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Red Hat JBoss Fuse Service Works Integration Recipes, Best Practices & Cheat Codes Keith Babo SwitchYard Project Lead, Red Hat Tuesday, April 22, 14

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There is Still Time To Leave • We will be talking integration and SOA If your company has more than one application, this is likely relevant • Some background and overview Quick and painless • Main focus is using technology to solve problems Practitioner’s rejoice! • Lots of live demo Increased odds of crash and burn. Exciting! Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Key • Integration Recipe Using features of the platform to get things done • Best Practice The right way to use a feature • Cheat Code Maybe not right, but fun Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Format 10 OVERVIEW 20 RECIPE 30 BEST PRACTICE 40 CHEAT CODE 50 GOTO 20 Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Recipes • Application Development • Implementation strategy • Testing • Connectivity • Dealing with data • Deployment & Packaging • Debugging Tuesday, April 22, 14

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First a bit of background ... Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Fuse Service Works 7 Enterprise Messaging JMS/STOMP/NMS/MQTT JBoss HornetQ & Apache Active-MQ Overlord RTGov Integration & Connectivity Transformation, Mediation, Enterprise Integration Patterns Apache Camel Drools Decision Management Declarative, inference rule execution JBoss EAP/Karaf Enterprise Container Secure and manageable jBPM & Riftsaw Service Orchestration Orchestrate service calls and automate processing JBoss SwitchYard Service and Integration Framework (SCA) lightweight framework to simplify development of service-oriented applications JBoss Overlord - DTGov Design Time Governance Lifecycle management, Release workflow & Repository Runtime Governance SLA Management Synchronous & Asynchronous Policy Enforcement Transaction & Service Monitoring Development Tooling Develop, test, debug, refine and deploy. Operational Management Performance & Availability Monitoring Alerting Inventory Management JBoss Developer Studio JBoss Operations Network Tuesday, April 22, 14

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SwitchYard Structured development framework for integration applications Built on Apache Camel and Java EE Using service-oriented principles to build scalable, maintainable applications Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Integration is Complex Message Content Based Router Message Translator Content FIlter Aggregator Messaging Gateway Message Store @WebService public class MyFancyBean { @Resource(mappedName = "jms/ConnectionFactory") private static ConnectionFactory cf; @WebMethod public void send(String msg) { } } Message Endpoint Message Endpoint Message Endpoint Tuesday, April 22, 14

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SOA Brings Structure Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Structured Development Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Structured Development Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Structured Development Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Structured Development Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Structured Development Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Structured Development Tuesday, April 22, 14

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SOA Brings Structure Message Content Based Router Message Translator Content FIlter Aggregator Messaging Gateway Message Store @WebService public class MyFancyBean { @Resource(mappedName = "jms/ConnectionFactory") private static Message Endpoint Message Endpoint Message Endpoint Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Recipe : Application Development • Best Practices • Let the editor do its thing • Stick to your development style • Service partitioning • Cheat Codes • The button bar Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Best Practice: Let the Editor Do Its Thing • Manages application metadata so you don’t have to • It’s not evil • Suitable for beginners and experts alike Tuesday, April 22, 14

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SwitchYard Metadata Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Maven Metadata Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Best Practice: Stick To Your Development Style Top-down Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Best Practice: Stick To Your Development Style Bottom-up Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Best Practice: Stick To Your Development Style Meet-in-the-middle Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Best Practice: Service Partitioning • Number of services per application • Heuristics Lifecycle Change management Distribution Reason Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Cheat Code: The Button Bar • Context-sensitive action • Available on all nodes • Fast • Great way to learn what’s possible Tuesday, April 22, 14

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DEMO Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Recipe : Implementation Strategy • Best Practices • Right tool for the right job • Use service abstraction to your advantage • Beans, beans the magical fruit • Cheat Codes • Fungible implementations Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Best Practice: Right Tool for the Job  CDI Bean POJO, Java EE, easy to implement  Camel Routing, pipeline orchestration, EIPs  Rules Declarative, decision-oriented Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Best Practice: Right Tool for the Job  BPMN 2 Understandable to business users, stateful, long-lived  BPEL Web service orchestration, existing BPEL experience Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Best Practice: Use Service Abstraction to Your Advantage • Invoke services by contract using a service reference • Loose coupling • Binding abstraction • Implementation hiding Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Service Abstraction - CDI @WebService public class OrderService { @Resource(mappedName = "jms/ConnectionFactory") private static ConnectionFactory cf; @WebMethod public void submit(String msg) { // create JMS session, lookup destination, // etc., etc. } } Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Service Abstraction - CDI @Service(OrderService.class) public class OrderServiceBean implements OrderService { @Inject @Reference private InventoryService inventory; public void submit(Order order) { // check inventory level Item item = inventory.getItem(order.getItemId()); } } Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Service Abstraction - Camel ${body.destination} == 'Red' ${body.destination} == 'Green' ${body.destination} == 'Blue' Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Service Abstraction - Camel ${body.destination} == 'Red' ${body.destination} == 'Green' ${body.destination} == 'Blue' Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Local Reference Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Remote Reference Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Best Practice: Beans, Beans the Magical Fruit vs. Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Camel Beans • Invoke CDI Beans directly from Camel when Logic is small and localized to the service implementation Access to Camel APIs or features is desirable Camel-specific configuration is required (e.g. Netty encoder) Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Bean Services • Use Bean Services when Logic may be exposed as a service now or in the future Access to Java EE facilities is desirable (e.g. resource injection) Bean will invoke other services (local or remote) Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Cheat Code: Fungible Implementations Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Cheat Code: Fungible Implementations Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Cheat Code: Fungible Implementations Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Cheat Code: Fungible Implementations Tuesday, April 22, 14

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DEMO Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Recipe : Testing • Best Practices • Test every service • Isolate dependencies • Test application boundaries • Cheat Codes • Test kit spelunking Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Best Practice: Test Every Service Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Best Practice: Isolate Dependencies Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Best Practice: Test Application Boundaries Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Cheat Code: Test Kit Spelunking • SwitchYardTestKit • Invoker • MixIns • SwitchYardTestCaseConfig Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Recipe : Connectivity • Best Practices • Don’t couple contract and binding • Promotion is *:1 • Cheat Codes • Extensions Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Best Practice: Don’t Couple Contract and Binding Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Best Practice: Promotion is 1:* • Component services can be promoted multiple times • Only needed when the contracts are different • Multiple bindings per composite service Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Cheat Code: Extensions Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Cheat Code: Extensions • Camel components not included directly in SwitchYard • Fuse • Custom • Using extensions • Create module(s) • Runtime registration • Configure via Camel URI gateway Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Creating Modules • mvn dependency:tree • module.xml • jboss-eap-6.1/modules Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Runtime Registration jboss-eap-6.1/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Camel URI Binding Tuesday, April 22, 14

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DEMO Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Recipe : Dealing with Data • Best Practices • Address cross-cutting concerns declaratively • Leverage multi-hop transformation Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Best Practice: Address Cross-Cutting Concerns Declaratively • Favor declarative over procedural transformation • Procedural transformation is still legit Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Procedural Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Procedural in BPM Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Procedural in Camel public class ExampleRoute extends RouteBuilder { public void configure() { from("switchyard://OrderIntake") // validate against XSD .to("validator:orderSchema.xsd") .choice() .when(header("service").equals("ABC")) // data format XML -> Java .unmarshal("JAXBOrderBinding") .to("switchyard://ABCService") .otherwise() // invoke XSL transformation on content .to("xslt:formatRegion.xsl") .to("switchyard://XYZService"); } } Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Declarative Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Camel with Declarative public class ExampleRoute extends RouteBuilder { public void configure() { from("switchyard://OrderIntake") .choice() .when(header("service").equals("ABC")) .to(switchyard://ABCService") .otherwise() .to("switchyard://XYZService"); } } Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Declarative Transformation @Transformer(from = "{urn:switchyard-example:orders:1.0}submitOrder") public Order transform(Element from) { return new Order() .setOrderId(getElementValue(from, "orderId”)) .setItemId(getElementValue(from, "itemId”)) .setQuantity(Integer.valueOf(getElementValue(from, "quantity”))); } Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Declarative Validation Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Hybrid Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Best Practice: Leverage Multi-Hop Transformation A B C transform1 transform2 A C Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Recipe : Deployment & Packaging • Best Practices • JAR deployment • WAR deployment • EAR deployment Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Best Practice: JAR Deployment • Default and easy • No embedded libraries • No embedded resources Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Best Practice: WAR Deployment • Embedded libraries • Embedded resources • Isolated class loading • Web stuff • Packaging can bite you Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Best Practice: EAR Deployment • Multiple applications • Inter-application communication with SCA binding • Embedded resources • Coordinated lifecycle • Assembly outside of SY tooling Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Recipe : Debugging • Best Practices • Message Tracing • ExchangeInterceptors • Auditing • Choosing the right tool • Cheat Codes • SwitchYard Debugger Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Message Tracing Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Exchange Interceptors @Named("UpdateStatus") public class OrderInterceptor implements ExchangeInterceptor { @Override public void before(String target, Exchange exchange) throws HandlerException { // do something before the invocation } @Override public void after(String target, Exchange exchange) throws HandlerException { // do something after the invocation } @Override public List getTargets() { return Arrays.asList(PROVIDER); } } Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Exchange Interceptors 1 2 3 4 1. CONSUMER.before() 2. PROVIDER.before() 3. PROVIDER.after() 4. CONSUMER.after() Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Auditors @Audit @Named("custom auditor") public class SimpleAuditor implements Auditor { @Override public void beforeCall( Processors processor, Exchange exchange) { } @Override public void afterCall( Processors processor, Exchange exchange) { } } Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Debugger Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Choosing the Right Tool • MessageTrace Suitable for dev and runtime Convenient Static • ExchangeInterceptor Useful for more than just debugging Customizable Requires coding Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Choosing the Right Tool • Auditors Suitable for dev only! Super low-level • Debugger Suitable for dev and runtime Isolation Interruption Tuesday, April 22, 14

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DEMO Tuesday, April 22, 14

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Questions? Tuesday, April 22, 14