Slide 126
Slide 126 text
" Feedback is easier to gather if the pull request is small, so some effort should be spent to make more concise pull requests.
" Reducing conflicts
" The pull requests are kept open just for a small amount of time, to get enough reviews and merged as quickly as possible. In
order to support this workflow, the pull requests are kept as small as possible on purpose so they can be reviewed easily
and merged quicker. Multiple pull requests can be opened if the work to be carried is too large to fit into a single one.
" There should only be one issue resolved with each pull request, and only one pull request required to
resolve an issue.
" A developer who wants to receive useful review comments or wants these colleagues to quickly review his
pull request, should follow this tiny single rule: one feature = one pull request.
" Reviewers are also developers who have tasks to do. Reviewing a pull request takes time. As a reviewer,
when I see a big pull request which contains a lot of features I don't want to review it right now but later
because I know I am going to spend a lot of time on this pull request.