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THE BACKGROUND ZETAMIND USER CLUB AND COUNCIL I founded this consulting company in 2000 dedicated to storage I noticed clients often found it challenging to give precise answers about their infrastructure and growth plans We established a user club with industry leaders like SFR and AirFrance, enabling us to conduct market benchmarking and define product specifications KNOW AND DECIDE The company has been created end of 2015. It employs 17 people, including 7 developers, and will achieve a turnover of €2 million in 2024 Throughout my career working closely with CIOs, I consistently observed the same challenge, which inspired the creation of K&D

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OUR MISSION To be able to answer any question To anticipate and justify needs To make budgets more reliable To improve the SLAs and the life cycle of the assets Allow IT management to have a global vision and transform the IT department from a cost center into a service center

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THE COMPANY'S VISION To provide the most comprehensive IT asset management solution to tackle current and coming IT challenges Allow CIOs to instantly answer questions during board meetings

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CURRENT CHALLENGES The quality and completeness of repositories over time (CMDB, AD,…) The quality of the production plan The effectiveness of the security policy Life cycle and obsolescence management Automation of multi-annual budgets and internal charge back Green It

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WHAT IS OUR VALUE PROPOSITION A Fully Automated IT Asset Management Solution A very quick agent-less solution to implent Couple of days to inventory all servers A no code solution, easy to handlle The customer becomes self-sufficient after just one day of training

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A SOFTWARE SUITE COMPOSED OF COMPLEMENTARY MODULES DATA DISCOVER A web-based application to automate the data gatherings DATA MANAGEMENT A natural language rules engine to configure rules and controls DATA REPORT A web portal that allows you to create dashboards in few clicks

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DATA DISCOVER Multiplying data sources ensures that all CIs are discovered, and all attributes are consolidated A library of over 80 collectors to automate the collection of your repositories and technical tools through APIs An automatic file import mechanism to collect contractual, functional, and financial attributes Data Discover is a data-agnostic solution that supports all file formats (csv, xls, xml, json, pdf) regardless of content

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Consolidating all attributes present in a data source Control of the quality and consistency of CMDB data and compliance with processes Setting preferences to populate attributes in order to favor reliable THE INTAKES OF AN AGGREGATED MULTI-SOURCES Self-discovery of all CIs present in at least one data source Identification of agents to be deployed/reinstalled and CIs to be decommissioned. Identification of CIs that are not connected to the network or don’t have agents (mobile telephony, PDA, IOT,....) A global, reliable and exhaustive inventory

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A SCALABLE ARCHITECTURE Gathering servers Consolidation and processing server Web server A 3 tiers architecture which can be on premise or SaaS The number of gathering servers depends on the perimeter and the network

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IDENTIFY ALL CIs PRESENT AT LEAST IN ONE DATA SOURCE We need to define an index, simple or compound, to uniquely identify servers

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ENSURING DATA QUALITY For each of the imported data sources, quality checks are defined on some or all of the attributes • Blank fields, duplicates • Respect for formats and expected values

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ENSURING DATA CONSISTENCY 2.5% of assets in common have a serial number inconsistency Typo (an O becomes 0) Inversion between 2 assets consistency components 471 (2,51 %) inconsistency components 18 324 (97,49 %)

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CONSOLIDATION OF ALL YOUR CIs AND ATTRIBUTES You are autonomous in defining the content of the inventory, selecting the data sources that feed each column, favoring reliable sources

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USE CASE 1 : A GLOBAL VISION OF IT ASSETS We have identified 36,542 workstations by name that are present at least once in the data sources are present in all repositories workstations are present in a single source (18 %) 30 530

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USE CASE 2 : GUARANTEE THE QUALITY OF THE CMDB OVER TIME GLOBAL VIEW CMDB quality approach 100 % 97 % 85 % Analytical codes are functionally described Analytical codes are technically described Servers are functionally described CMDB Completeness Rate 94 %

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USE CASE 3 : GUARANTEE THE QUALITY OF THE PRODUCTION PLAN Communication with the Console Backup Plan control 73 apps 100% 16 applications not 100% backed up 245 servers in the CMDB not backed up 3, 566 servers in the CMDB and well backed up

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USE CASE 4 : TO ENSURE THE EFFICIENCY OF THE SAFETY POLICY 27,989 workstations have no antivirus deployed despite responding on the network in the last 30 days 17% of workstations do not have an agent and 16 have obsolete versions Only in monitored source 74 648 (74,00 %) Missing 27849 (26,00 %)

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GO TO MARKET We made the first direct sales to major accounts in Belgium, Luxembourg and France We are looking for partners because we want to stay focus on our solution Our partners' profile spans across vertical market (asset management, ITSM, green it, ..) And/or by countries PARTNER PROFIL

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WHY CHOOSING US ? Horizontal multi-source approach which guarantees to discover all the Cis We can manage any type of Cis (physical and virtual components, licences, users, IOT,….) A natural language rules engine that guarantees the completeness of repositories, the quality and consistency of data A no-code solution that can be installed and used very quickly A very inexpensive solution compared to the contributions We have identified no competitors

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PRICING MODEL The product is sold in the form of a subscription => 3 years The cost driver is the number of CIs discovered at least once in one of the data sources that populate an inventory as a row Any component (physical, virtual, application, middleware, software, users, etc.) discovered in at least one data source and which feeds an inventory through a unique index is considered a CI The annual cost per CI varies depending on the number of Cis From 10 € per year per CI to 1 €

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ROADMAP When AI allows you to communicate with the inventory