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What’s New in the Eclipse Platform Project Karsten Thoms

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This is a very very very long gag @kthoms Karsten • Senior Software Engineer @ Karakun • Open Source Enthusiast • Committer on some Eclipse projects • Contributor on some more

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This is a very very very long gag @kthoms Release Train 2019 2020 2021 2019-06 / 4.12 2019-12 / 4.14 2020-06 / 4.16 2020-03 / 4.15 2020-09 / 4.17 2020-12 / 4.18 2019-09 / 4.13 2019-03 / 4.11 2021-03 / 4.19

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This is a very very very long gag @kthoms Release Train 2019 2020 2021 2019-06 / 4.12 2019-12 / 4.14 2020-06 / 4.16 2020-03 / 4.15 2020-09 / 4.17 2020-12 / 4.18 2019-09 / 4.13 2019-03 / 4.11 2021-03 / 4.19 Java 15 Java 14 Java 13 Java 12

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This is a very very very long gag @kthoms Release Train 2019 2020 2021 2019-06 / 4.12 2019-12 / 4.14 2020-06 / 4.16 2020-03 / 4.15 2020-09 / 4.17 2020-12 / 4.18 2019-09 / 4.13 2019-03 / 4.11 2021-03 / 4.19 M1 M2 M3 RC1 RC2 2020-12 / 4.18

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Community & Adoption

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This is a very very very long gag @kthoms Project Committers New Committers • Alex Blewitt • Andrew Obuchowicz Resigned Committers • Markus Keller (Platform, Equinox, JDT, PDE) • Steffen Pingel (Equinox) • Curtis Windatt (JDT, PDE) • Sasikanth Bharadwaj (JDT) • Stefan Xenos (JDT) • Benjamin Cabe (PDE) • Sopot Cela (Platform, PDE) • Grant Gayed (Platform)

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This is a very very very long gag @kthoms Download Stats 3.1 Mio 3.2 Mio 3.3 Mio 2.5 Mio Now includes OpenJDK 11

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This is a very very very long gag @kthoms Social Activity • @EclipseJavaIDE • Initiated by Sopot Cela 02/2017 • 16k followers • 2.4k tweets • @mickaelistria - Mr. "What's your specific issue with @EclipseJavaIDE" • "1 trivial bug a week" campaign via @EclipseJavaIDE

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Code Cleanups

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This is a very very very long gag @kthoms Code Cleanups • Lots of cosmetic changes pouring in • Removal of dead internal code • Mostly merged for M1 • Using Eclipse CleanUp actions, jSparrow, or manual • Many cleanup actions added to JDT recently

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This is a very very very long gag @kthoms API Removals • Deprecated API gets slowly removed from the code base according to the API Removal Process [1] • Removals are documented in the Platform Porting Guide [2] [1] [2]

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This is a very very very long gag @kthoms API Removals Removed APIs in the Eclipse 4.17 release: 1. Remove Input and MInputPart 2. org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform#getJobManager() 3. JFace and JFace text Assert Planned API removals after June 2017: 1. Platform authorization API Planned API removals after June 2018: 1. org.eclipse.ui.cocoa.fullscreenWindow Planned API removals after June 2020: 1. Remove Dirtable flag from MPartDescriptor 2. Remove org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPlatformRunnable 3. Remove deprecated dialogs from org.eclipse.ui.dialogs 4. Remove deprecated method and constructor in PopupDialog Planned API removals after December 2020: 1. Remove org.eclipse.pde.core.IModelProvider Planned API removals after March 2021: 1. Remove org.eclipse.pde.ui.targetProvisioners extension point 2. org.eclipse.core.commands.util package 3. org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.EncodingActionGroup 4. org.eclipse.core.launcher#Main and WebStartMain 5. Delete 2.0 plug-in compatibility classes and related API 6. Delete Job.createSystem(ICoreRunnable) API 7. Delete unsupported methods in WorkbenchWindowConfigurer Planned API removals after June 2021: 1. Delete deprecated contents of org.eclipse.ui.commands package Planned API removals after September 2021: 1. Navigator view and related API Planned API removals after December 2021: 1. Bookmark view and related API Planned API removals after June 2022: 1. ICU4J bundle from SDK Planned API removals after September 2022: 1. Remove deprecated contents of org.eclipse.pde.ui.launcher package 2. Remove TargetPlatform::createPlatformConfiguration See

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This is a very very very long gag @kthoms API Removals Removed APIs in the Eclipse 4.17 release: 1. Remove Input and MInputPart 2. org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform#getJobManager() 3. JFace and JFace text Assert Planned API removals after June 2017: 1. Platform authorization API Planned API removals after June 2018: 1. org.eclipse.ui.cocoa.fullscreenWindow Planned API removals after June 2020: 1. Remove Dirtable flag from MPartDescriptor 2. Remove org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPlatformRunnable 3. Remove deprecated dialogs from org.eclipse.ui.dialogs 4. Remove deprecated method and constructor in PopupDialog Planned API removals after December 2020: 1. Remove org.eclipse.pde.core.IModelProvider Planned API removals after March 2021: 1. Remove org.eclipse.pde.ui.targetProvisioners extension point 2. org.eclipse.core.commands.util package 3. org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.EncodingActionGroup 4. org.eclipse.core.launcher#Main and WebStartMain 5. Delete 2.0 plug-in compatibility classes and related API 6. Delete Job.createSystem(ICoreRunnable) API 7. Delete unsupported methods in WorkbenchWindowConfigurer Planned API removals after June 2021: 1. Delete deprecated contents of org.eclipse.ui.commands package Planned API removals after September 2021: 1. Navigator view and related API Planned API removals after December 2021: 1. Bookmark view and related API Planned API removals after June 2022: 1. ICU4J bundle from SDK Planned API removals after September 2022: 1. Remove deprecated contents of org.eclipse.pde.ui.launcher package 2. Remove TargetPlatform::createPlatformConfiguration See Clients had to adapt (e.g. RSA)

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This is a very very very long gag @kthoms API Removals Removed APIs in the Eclipse 4.17 release: 1. Remove Input and MInputPart 2. org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform#getJobManager() 3. JFace and JFace text Assert Planned API removals after June 2017: 1. Platform authorization API Planned API removals after June 2018: 1. org.eclipse.ui.cocoa.fullscreenWindow Planned API removals after June 2020: 1. Remove Dirtable flag from MPartDescriptor 2. Remove org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPlatformRunnable 3. Remove deprecated dialogs from org.eclipse.ui.dialogs 4. Remove deprecated method and constructor in PopupDialog Planned API removals after December 2020: 1. Remove org.eclipse.pde.core.IModelProvider Planned API removals after March 2021: 1. Remove org.eclipse.pde.ui.targetProvisioners extension point 2. org.eclipse.core.commands.util package 3. org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.EncodingActionGroup 4. org.eclipse.core.launcher#Main and WebStartMain 5. Delete 2.0 plug-in compatibility classes and related API 6. Delete Job.createSystem(ICoreRunnable) API 7. Delete unsupported methods in WorkbenchWindowConfigurer Planned API removals after June 2021: 1. Delete deprecated contents of org.eclipse.ui.commands package Planned API removals after September 2021: 1. Navigator view and related API Planned API removals after December 2021: 1. Bookmark view and related API Planned API removals after June 2022: 1. ICU4J bundle from SDK Planned API removals after September 2022: 1. Remove deprecated contents of org.eclipse.pde.ui.launcher package 2. Remove TargetPlatform::createPlatformConfiguration See Already in progress

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This is a very very very long gag @kthoms BREE 11 • Starting with Eclipse 2020-09 a JRE 11 is required • Increasingly more bundles started to upgrade BREE to Java 11 • Bundling justj JREs lowers the bar for users Your Products Might not Start with Java 8 Anymore

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This is a very very very long gag @kthoms justj • Provides redistributable Java runtimes • Available as bundles on p2 repositories • Java versions: 11, 14, 15 • Flavors: full (~70MB), minimal (~35MB), base (~20MB) • For each flavour also a "stripped" version

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Dark Theme

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This is a very very very long gag @kthoms Dark Theme • This is the first point • And we have a second point line 2… • oh, 3rd one • more than 4 should not make sense…

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This is a very very very long gag @kthoms Dark Theme

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This is a very very very long gag @kthoms Dark Theme

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This is a very very very long gag @kthoms Dark Theme

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This is a very very very long gag @kthoms Performance • Startup Performance • IResourceChangeListener whiteboard • Interactive Performance • More asynchronous operations, e.g. content assist • UI freeze analysis "Umbrella Bugs": #550209/#550136 (4.14) #553533 (4.15) #560449 (4.16) #563542 (4.17) #566485 (4.18)

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This is a very very very long gag @kthoms Performance

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Link Handler

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This is a very very very long gag @kthoms Headline eclipse+command://org.eclipse.ui.window.preferences? preferencePageId=org.eclipse.ui.browser.preferencePage

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This is a very very very long gag @kthoms Linux Support • GTK 3.20 is now minimal requirement (Eclipse 2020-06) • Affects only EOL Linux distros (e.g. Ubuntu 16) • Next working on GTK 4 support [1] Bug#561047 [2]

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Chromium Support

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This is a very very very long gag @kthoms Chromium Support • Chromium was added as new embedded Browser • Development funded by FEEP Program new Browser (parent, SWT.CHROMIUM) org.eclipse.swt.browser.chromium -Dorg.eclipse.swt.browser.DefaultType=Chromium [1] Bug#549585
 [2] [1] [2]

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New Apple Silicon

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This is a very very very long gag @kthoms New Apple Silicon • In June 2020 Apple announced transition of Apple hardware to its silicon • New processor technology is based on ARM • With Rosetta 2 x86_64 binaries would still run, but slower

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This is a very very very long gag @kthoms New Apple Silicon • SWT Libraries have to be compiled as Universal Binaries (Bug#565690) • Build agents with new target architecture have to be included • Eclipse Foundation is in contact with Apple & Mac provider • No OpenJDK build for aarch_64 yet Adoptopenjdk#1922 & JEP#391

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This is a very very very long gag @kthoms Gerrit Queue Ca. 350 open changes About the same as last year

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This is a very very very long gag @kthoms Participation Welcome • Review patches on Gerrit • React on bug reports • Provide patches • Testing • Attract more contributors • Spread the word! How_to_Contribute

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More New & Noteworthy

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This is a very very very long gag @kthoms Want to know more? • • • • • • • • Kudos to Holger Voormann N&N Pages N&N Videos

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