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@andyfleener The Shocking Truth about Circuit Breakers By Andy Fleener

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@andyfleener I work at We use Circuit Breakers

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@andyfleener WTF is a Circuit Breaker?

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@andyfleener I’m so glad you asked

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@andyfleener Resilience is the Future* *it might not be but I’m an optimist

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@andyfleener Network Latency is a Distributed System’s Kryptonite It’s a thing because: physics

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@andyfleener Circuit Breakers are the Lead Box to contain the Kryptonite

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@andyfleener Cue Martin Fowler wrap a protected function call in a circuit breaker object Monitors for failures Failures reach a certain threshold, the circuit breaker trips Calls to the circuit breaker return with an error, without the protected call being made at all Eventually a timer expires and attempts the call again If success go back to 1 If failure go back to 3

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@andyfleener The pattern was first named in Michael Nygard’s Release It in 2007 Yes, that’s 10 years ago.

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@andyfleener Cool User Story Bro

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@andyfleener You’re probably thinking one of 3 things right now.

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@andyfleener 1. I should wrap every network call in a Circuit Breaker I’m going to start that tomorrow!

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@andyfleener 2. I don’t need this, my network is reliable

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@andyfleener 3. Was that a Mr. Robot Gif on the title slide?

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@andyfleener Sure those are all perfectly valid thoughts. I’m here to tell you it’s not that simple

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@andyfleener At SportsEngine we started using Circuit Breakers just last year.

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@andyfleener We’re still trying to figure it out

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@andyfleener But Andy it’s been out for 10 years what were you doing for the other 9?

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@andyfleener I was learning hard lessons about Complex Systems

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@andyfleener Complex Systems Cliff Notes They are unsafe They will always be unsafe Failure is inevitable Embrace the failure

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@andyfleener We started our journey from Monolith to Microservices in 2011

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@andyfleener We learned quickly that services became highly dependent on each other

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@andyfleener Enter the Burning Ring of SOA

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@andyfleener It works for Netflix! Boom! Let’s use circuit breakers!

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@andyfleener Realtalk: It’s hard for a Systems Thinker to communicate with Non Systems Thinkers

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@andyfleener What seems like an obvious solution to us doesn’t sound obvious to everyone

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@andyfleener The hardest part about using circuit breakers was explaining why we needed to use them

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@andyfleener The biggest reason is that Resilience is counterintuitive.

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@andyfleener You have to fail to succeed? WTF are you talking about?

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@andyfleener Talk in terms of outcomes: How many outages happened because of a cascading failure?

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@andyfleener What if only that first services failed, how many customers would that have impacted

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Ok awesome, lets fail on purpose! Now What? Prioritize based on impact by identifying central services that would amplify a cascade Circuits are only effective at the service level picking and choosing still leads to #cryparty Use an abstraction, make the right thing easy. You shouldn’t have to reinvent the wheel on every api call

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@andyfleener Ok sweet what does that look like?

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@andyfleener Demo Time!

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Finding a Library: Someone has implemented this pattern in any language used for the web They may or may not be using it in production Test. Test. Test. Timeouts are a primitive of a Circuit Breaker they must be built into it.

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Testing Tools: Comcast: Toxiproxy: Iptables + tc Sleeps ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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@andyfleener Thanks!