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What beginners teach us Selena Deckelmann @selenamarie Data Architect, Mozilla 新手教我們的事

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“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, in the expert’s mind, there are few.” — Shunryu Suzuki 「新手心裡有許多可能性,  老手心裡則少得多。」 — 鈴木俊隆〈禪者的初心〉

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I am a beginner teacher 我是新手教師

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full of possibility 充滿了可能性

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the one thing... Next time you answer a beginner’s question 最重要的是… 當你回答新手的問題時

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take a moment and consider... How will the beginner feel when they hear your answer? 先停下來想一想… 聽到你的回答, 對方會有何感受?

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Since 1995 十八年來

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PyLadies Get women who code together 寫程式的女人齊聚一堂 去年九月,我加入了… Last September, I joined...

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Coursera Class 線上課程

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Walk away or Figure out how to teach? 一走了之 或 弄懂如何為人師?

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beginners: Open to possibility and overwhelmed by choice 新手:  接受各種可能性  選擇太多,不知所措

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TMTOWTDI the best part of beginners mind adventure, possibility, inclusive 做法不只一種 初心者最可貴之處: 冒險力、可能性、包容心

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or... 或是…

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No content

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No content

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our job as teacher is to answer... “What do I do next?” 我們的工作就是回答: 「下一步該做什麼?」

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And to consider: How do people feel while they’re taking the next step? 並且考慮到: 人們在做下一步時 內心的感受如何?

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What does learning how to program feel like? 學寫程式 是什麼感覺?

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൴ු ࡯࡯

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When experience is a dead end 悲劇一則

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൴ු ࡯࡯ ኪᄳ೻ό

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൴ු ࡯࡯ ኪᄳ೻ό

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൴ු ࡯࡯ ኪᄳ೻ό 參加工作坊 習題練不動 一改就爛光 ʔِə

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When PyLadies succeeds PyLadies 成功時

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ු ࡯ ኪ

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參加工作坊 黑客松、小聚會 ු ࡯ 練不動 改爛掉 ላਧ

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黑客松、小聚會 ላਧ

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Engineering experiences 建構經驗

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“The unwritten first chapter” Early wins In-person connections Learning environment Big goals 快速上手 人際聯繫 共學環境 目標遠大 「開源初步」

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Tools for engineering great beginner experiences 如何建構 良好新手經驗

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From Hacker School: No “Well, Actually...” No Feigning Surprise 別說「嗯,其實呢…」 不用故作吃驚

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pairing best teachers are those that just learned 搭檔 剛學會的人 是最好的老師

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1:3 ratio instruction to doing 教一分,做三分

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listen carefully learn from how students rephrase and ask questions 傾聽學生的重述和提問

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PyLadiesPDX 111 women 1-2 meetings per week 111 位女士 每周聚會一兩次

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Teaching benefits the teacher. 教學相長

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and you will... 你會…

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write better code write better docs gain perspective 寫出更好的程式 寫出更好的文件 獲得洞察力

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your community will... 你的社群也會…

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recruit diverse members to your communities 招募到 多采多姿的成員

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and... 以及…

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better parties 更棒的趴踢

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an informed public 有識的公眾

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informed leaders 有識的領導者

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make a better world! 讓世界更美好!

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teach! ὑ

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What beginners teach us Selena Deckelmann @selenamarie Data Architect, Mozilla 新手教我們的事

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