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My Practical CLI Tools 21 Oct. 2017 freestyle-mokumoku #33

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Agenda ● Introduce my practical CLI tools.

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Introduce myself (but I'm not a CLI tool!)

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Introduce myself ● Pocke ● Actcat, inc. / SideCI ● RuboCop's core developer ● I'll talk at: ○ 10/24: Supporterz 勉強会 ○ 11/4: VimConf

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Back to the topic

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Do you know CLI tool?

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No content

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CLI tool is a kind of tool for Command Line(e.g. ls, cat).

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Introduce my practical CLI tools

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Introduce my practical CLI tools Important!

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1st: Emo

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Emo ● Emo suggests you emoji ● Installation: ○ $ go get ○ Requirement: go-lang ● DEMO ○ $ emo all ○ $ emo rand 10

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Why emo is practical??? ● Fun for Terminals. ○ Fun git branch names. ○ Fun git commit message. ○ Fun your prompt of terminal. ■ e.g.) $ PROMPT_COMMAND="emo rand 3" ○ Fun… ● Very practical!

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2nd: Flowterm

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Flowterm ● String flows in a terminal. ● Installation: ○ $ gem install flowterm ○ Requirement: Ruby ● DEMO ○ $ echo 'Hello, flowterm!' | flowterm ○ $ cowsay 'Hello' | flowterm

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Why flowterm is practical??? ● In zsh, you can configure `command_not_found_handler` ○ command_not_found_handler() { banner "$*" | flowterm echo "command not found: $*" return 127 } ● Very practical!

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Conclusion ● Emo and Flowterm are very practical! ● And, you can create practical CLI tool easily. Thank you for listening