CLI tool is a kind of
tool for Command
Line(e.g. ls, cat).
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Introduce my practical CLI tools
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Introduce my practical CLI tools
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1st: Emo
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● Emo suggests you emoji
● Installation:
○ $ go get
○ Requirement: go-lang
○ $ emo all
○ $ emo rand 10
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Why emo is practical???
● Fun for Terminals.
○ Fun git branch names.
○ Fun git commit message.
○ Fun your prompt of terminal.
■ e.g.) $ PROMPT_COMMAND="emo rand 3"
○ Fun…
● Very practical!
Why flowterm is practical???
● In zsh, you can configure `command_not_found_handler`
○ command_not_found_handler()
banner "$*" | flowterm
echo "command not found: $*"
return 127
● Very practical!
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● Emo and Flowterm are very practical!
● And, you can create practical CLI tool easily.
Thank you for listening