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The Fourth 'R' Ruby on Ales 2013

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About Me Davy Stevenson / @davystevenson Software Engineering Manager at Elemental Technologies in Portland, OR

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Vision of the Future

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Reading Writing Arithmatic Programming

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Elementary School

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Logic Problem Solving Hands‐on Activity

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Middle School

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Write Basic Programs How Computers Work Algorithms, Data Structures

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High School

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Choice to Specialize Advanced Courses Plus more Basics

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Core Understanding Impact All Industries Tech as a Tool

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Education Today

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Computer Labs Research and Essay Writing

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First Introduction? High School!

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Two Tracks Word + Excel Building Computers Programming?

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10% Teach Programming

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Sine & Cosine vs For & While

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Money == Motivation? Tangible Interesting

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Stereotypes Form Early Moldable

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Fear of Engineering == Fear of Math

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Raise Your Hand Computer Internet

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20% No Internet Access Under $15K? 43%

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9% Outside Internet Access School, Work, Library

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STEM Interest Access to Tech Income & Minority Status

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Who Cares? Affirmative Action? Globalization Threat? Dwindling Workforce?

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Cultivate Creativity Different Background Different Perspective Different Ideas

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Drive Innovation

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Breaking Stereotypes

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Early Engagement Hands‐on Activities Collaboration

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Role Models Teacher Awareness Girls Groups Minority Groups?

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Chess for Success

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Problem Solving Low Income Schools Improves Math and Reading Engages Girls

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Why Us?

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Knowledge Teachers Cultivate Environment

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Engage Curiosity

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Thrive on Problems

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Improve Society Unique position Alter future

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Why Ruby?

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Syntax Matters Frustration kills enthusiasm Focus on algorithms & logic

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Ruby p u t s ' H e l l o W o r l d '

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C # i n c l u d e < s t d i o . h > i n t m a i n ( i n t a r g c , c h a r * a r g v [ ] ) { p r i n t f ( " H e l l o , w o r l d ! \ n " ) ; r e t u r n 0 ; }

Slide 44

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C# u s i n g S y s t e m ; c l a s s P r o g r a m { p u b l i c s t a t i c v o i d M a i n ( ) { C o n s o l e . W r i t e L i n e ( " H e l l o , w o r l d ! " ) ; C o n s o l e . R e a d K e y ( t r u e ) ; } }

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Java p u b l i c c l a s s H e l l o W o r l d { p u b l i c s t a t i c v o i d m a i n ( S t r i n g [ ] a r g s ) { S y s t e m . o u t . p r i n t l n ( " H e l l o , w o r l d ! " ) ; } }

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Python Logo Scheme p r i n t " H e l l o , w o r l d ! " p r i n t [ H e l l o , w o r l d ! ] ( d i s p l a y " H e l l o , w o r l d ! " )

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Be a Proponent

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Programming is Fun Shouldn't be a secret

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Speak Out Support Reform Vote

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Provide Space Provide Tools

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Want More?

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After School Summer Camps Inside the Classroom

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Direct Impact Measurable Change a Life

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Scaling Locality

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Teach the Teachers DRYing Things Out

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Not a Teacher? That's OK!

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Build Tools

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No Denial Skills Time

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DRY Multi‐threaded Design

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Games / Puzzles Podcasts / Screencasts Poignant Guides

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Towers of Hanoi PB&J Sandwich Secret Messages Personal Facebook

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Kids Ruby Hackety Hack

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Mod Minecraft JRuby & RubyBukkit

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