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Elastic @costinl Elasticsearch SQL Costin Leau

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2 We are opening X-Pack Shay Banon

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3 Elasticsearch SQL will be opened Part of X-Pack Features available based on the license Development and issue tracking in the open Plan for first public release: X-Pack 6.3

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4 4 What is / isn’t Elasticsearch SQL?

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5 What is Elasticsearch SQL ? SQL interface to Elasticsearch, currently: • read-only, single mapping (multiple indices allowed if compatible) • mix of ANSI SQL (subset) and Elasticsearch (50%/50%) Adhere to ES experince • Lightweight and fast • Easy to pick-up • No external dependencies/moving parts • Elasticsearch underneath • Part of X-Pack

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6 What Elasticsearch SQL is NOT database complete ANSI SQL implementation (see above) process external / outside Elasticsearch replacement to data modeling

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7 Tap into Elasticsearch through SQL Use a declarative language Perceive Elasticsearch as a tabular source

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8 8 Features

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9 Queries SELECT * FROM emp SELECT last_name AS l FROM emp SELECT last_name, first_name FROM emp ORDER BY emp_no SELECT … FROM emp WHERE emp_no < 100 AND salary > 50000 SELECT FLOOR(salary/12) s FROM emp WHERE tenure > 10 SELECT last_name l FROM emp WHERE YEAR(birth_date) > 1960 SELECT first_name f FROM emp WHERE QUERY(‘one neo`) SELECT last_name l FROM emp WHERE MATCH(first_name, ‘Thomas’) SELECT first_name FROM emp WHERE MATCH(‘first_name, last_name’, ‘Anderson’) ORDER BY SCORE()

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10 Queries - aggregation SELECT gender g FROM emp GROUP BY g SELECT gender g, COUNT(*) c, AVG(salary) FROM emp GROUP BY g SELECT tenure t, MAX(salary) FROM emp GROUP BY t HAVING AVG(salary) BETWEEN 30000 AND 50000 SELECT MAX(salary), MIN(salary) FROM emp WHERE emp_no > 300 GROUP BY tenure HAVING MAX(salary) - MIN(salary) > 5000

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11 Elasticsearch JOINs emp birth_date emp_no first_name gender last_name salary tenure dep dept_name dept_no from_date to_date 1..n Nested docs SELECT dep.dept_name, last_name FROM emp WHERE emp_no = 10020 SELECT last_name FROM emp WHERE dep.dept_name = 'Production'

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12 12 Architecture

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13 Behind the scenes Analysis Planning Execution Parsing SQL QUERY Unresolved AST Resolved/Logical Plan Optimized Plan Physical Plan Client Results

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14 SQL Parser SELECT * FROM emp WHERE emp_no > 10010

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15 • Validates the query • Resolves tables, columns, functions, aliases, namespaces, etc… Analyzer

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16 Optimizer SELECT last_name FROM emp WHERE gender = 'M' AND 1000 < emp_no AND NOT FALSE OR last_name LIKE 'K%' AND emp_no > 10010

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17 Query Planner Converts the logical plan into a physical plan SELECT last_name FROM emp WHERE emp_no > 10010 {"query" : { "range" : { "emp_no" : { "from" : 10010, "to" : null }}}, "_source" : { "includes" :["last_name"] } }

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18 Runs the actual query Streams results Keep track of references Handles tabular format (aggs as a tree vs as a table) Data type conversion Query Executor

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19 19 Clients

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20 Clients CLI POST /_sql Kibana / Canvas JDBC ODBC

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21 Transport: HTTP & REST All clients used HTTP / REST as a unified protocol No extra ports required Easy proxying or tunneling Currently JSON based, CBOR appealing for *DBC clients

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22 REST – xpack/sql Your usual REST endpoint But accepting SQL queries

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23 REST - xpack/sql Your usual REST endpoint But accepting SQL queries

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24 REST – xpack/sql/translate See the resulting query DSL {"query" : { "range" : { "emp_no" : { "from" : 10010, "to" : null }}}, "_source" : { "includes" :["last_name"] } } SELECT last_name FROM emp WHERE emp_no > 10010

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25 CLI Useful for prototyping and sanity checks Portable (Java based) Protocol based on REST

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26 JDBC Dedicated client (driver) and server component JDBC 4.2/Java 8 Supports java.sql and javax.sql APIs Pays attention to details ‒ Timeouts (connect vs read vs network) ‒ Logging WIP- Light, without dependencies (safe for embedding)

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27 ODBC Written in C Target release: X-Pack 7.0.0 Standards • driver: 3.80, Unicode ‒ SPI support: planned • applications: 2.x, 3.x Platforms • Windows 7+: x86 and x64 • iODBC (*nix): planned Work in progress

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28 28 Roadmap

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29 Enhanced GROUP BY Currently GROUP BY is limited Move away from terms to composite agg Handle multiple GROUP BYs properly • Better scalability • Expected semantics Likely affect ORDER BY features

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30 Expand Date-Time support Introduce INTERVAL syntax Expand time functions • Date math • Offset/Absolute/Relative

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31 Introduce Histograms SELECT AVG(salary) FROM emp GROUP BY HISTOGRAM(hired_date, `1m`) SELECT AVG(salary) FROM emp GROUP BY HISTOGRAM(age, 10)

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32 Parent-Child support / Flattening emp birth_date emp_no first_name gender last_name salary tenure dep dept_name dept_no from_date to_date 1..n Parent / Child SELECT dep.dept_name, last_name FROM emp WHERE emp_no = 10020 SELECT last_name FROM emp WHERE dep.dept_name = 'Production'

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33 Cross-Cluster SQL SELECT * FROM remote:index Based on Cross-Cluster Search More work needed in getting remote metadata

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34 Geo support Implement OGS Simple Features 1.2.1* • Intersects, Disjoint, Within, Contains, Envelope, Distance • asText, asBinary, dimensions – supported by ES internally • support reasonable set out of the 150 functions • Well-Known-Format – Well-Known-Text is possible, Well-Known-Binary wip SELECT Disjoint(centerlines, boundary) FROM divided_routes WHERE = 'Route 75'

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35 Geo support – beyond OGC Expose ES specific geo filtering and aggs SELECT GEO_BOUNDS(*) FROM … WHERE name=”musee” SELECT GEO_CENTROID() FROM … GROUP BY city SELECT * FROM … WHERE GEO_BOUNDS(top left, bottom_right) GROUP BY GEO_GRID(location)

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36 Subselects Restricted to same index Special case of self, equijoin Quite popular with BI tools SELECT last_name l WHERE tenure > 10 FROM (SELECT * FROM emp WHERE salary > 50000)

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37 Clients items - general Content-Type: text/csv, text/tsv Support custom types (GEO) Extend Time-zone support HTTP/2

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38 Clients items - JDBC Lightweight - use stand-alone XContent (being pulled out of Elasticearch) Think about JVM/JDK versions • Upgrades are tempting • Users tend to be conservative

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39 39 User feedback

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40 40 Q & A

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43 Session concept Expand configuration-per-query Looking into session (client id) • config around queries GET/SET/RESET

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44 Engine internal items Pattern matching (wip in Java 10, 11) Migration to java.time from Joda (aligned with Elasticsearch)