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Making Magento go fast By Thijs Feryn

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my name Thijs Hi, is

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And I’m @ThijsFeryn on Twitter

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I’m an at Evangelist

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I’m at a board member

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Magento is kinda slow …

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But tremendously flexible

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The first attempts

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First attempts ✓Install powerful machines ✓Lots of RAM & CPU ✓Loadbalancing on the webservers ✓Master/master replication on the MySQL servers ✓High memory limit ✓APC byte code caching

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Looking for Magento knowledge

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First Magento skills ✓Activate caching in the admin panel ✓Flat catalogs ✓The Magento compiler ✓JS & CSS minification

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The Magento compiler is a lie!

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Use a real byte code cache instead

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Things started to speed up But it wasn’t fantastic

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First conclusions

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First conclusions ✓It uses a lot of RAM & CPU ✓And a whole lot of I/O ✓The MySQL server gets hammered

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We  learned  how  to  cache

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By default on disk in in /var/cache

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./mage-­‐-­‐c   ./mage-­‐-­‐a   ./mage-­‐-­‐4   ./mage-­‐-­‐7   ./mage-­‐-­‐e   ./mage-­‐-­‐5   ./mage-­‐-­‐b   ./mage-­‐-­‐9   ./mage-­‐-­‐0   ./mage-­‐-­‐f   ./mage-­‐-­‐3   ./mage-­‐-­‐6   ./mage-­‐-­‐8   ./mage-­‐-­‐d   ./mage-­‐-­‐1

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./mage-­‐-­‐8/mage-­‐-­‐-­‐internal-­‐metadatas-­‐-­‐-­‐MAGE_STORE_BE_EN_CONFIG_CACHE   ./mage-­‐-­‐8/mage-­‐-­‐-­‐internal-­‐metadatas-­‐-­‐-­‐MAGE_STORE_LU_EN_CONFIG_CACHE   ./mage-­‐-­‐8/mage-­‐-­‐-­‐MAGE_STORE_NL_NL_CONFIG_CACHE   ./mage-­‐-­‐8/mage-­‐-­‐-­‐MAGE_STORE_LU_EN_CONFIG_CACHE   ./mage-­‐-­‐8/mage-­‐-­‐-­‐MAGE_STORE_LU_FR_CONFIG_CACHE   ./mage-­‐-­‐8/mage-­‐-­‐-­‐MAGE_STORE_FR_EN_CONFIG_CACHE   ./mage-­‐-­‐8/mage-­‐-­‐-­‐internal-­‐metadatas-­‐-­‐-­‐MAGE_STORE_LU_FR_CONFIG_CACHE   ./mage-­‐-­‐8/mage-­‐-­‐-­‐MAGE_STORE_BE_FR_CONFIG_CACHE   ./mage-­‐-­‐8/mage-­‐-­‐-­‐MAGE_STORE_ADMIN_CONFIG_CACHE   ./mage-­‐-­‐8/mage-­‐-­‐-­‐internal-­‐metadatas-­‐-­‐-­‐MAGE_STORE_BE_FR_CONFIG_CACHE   ./mage-­‐-­‐8/mage-­‐-­‐-­‐MAGE_DB_PDO_MYSQL_DDL_sales_flat_shipment_grid_3   ./mage-­‐-­‐d/mage-­‐-­‐-­‐internal-­‐metadatas-­‐-­‐-­‐MAGE_APP_E4D52B98688947405EDE639E947EE03D   ./mage-­‐-­‐d/mage-­‐-­‐-­‐MAGE_APP_B1FB6E8F13287C01E5C05063633DDA4C   ./mage-­‐-­‐d/mage-­‐-­‐-­‐MAGE_DB_PDO_MYSQL_DDL_log_url_info_1   ./mage-­‐-­‐d/mage-­‐-­‐-­‐MAGE_APP_E4D52B98688947405EDE639E947EE03D   ./mage-­‐-­‐d/mage-­‐-­‐-­‐internal-­‐metadatas-­‐-­‐-­‐MAGE_APP_B1FB6E8F13287C01E5C05063633DDA4C   ./mage-­‐-­‐d/mage-­‐-­‐-­‐internal-­‐metadatas-­‐-­‐-­‐MAGE_DB_PDO_MYSQL_DDL_log_url_info_1   ./mage-­‐-­‐1/mage-­‐-­‐-­‐MAGE_Zend_LocaleC_nl_NL_currencysymbol_   ./mage-­‐-­‐1/mage-­‐-­‐-­‐MAGE_Zend_LocaleC_nl_NL_nametocurrency_   ./mage-­‐-­‐1/mage-­‐-­‐-­‐internal-­‐metadatas-­‐-­‐-­‐MAGE_Zend_LocaleC_nl_NL_currencynumber_   ./mage-­‐-­‐1/mage-­‐-­‐-­‐internal-­‐metadatas-­‐-­‐-­‐MAGE_Zend_LocaleC_nl_NL_currencysymbol_   ./mage-­‐-­‐1/mage-­‐-­‐-­‐MAGE_Zend_LocaleC_nl_NL_currencynumber_   ./mage-­‐-­‐1/mage-­‐-­‐-­‐internal-­‐metadatas-­‐-­‐-­‐MAGE_Zend_LocaleC_nl_NL_nametocurrency_

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In app/etc/local.xml                            apc                  MAGE_            

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                                                                                                                        In app/etc/local.xml Multiple servers

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Still there are files in /var/cache

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2-level cache ✓Fast backend first (adapter) ✓Then the slow backend (disk)

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/var/cache in tmpfs mount  -­‐t  tmpfs  -­‐o  size=20m  tmpfs  /var/www/var/cache

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is slow

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Especially the older versions

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Magento doesn’t officially work on the latest versions

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But we made it work on 5.4. (with a patch) knowledge-base/entry/php54-patch

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Without byte code caching, you’re in trouble

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We forgot that APC doesn’t work on FastCGI

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19280  33686  1.3    0.4  322052  110408  ?  S  14:07  0:01  /usr/local/php-­‐5.4/bin/php-­‐cgi   18834  33696  0.0    0.0  267780  13608  ?    S  14:07  0:00  /usr/local/php-­‐5.4/bin/php-­‐cgi   19280  33698  0.9    0.4  321808  110948  ?  S  14:07  0:01  /usr/local/php-­‐5.4/bin/php-­‐cgi   19057  33700  0.0    0.0  268124  13416  ?    S  14:07  0:00  /usr/local/php-­‐5.4/bin/php-­‐cgi   18767  33710  0.0    0.0  269728  14156  ?    S  14:08  0:00  /usr/local/php-­‐5.4/bin/php-­‐cgi Separate processes, no joint cache

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And we forgot that APC is slowly dying

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root  26067  0.0  0.0  342892  6248  ?  S  13:43  0:00  php-­‐fpm:  master  process  (/etc/ php5/fpm/php-­‐fpm.conf)   www-­‐data  26068    0.2    1.1  396952  94684  ?  S  13:43  0:03  php-­‐fpm:  pool  www   www-­‐data  26069    0.0    0.6  363472  56456  ?  S  13:43  0:01  php-­‐fpm:  pool  www   www-­‐data  26087    0.0    0.6  362708  50188  ?  S  13:44  0:00  php-­‐fpm:  pool  www Master proces that stores the byte code cache

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Opcache is awesome … and a lot faster

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Everything in memory!!!

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We looked at HHVM

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But database tuning is also important

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Which one will we choose?

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                                                                                                                       1                                                                                                                                                            pdo_mysql                  mysql4                  SET  NAMES  utf8                  1                                   R/W   splitting

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And all of a sudden, we discovered Redis!

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is GREAT! ✓Built-in replication ✓Data types (hash, list, …) ✓Save on disk ✓Session clustering ✓Cm_Cache_Backend_Redis by default in Magento 1.8 CE & 1.13 EE ✓No 2-level cache ✓Multiple databases ✓Authentication

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Cm_Cache_Backend_Redis Cm_Cache_Backend_Redis

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In app/etc/local.xml                Cm_Cache_Backend_Redis                            6379                            1                            0              1              10              0              1              1              20480              gzip                  

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In app/etc/modules/Cm_RedisSession.xml                              true              community                  

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In app/etc/local.xml      db                6379                    2.5                    1          2048          gzip          1          6          5          30          7200        

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Varnish ✓Only works on product catalog & CMS pages ✓Doesn’t work on checkout ✓Great for static content ✓No SSL support ✓Best way to cache

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Hit rate kinda sucked

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Turpentine ✓Community module for Varnish in Magento ✓ESI or AJAX for session data ✓Configurable in the admin ✓VCL is pushed via Turpentine to the Varnish over Telnet ✓Takes care of purging ✓SSL termination via Nginx

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Lesti_FPC When Varnish is not an option

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In app/etc/local.xml                86400     false          Cm_Cache_Backend_Redis                            6379              cache-­‐fpc              1                            1              1              86400              10              1              1              gzip                   Also  works   with  other   backends

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Full-text search on the database is stupid … and slow …

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You could use

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But I prefer

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Host static files separately (~CDN) connect/onepica-imagecdn-1.html

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Horizontal scalability

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Loadbalanced ElasticSearch Redis Loadbalanced MySQL MySQL Loadbalanced frontend Nginx Nginx Loadbalanced Varnish Varnish Loadbalanced backend Nginx Nginx Client Admin PHP-FPM PHP-FPM PHP-FPM PHP-FPM SSL endpoint ElasticSearch

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Cm_Cache_Backend_R edis can’t handle multiple instances

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Got that covered!

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Slide 70 text colinmollenhour/credis Cm_Cache_Backend_Redis/tree/ multiserver Multi-­‐ server   support Library   contains  my   patches Work  in   progress

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Redis multi-server ✓Client-side hash distribution ✓Master/slave ✓Sentinel

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Sentinel ✓Discovery service for Redis servers ✓Part of the Redis core ✓Monitoring, notification & autofailover ✓Knows which are masters & slaves ✓Avoid problems when the master is down ✓Avoids problems when to master is up again ✓First connect to Sentinel, then to Redis

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Loadbalanced Redis master Client Loadbalanced Sentinel Sentinel Redis slave Redis slave

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Magento v2?

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My Redis multi-server patch in production?

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Redis v3 with built-in clustering?

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HHVM as the default PHP runtime?

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MariaDB as the default MySQL server?

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Varnish v4 support?

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Use Consul for service discovery?

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And that is how me make sure you sleep at night

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But don’t ask us to write Magento code for you

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We have partners for that

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But we can make your Magento go fast

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