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AWS APAC Community Summit 2022 -re:Port Back- みんな違ってみんないい DE&I セッションパネリストによる報告 Everyone is different and everyone is good! Let's keep having fun and learn to grow together. #jawsug #AWSUserGroups #AWSCommunityAPAC

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WHO I AM? - 自称、コミュニティ界の猪木です! #jawsug #AWSUserGroups #AWSCommunityAPAC Hiromi Ito(ひろみん) TW : @hiro_baila Linkedin : hiromi-ito-8917a6b7 AWS Community HERO Passionate Contributor 「フッ軽」人間、ダイバーシティ&インクルージョン思想で仕事もコミュニ ティもプライベートもなんでも全力全開!公私混同! ● Likes : Travel, Foodie, Flamenco dancer, Madridista …more ● Interests on AWS Services : AWS Amplify, AWS Step Functions, Amazon Personalize ● Activities : JAWS-UG Kansai Women‘s Association, JAWS-UG Osaka/Kansai, AWS Asian Women Association, and Go Global

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Background - Me, AWS, and the Community Using AWS Participated in JAWS-UG Established a female group in Kansai Participated in South Korea Meetup with South Korea UG AWS Samurai 2017, JAWS DAYS2018 Executive Committee Chairman , Thailand UG / Korea UG and AWS Meetup @ Join Thailand Day Join Community Day in Vitnum, JAWS FESTA2018 Administration, re: Invent User Group Meetup Japan Representative Speaker 2019年 2011年 2014年 2016年 2018年 AWS Asian Women Association established first event in Singapore, AWS Community Day Melbourne / AWS APAC Leaders Meetup 2019 Speaker, AWS re:Invent Community Leader Diversity Grant 2019 Awarded 2020年 AWS Community HERO 2020~2022年 Speaking at national events, regular activities of my group, and speaking at AWS Summit 2022. Upcoming DE&I global events in the near future #jawsug #AWSUserGroups #AWSCommunityAPAC

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Why I went to the AWS APAC Community Summit? ➔ これまでも、今も、これからも進化を五感で感じたい ➔ 行かない理由がない ➔ 成長のチャンス #jawsug #AWSUserGroups #AWSCommunityAPAC これまで活動してきて こんな素晴らしい瞬間・機会を見逃したくない

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Why I went to the AWS APAC Community Summit? #jawsug #AWSUserGroups #AWSCommunityAPAC 個人的にはエモい気持ちで参加

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How did I feel going into the panel discussion? コミュニティの力で ボーダレスで平和な世界をみ んなで作る この思いや信念、熱量が届くようにずっと変わ らずどこでも活動しています。 #jawsug #AWSUserGroups #AWSCommunityAPAC

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What kind of panel discussion did it turn out to be? 1. Introduction: Name, designation (community and professional) 2. What is your definition of DEI? Why do you think this is important in communities and technical learning? 3. Are there new and/or diverse groups in your groups? What challenges do you think they face? 4. What responsibilities might we have as community leaders to uphold DEI in communities? 5. What are some of the long-term consequences if we ignore DEI? 6. What success/outcomes have you/your community had from diversity initiatives? Examples and best practices? 7. What other ways can we create safe, inclusive and engaging spaces for different groups? 8. Any other advice or sharing to fellow community leaders #jawsug #AWSUserGroups #AWSCommunityAPAC

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What kind of panel discussion did it turn out to be? ● 準備期間は1週間あるかないか ● キックオフと出番 1時間前の段取り確認 ● Zainab に誘われて 2人で練習 ● みんなで楽しく、励まし合い、リスペクト ● 短い時間だったけど絆が深まった ● なぜDE&Iなのに女性だけなのか残念...伸びしろ大! #jawsug #AWSUserGroups #AWSCommunityAPAC

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What we want to say again. コンフォートゾーンから 抜け出し続けよう Shake off your shackles and get out of your comfort zone. #jawsug #AWSUserGroups #AWSCommunityAPAC

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What we want to say again. みんな違ってみんないい Everyone is different and everyone is good! #jawsug #AWSUserGroups #AWSCommunityAPAC

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What we want to say again. 楽しもう Let's keep having fun and learn to grow together. #jawsug #AWSUserGroups #AWSCommunityAPAC

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Check me out in the future!! ● 2022/11/8 @オンライン re:Invent 関西事前勉強会 ● 2022/11/28~ re:Invent 2022 ● 2022/12/18 @オンライン JAWS-UG 関西女子会 ● 2023/01/22 @大阪 JAWS-UG 関西女子会 ● 2023/01〜02月 @オンライン DE&I グローバル Meetup #01(シリーズス タート) #jawsug #AWSUserGroups #AWSCommunityAPAC

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Please follow me on social networks for updates. Thank you Twitter : @hiro_baila Linkedin : hiromi-ito-8917a6b7 #jawsug #AWSUserGroups #AWSCommunityAPAC