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Goal-Setting Workshops for Managers Melinda Seckington

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“Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?” @MSECKINGTON

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j Learning about goals @MSECKINGTON

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w How to help with goals @MSECKINGTON

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b Goal setting workshops @MSECKINGTON

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( Generate as many ideas as possible @MSECKINGTON

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r One catchup or several Send questions beforehand h @MSECKINGTON

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g Provide enough time & space to reflect @MSECKINGTON

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Values Future Current skills Current role 6 G S F @MSECKINGTON

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Values Future Current skills Current role 6 G S F Ideal Now Intrinsic Extrinsic @MSECKINGTON

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Values Future Current skills Current role 6 G S F Ideal Now Intrinsic Extrinsic @MSECKINGTON

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Values Future Current skills Current role 6 G S F Ideal Now Intrinsic Extrinsic @MSECKINGTON

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What are your values? Reflect on who you are. What is your ideal self? What do you believe about yourself? F @MSECKINGTON

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Ask questions to get someone to reflect and think about who they are and how they do things: • What are the building blocks that make up you? • How would you describe yourself in 5 words? • What is your purpose? Your passion? Your motivation? • Where do you get your energy from? Extra: discuss results from personality tests & quizzes @MSECKINGTON

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Values Future Current skills Current role 6 G S F Ideal Now Intrinsic Extrinsic @MSECKINGTON

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What do you want in your future? Think about long term goals. What impact do you want on the world? What are your life goals? S @MSECKINGTON

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Ask questions to get people thinking what their ideal life and career would be: • Imagine you’re retiring and looking back at your life: what do you want to have achieved? • Where do you want to be in 5 years time? 10 years? • What does work-life balance look like for you? • What does your ideal day look like? Extra: come up with anti-goals - what don’t you want to happen? @MSECKINGTON

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Ask questions to get people thinking what their ideal life and career would be: • Imagine you’re retiring and looking back at your life: what do you want to have achieved? • Where do you want to be in 5 years time? 10 years? • What does work-life balance look like for you? • What does your ideal day look like? Extra: come up with anti-goals - what don’t you want to happen? @MSECKINGTON

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Values Future Current skills Current role 6 G S F Ideal Now Intrinsic Extrinsic @MSECKINGTON

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How is your current role? What do you like about your current role? What do you dislike? 6 @MSECKINGTON

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Ask questions to get someone to reflect on their current role and company: • What are the challenges of your role? • Which of your abilities, interests and/or values are you able to do in your role? Which would you like to do more of? • What would you miss if you left your role? Why? • What kinds of people do you most enjoy working with? What work environments do you enjoy the most? Extra: use a job description or career development framework @MSECKINGTON

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Values Future Current skills Current role 6 G S F Ideal Now Intrinsic Extrinsic @MSECKINGTON

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What are your current skills? What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses? G @MSECKINGTON

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Ask questions to get someone to think about their current skills and what they want/ should get better at: • What do you do better than others? What do others see as your strengths? • Are there any gaps in your knowledge or experiences? • What technical skills can you develop? What communication skills can you develop? What leadership skills can you develop? Extra: do a SWOT or skills gap analysis @MSECKINGTON

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Values Future Current skills Current role 6 G S F Ideal Now Intrinsic Extrinsic @MSECKINGTON

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Values Future Current skills Current role 6 G S F Ideal Now Intrinsic Extrinsic @MSECKINGTON

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Values Future Current skills Current role 6 G S F Ideal Now Intrinsic Extrinsic @MSECKINGTON

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Values Future Current skills Current role 6 G S F Ideal Now Intrinsic Extrinsic Goals @MSECKINGTON

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Z Technical Debt @MSECKINGTON

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“Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?” @MSECKINGTON

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@MSECKINGTON “Which way you want to go depends on where you want to get to…” Alice in Wonderland

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@MSECKINGTON Melinda Seckington FutureLearn @mseckington