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The e’s life e o d OOP Renan Ranelli

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(what is FP and why you should care) Renan Ranelli

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Senior software engineer @ Milhouse (@renanranelli)

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Milhouse (@renanranelli) Senior software engineer @

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Milhouse (@renanranelli)

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Agenda  Why OOP {was,is} so successful?  What is happening in the hardware industry?  Why are people talking so much about functional programming?  Immutability  There is no FP vs OO dichotomy  Where to go next

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Disclaimer & objectives  This is a i t odu to talk. Do ’t e pe t profunctors and comonads.  I will tell you what is concurrency, why it is important and how FP is relates to it.  B the e d of this talk, I hope ou ill e i spi ed to take a look at fu tio al p og a i g stuff, a d ot dis iss OO as so ethi g i t i si all ad  You should ot e s a ed of FP. It’s u h o e fa ilia tha ou thi k it is.

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Why {was,is} OOP so successful?

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Why {was,is} OOP so successful? • People say that: o O je t O ie ted P og a i g gi es ou a atu al a to talk a out a d st u tu e programs. It also offers *many* ways to achieve polymorphism and composition o A ig pa t of soft a e e gi ee i g dis ipli es ei g tailo ed a d pe fe ted to work with this paradigm (requirements, analysis, UML, design, etc.) o History: Being at the right place at the right time (?)

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Why {was,is} OOP so successful? • I actually think differently. I think OOP is successful because: o They teach us at school about it. o The e is so u h al ead do e . li a ies, f a e o ks, stackoverflow uestio s … o We do ’t k o alte ati es. We do ’t look e o d ou a k a d. o Sun & Microsoft invested enormous amounts of marketing money on convincing you that it is *the right way* to build software.

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Meanwhile, in hardware-la d …

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Meanwhile in hardware-la d … You should google the f ee lu h is o e a d ead the fi st esult. “e iousl .

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Meanwhile in hardware-la d … You should google the f ee lu h is o e a d ead the fi st esult. “e iousl . • “i e e a e al ead he e, I’ll gi e ou the TL;DR: • CPU Clock is not getting faster • No performance gain for sequential singlet-hreaded apps • Concurrency is the next major revolution in how we write software

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Meanwhile in hardware-la d … Efficiency and performance optimization will get *more*, not less, important.

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This was written in March 2005

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In 2005: o Java 5 was hot news. o Windows XP. No vista till 2007. o No AWS, Twitter or Netflix. o No Stack Overflow (!!) o Youtube was just founded. o Ruby on Rails 1.0 would only launch in December 13th. o The world did not know Justin Bieber.

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In 2005: o Java 5 was hot news. o Windows XP. No vista till 2007. o No AWS, Twitter or Netflix. o No Stack Overflow (!!) o Youtube was just founded. o Ruby on Rails 1.0 would only launch in December 13th. o The world did not know Justin Bieber.

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Understanding Concurrency:

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Understanding Concurrency:

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Understanding Concurrency: T o tasks e e ute o u e tl he the a sta t, execute and finish in time periods that *overlap* “u ’s guide to ultith eaded p og a i g 2000~ ish)

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These are happening SERIALLY

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These are happening *concurrently*

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These are happening *concurrently*

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These are happening *concurrently*

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These are happening IN PARALLEL But *not* Concurrently (!) (there is no possible overlap)

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Why does FP have to do with *that* ?

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Why are they talking about fp ? As a consequence, every programming language created since then has made *concurrency* a major concern:  Scala, Clojure  Elixir  Go, Rust  Kotlin, Nim, Po , C stal …  We rediscovered Haskell & Erlang

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Why are they talking about fp ? **BUT**: Functional programming is *not* a new thing. 1960 -> Lisp 1973 -> ML 1980s -> Lazy langs: Miranad, KRC, SASL, Orwell 1986 -> ERLANG (!) 1990 -> Haskell 1.0

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Why are they talking about fp ? Have we finally understood that categories, monoids, profuctors, comonads and semigroups are _the right wayTM_ to build software??

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Why are they talking about fp ? I’ a engineer. I do ’t a e a out ho eautiful a d/o elega t the ode is . I care about performance, reliability, understandability. Profunctors give me none of that.

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Why are they talking about fp ? elixir-and-erlang/

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Why are they talking about fp ? elixir-and-erlang/

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Why are they talking about fp ? The fu tio al st le elies hea il o: - Functions as first class citizens - Immutability of all data The latter allows us to avoid many *race conditions*. The former allows us not to go insane while doing so.

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HEAP (global, mutable & shared state) Thread 0 Thread 2 Thread 1 Process Context Stack0 Stack2 Stack1 Core 1 Core 0

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HEAP (global, mutable & shared state) Thread 0 Thread 2 Thread 1 Process Context Stack0 Stack2 Stack1 Core 1 Core 0

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HEAP (global, mutable & shared state) Thread 0 Thread 2 Thread 1 Process Context Stack0 Stack2 Stack1 Core 1 Core 0

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HEAP (global, mutable & shared state) Thread 0 Thread 2 Thread 1 Process Context Stack0 Stack2 Stack1 Core 1 Core 0

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HEAP (global, mutable & shared state) Thread 0 Thread 2 Thread 1 Process Context Stack0 Stack2 Stack1 Core 1 Core 0

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HEAP (global, mutable & shared state) Thread 0 Thread 2 Thread 1 Process Context Stack0 Stack2 Stack1 Core 1 Core 0

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Immutability If data is immutable, the problem described below (read, edit, write) is *impossible by construction*

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Immutability Is a tuall a ge e al good ad i e e e he e, e e i OOP- land) I uta le o je ts a e si ple. Classes should e i uta le u less the e’s a e good easo to ake the uta le. If a class cannot be made immutable, limit its mutability as u h as possi le Joshua Bloch: Effective Java (2001)

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Immutability Is a tuall a ge e al good ad i e e e he e, e e i OOP-land) Whe desig i g a s ste it’s i po ta t to disti guish between values […] a d objects […]. Values are immutable instances that model fixed ua tities. The ha e o ide tit . Steve Freeman & Nat Pryce: Growing OO Software, guided by tests (2009)

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Immutability Fu tio al p og a i g is p og a i g ith alues (almost all the time)

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Immutability Immutability **does not** imply absence of state (!)

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Immutability Other awesome things immutability brings us: • Proper Covariance of collection types. • Many performance optimizations: (sub-expression elimination, memoization, yadda yadda) • Ti e t a eli g (there is probably a talk about this today)

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Functions as 1st class citizens

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Fu tio s + e i o e t = losu e

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Fu tio s + e i o e t = losu e

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Fu tio s + e i o e t = losu e

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Fu tio s + e i o e t = losu e

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Fu tio s + e i o e t = losu e

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Fu tio s + e i o e t = losu e

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Closure: • A *closure* is behavior with attached data.

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Objects: • OOP to me means only messaging, local retention and protection and hiding of state-process, and extreme late- i di g of all thi gs. […] Alan Kay •=> Objects are data with attached behavior

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There is no dichotomy • A *closure* is behavior with attached data. • An *object* is data with attached behavior. Rich closures gravitate towards objects. Slim objects gravitate towards closures.

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There is no dichotomy • You a ha e hea d that fu tio al p og a i g is ha d . • I strongly disagree. Object systems are much harder & complex. • Thi gs a e eas e ause the a e fa ilia .

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Closing remarks

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Where to go from now? • You do ’t eed to a a do OO to use the fu tio al st le. “ee F#, C# a d “ ala fo i e le ds . • If ou’ e o e i to f o te d stuff, he k Clojurescript & Elm.

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Where to go from now? • If you like moocs, you must *absolutely* see prof. Dan G oss a ’s P og a i g La guages ou se o coursera. •Martin Odersky also has courses on Scala in coursera. All of them are awesome. •E ik Meije gi es a I t odu tio to Fu tio al P og a i g ith Haskell ou se o Edx. •Write your own Lisp.

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Where to go from now? • The o e theorical aspe ts of fu tio al p og a i g ha e a lot to tea h ou. You do ’t eed functors a d o ads to get the jo do e , ut pu sui g those ideas is a rewarding experience in itself. •Old ideas become new again. There is so much happening out there. Get out of your box.

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