin
Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 *ngFor [ "Wash my clothes" "Tidy up the room" "Mine bitcoin" ]

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- *ngIf - *ngFor Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 *ngFor LAB #8

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13. Observables & RxJS von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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Motivation Obviously, not all use cases can be solved synchronously When we are using our to-do API, this will be an asynchronous task (due to network roundtrip) For a fast and fluid user experience, everything that could potentially take longer than 16ms (=> 60 fps) should be done asynchronously! Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Observables

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Motivation Callback Promise Observable Execution Eager Eager Lazy Values Multiple Single Multiple Cancelable No No* Yes Composable No Yes Yes Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Observables

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“Data over Time” (abgerufen am 23.05.2018) Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Observables

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Reactive (abgerufen am 23.05.2018) Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Observables

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Originally known as Reactive Extensions for .NET Open-Source Published for JavaScript, Java, … High-Level Flow Composition Provides an Observable implementation Provides operators (map, throttle, …) Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 RxJS

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Upgrade Synchronous Values to an Observable of(value) à Promise.resolve(value) throwError(err) à Promise.reject(err) Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Observables

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Subscribe Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Observables

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Unsubscribe Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Observables

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Future in Angular Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Observables Signals !

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14. HttpClient von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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Infrastructure service provided by Angular’s @angular/common/http package. Allows setting up HTTP Requests using a TypeScript-friendly interface: - get(url) - post(url, data) - put(url, data) - delete(url) Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 HttpClient

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Service API - Adjust service - Use HttpClient Observables LAB #9 von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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15. Lifecycle Hooks Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100

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- “Technical” lifecycle hook - Called on object construction - Assign fields synchronously - Called once Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Lifecycle Hooks 1. constructor 2. ngOnChanges 3. ngOnInit 4. ngDoCheck 5. ngAfterContentInit 6. ngAfterContentChecked 7. ngAfterViewInit 8. ngAfterViewChecked 9. ngOnDestroy

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- Called when bound properties (Input/Output) change - Event parameters: SimpleChanges (contains previous and current values) - Purpose: React to changes of bound properties - Called repeatedly Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Lifecycle Hooks 1. constructor 2. ngOnChanges 3. ngOnInit 4. ngDoCheck 5. ngAfterContentInit 6. ngAfterContentChecked 7. ngAfterViewInit 8. ngAfterViewChecked 9. ngOnDestroy

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- Called after constructor and first ngOnChanges call - Purpose: Launch asynchronous tasks/offload complex initialization from constructor - No parameters - Called once Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Lifecycle Hooks 1. constructor 2. ngOnChanges 3. ngOnInit 4. ngDoCheck 5. ngAfterContentInit 6. ngAfterContentChecked 7. ngAfterViewInit 8. ngAfterViewChecked 9. ngOnDestroy

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- Called whenever change detection is executed (“check”) - Purpose: React to any change in general - No parameters - Called repeatedly Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Lifecycle Hooks 1. constructor 2. ngOnChanges 3. ngOnInit 4. ngDoCheck 5. ngAfterContentInit 6. ngAfterContentChecked 7. ngAfterViewInit 8. ngAfterViewChecked 9. ngOnDestroy

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- Called after the content (i.e. components/directives and subcomponents/subdirectives) has been initialized - Purpose: Access directives in the component’s content - No parameters - Called once Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Lifecycle Hooks 1. constructor 2. ngOnChanges 3. ngOnInit 4. ngDoCheck 5. ngAfterContentInit 6. ngAfterContentChecked 7. ngAfterViewInit 8. ngAfterViewChecked 9. ngOnDestroy

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- Called whenever change detection has been executed on the content - Purpose: React to any changes in the content - No parameters - Called repeatedly Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Lifecycle Hooks 1. constructor 2. ngOnChanges 3. ngOnInit 4. ngDoCheck 5. ngAfterContentInit 6. ngAfterContentChecked 7. ngAfterViewInit 8. ngAfterViewChecked 9. ngOnDestroy

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- Called after the view (i.e. components/directives and subcomponents/subdirectives) has been initialized - Purpose: Access directives in the component’s view - No parameters - Called once Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Lifecycle Hooks 1. constructor 2. ngOnChanges 3. ngOnInit 4. ngDoCheck 5. ngAfterContentInit 6. ngAfterContentChecked 7. ngAfterViewInit 8. ngAfterViewChecked 9. ngOnDestroy

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- Called whenever change detection has been executed on the view - Purpose: React to any changes in the view - No parameters - Called repeatedly Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Lifecycle Hooks 1. constructor 2. ngOnChanges 3. ngOnInit 4. ngDoCheck 5. ngAfterContentInit 6. ngAfterContentChecked 7. ngAfterViewInit 8. ngAfterViewChecked 9. ngOnDestroy

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- Called before the component/directive is destroyed - Purpose: Clean-up (unsubscribe from observables, unregister from events, …) - No parameters - Called once Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Lifecycle Hooks 1. constructor 2. ngOnChanges 3. ngOnInit 4. ngDoCheck 5. ngAfterContentInit 6. ngAfterContentChecked 7. ngAfterViewInit 8. ngAfterViewChecked 9. ngOnDestroy

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16. Async Pipe von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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Unsubscribe Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Observables

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Let Angular handle subscribing and unsubscribing for you! Makes handling observables as easy as handling synchronous values. Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Async Pipe

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Step 1: Use Observable fields Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Async Pipe

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Step 2: Adjust binding Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Async Pipe

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- Using the async pipe Async Pipe LAB #10 von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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17. Routing von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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We want to map an application state to a certain URL Problem: There’s no server-side roundtrip So we need a different method to map app states to a URL Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Routing

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Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Routing

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Strategies PathLocationStrategy: Use HTML5-based history routing (default) https://localhost:4200/home/users/peter Note: Requires server-side rewriting! HashLocationStrategy: Use classic hash-based routing https://localhost:4200/#/home/users/peter Typically used for cross-platform builds (Electron, Cordova) Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Routing

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Root module Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Routing Optional, default: false

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Child module @NgModule({ declarations: [ ], imports: [ RouterModule.forChild([ /* Routes */ ]) ], providers: [] }) export class OtherModule { } Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Routing

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Routes { path: 'home', component: HomeComponent } Maps a static path to a component http://localhost:4200/home --> HomeComponent Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Routing

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Routes with Parameters { path: 'todos/:id', component: DetailComponent } Route parameter matches any string http://localhost:4200/todos/123 --> DetailComponent http://localhost:4200/todos/abc --> DetailComponent Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Routing

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Route Redirects { path: '', pathMatch: 'full', redirectTo: 'home' } Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Routing

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Wildcard Route { path: '**', component: NotFoundComponent } The wildcard route matches everything and must be the last route. Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Routing

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RouterOutlet Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Routing

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Mind the route order Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Routing “new” matches :id this route never applies

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Creating Links My link Problem: How to assign a dynamic route? Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Routing

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Creating Links My link

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RouterLink Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Routing

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Advanced RouterLink Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Routing

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Accessing Route Parameters } Note: There’s also an activated route snapshot. This snapshot isn’t updated when a route parameter changes. Hence, you should avoid using the snapshot. Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Routing

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Accessing Route Parameters Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Routing

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Accessing Route Parameters - Generate components - Define routes - Router outlet - Router links - Active router links - Activated route Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Routing LAB #11

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Programmatic Routing Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Routing

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Child Routes { path: 'todos', component: TodoComponent, children: [{ path: '', component: TodoListComponent }, { path: ':id', component: TodoDetailComponent }] } Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Routing

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Child Routes { Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Routing app.component.ts todo.component.ts todo-list.component.ts http://localhost:4200/todos

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Not Covered Here - Lazy Loading - Preloading Strategies - Aux Routes - Guards - Resolvers - Router Events Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Routing

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18. Template-Driven Forms von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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Module Import Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Template-Driven Forms

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Two-Way Binding Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Template-Driven Forms

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Two-Way Binding [ ] ( ) Template-Driven Forms von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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Two-Way Binding [( )] Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Template-Driven Forms

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Field Definition Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Template-Driven Forms

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Validation Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Template-Driven Forms

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Validators - required - maxlength - minlength - min - max - pattern - email Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Template-Driven Forms

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Template Reference Variables Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Template-Driven Forms

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- Use a form - Validation Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Template-Driven Forms LAB #12

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Form States State Opposite Description ng-touched ng-untouched Control had focus ng-dirty ng-pristine Control value was changed ng-valid ng-invalid Control value is valid ng-pending Async validation is pending Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Template-Driven Forms

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ngModelOptions Update bound value on submit [ngModelOptions]="{ updateOn: 'submit' }" Update bound value on change (default) [ngModelOptions]="{ updateOn: 'change' }" Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Template-Driven Forms

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ngFormOptions Default update method can also be set on form level:

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19. Debugging von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Chrome DevTools

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ng.probe Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Debugging

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Angular DevTools Chrome DevTools Extension Angular Kickstart von 0 auf 100 Debugging

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Tour of Heroes Bonus Material von 0 auf 100 Angular Kickstart

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Thank you for your kind attention.