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Writing more inclusive job ads as part of the problem @maikroservice - 03.12.2020 a white male in tech

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@maikroservice - 03.12.2020 The infamous pipeline problem

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@maikroservice - 03.12.2020 DIVERSITY vs. INCLUSION

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@maikroservice - 03.12.2020 DIVERSITY is the mix Age Gender Education Style Intro-/Extrovert Experience Religion Time Zone Role Seniority LGBTQIA+ Appearance Sexual Orientation Geography Culture Languages Ability/Disability Tech-focus Family Status Neurodiversity

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@maikroservice - 03.12.2020 INCLUSION is making the mix work Conflict resolution Alignment Agree to disagree Active Listening Equality - making sure everybody is heard Equity - making sure every voice has the same weight Questioning your own views Actively remove barriers Remove *-ism

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@maikroservice - 03.12.2020 Diversity does not work without Inclusion.* “

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@maikroservice - 03.12.2020 Diversity does not work without Inclusion.* * and inclusion is a lot of work. “

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Disclaimer • the following slides show excerpts of my personal Red-Flags • companies were randomly chosen, this does not reflect the organization in any way • I applied for 126 jobs this year until I found a new position

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A day of job hunter adventures… @maikroservice - 03.12.2020 * removed perks with company name

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A day of job hunter adventures… @maikroservice - 03.12.2020 * removed perks with company name

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and another day… @maikroservice - 03.12.2020 You Them * removed perks with company name

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Disclaimer II • Today we start with job ads • Job ads are the entry point for new people and culture • It worked for the last two companies I was employed at, but it might not work for your company. @maikroservice - 03.12.2020

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You _need_ to make sure that organisational changes happen as well Job Ads + Interviews perception culture

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A how-to for more inclusive job ads • 0. Think about / brainstorm if you need requirements such as “CS degree” • 1. Remove all the requirements from the posting (e.g. computer science bachelor, 10 years of experience, design aficionado, etc.) • 2. Read the following paper: Danielle Gaucher, Justin Friesen, and Aaron C. Kay: Evidence That Gendered Wording in Job Advertisements Exists and Sustains Gender Inequality (Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2011, Vol 101(1), p109-128) @maikroservice - 03.12.2020

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@maikroservice - 03.12.2020 Men apply for jobs when they meet ~60% of the criteria, while women wait until they feel they meet 100% of the criteria. “

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A how-to for more inclusive job ads • 3. Check out the gender decoder by Kat Matfield (http://gender- • 4. Rewrite the job ad with more “Feminine-coded” language (http:// • 5. While you are at it make sure that you check for “ableism” language such as ‘blind spot’ and replace them with inclusive language (e.g. dead angle) @maikroservice - 03.12.2020

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A how-to for more inclusive job ads • 6. Think about the order of your paragraphs (usually job-ads are something along these lines: what you would do, what you need to do the job we hire you for and more, what we offer) • 7. Reorder the paragraphs and stress “what we offer” • 8. Please make sure that you actually offer the things you promise • 8.1 be careful when advertising table-tennis, after work drinks etc., these perks might not feel like perks for everyone @maikroservice - 03.12.2020

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A how-to for more inclusive job ads • 9. Ask for feedback (e.g. via twitter, current candidates, new hires, team members, diversity consultants) • 10. Be wary of technical tests, IQ-tests, assessment tasks etc. these suffer from survivorship bias and might destroy everything you tried to change beforehand @maikroservice - 03.12.2020

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Sidenote: • Change your interview process accordingly, if possible • Focus on where the candidate wants to go/be and how you (both as a manager and as an organization) can help them get there! • Ideally, employees would be able to spend 20% of their time on “them” and 80% on daily business

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@maikroservice - 03.12.2020 You don’t hire for skills, you hire for attitude. You can always teach skills. “ Herb Kelleher

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The sad reality

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Status Quo @maikroservice - 03.12.2020

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End @maikroservice - 03.12.2020 Women don’t need mentors, but champions. “ Cindy Gallop

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