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7 months in react: The perilous art of swimming upstream

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Brandon Hays Head of Engineering @tehviking

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gonna have a bad time

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Rails new? I haven’t heard that command in years.

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Tactical Alignment Philosophical alignment vs

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Tactical Alignment: Short term, unlocks biz value

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Philosophical Alignment: Long term, tied to the reasons you do the work

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a mismatch in either: you’re swimming upstream

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When you realize you’re swimming upstream Fight on?

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When you realize you’re swimming upstream pivot?

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When you realize you’re swimming upstream retreat?

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Story 1: The Legend of Dhh

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tactical goals º Ship & promote Basecamp º Build and ship database- backed apps quickly º Gather a community to help promote and grow Rails

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philosophical goals º Grow usage of OSS tooling, Ruby specifically º Solve the 80% use case for people º Use and build tools that make programmers happy

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why configure xml when you could do puts debugging instead?

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founds the Church of the 80% use case

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the hero we need to slay the J2EE dragon

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ACT II: the elements conspire

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DHH realizes he is swimming upstream

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“Building webapps in Rails isn't programming!” “nice monolith, ya dingus!”

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No content

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ACT III: our hero perseveres

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DHH, staying on message DEAL WITH IT

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the Church of the 80% Use Case continues to stand

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Story 2: Yehuda’s A wakening

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tactical goals º Improve community participation for OSS via documentation º Learn new technologies and find ways to improve them º Build and ship real apps with great dev tooling

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philosophical goals º Build and nurture healthy communities º Push the web as a platform by improving tools º Promote & build on the idea of shared abstractions

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Helps forge the Sword of Merb and does mighty battle with Rails

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No content

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new church: Our Lady of Shared Abstractions

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ACT II: the elements conspire

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yehuda is chased out

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yehuda glimpses the future of the web

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not everyone likes yehuda’s vision

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ACT III: our hero Pivots

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yehuda pivots, hard

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No content

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No content

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Story 3: The Adventure of Freeman

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tactical goals º Build and ship a nice SPA quickly º Stay on paved roads (good docs, etc.) º Use popular, easy-to- hire-for tooling º Learn novel new tools & techniques

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philosophical goals º Choose & participate in a healthy community º Build trusted systems using “Outside-in” testing º Build on shared abstractions

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cool, cool... Quick question: why not Ember?

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Yay! Time to design our very own framework!

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Stack layer 1: Build tooling

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React + Webpack $ yarn global add create-react-app $ create-react-app myapp build layer

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Don’t eject!

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Let’s stay inside the nice warm cabin, ok?

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Don’t eject!

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definitely Eject!

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do not stay inside the nice warm cabin!

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this seemed... weird

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React + Webpack build layer

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import React from 'react';
 export const App = ({text, initData}) => (

Hello, the text is {text}

 Load Data

 export default App;
 Hello, world! components/app.jsx

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After “hello world” in React

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the first fork in the road: Routing

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Stack layer 2: routing J/K LOL

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React- Router v3 redux-little- router React- Router v4 Junctions Router5 React + Webpack Routing layer

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Unskippable side quest alert! find a state mgmt library before you can route.

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React- Router v3 redux-little- router React- Router v4 Junctions Router5 MobX Redux setState() React + Webpack state management layer

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Stack layer 2: state management

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this is a big decision

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redux: forbidden

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redux: mandatory

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MobX React- Router v3 Redux setState() redux-little- router React- Router v4 Junctions Router5 React + Webpack state management layer

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And redux is actually pretty cool ...Just not ergonomically sound

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Weird thing 2: why does the routing dependency tree seem backwards?

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Stack layer 3: routing

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import React from 'react';
 import Things from ‘./Things';
 import VsContainer from ‘../containers/VsContainer';
 import { RelativeFragment as Fragment, Link } from 'redux-little-router';
 export const App = ({ text, initData, listings }) => (


 Show Things
 VS App


 ) Let’s get routing! components/app.jsx

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It’s almost like a real webapp!

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import { connect } from 'react-redux';
 import Vs from '../components/Vs';
 const mapStateToProps = state => ({
 questions: state.vs.questions,
 currentQuestion: state.currentQuestion
 export default connect(mapStateToProps)(Vs); our first Container containers/vsContainer.jsx

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import React from 'react';
 import VsItemPair from './VsItemPair';
 const Vs = ({ questions }) => {
 return (

Hello this is the vs app


 export default Vs; our first component components/vs.jsx

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import questions from ‘../assets/vs.json';
 const initialState = {
 questions: questions.entries,
 currentQuestion: 0
 export default (state = initialState, action) => {
 switch(action.type) {
 return state;
 } our first reducer reducers/vs.js

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import app from './app';
 import things from './things';
 import vs from './vs';
 export default combineReducers({
 }); our first reducer reducers/index.js

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Stack layer 4: data fetching

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MobX React- Router v3 Redux setState() redux-little- router React- Router v4 Junctions Router5 Superagent Axios fetch() Request React + Webpack data access layer

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MobX React- Router v3 Redux setState() redux-little- router React- Router v4 Junctions Router5 Superagent Axios fetch() Request React + Webpack data access layer

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the “paved road” ends here

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import axios from 'axios';
 <...requestData() goes here>
 export function loadData(data) {
 return {
 type: 'LOAD_DATA',
 export function getDataFromServer() {
 return dispatch => {
 return axios.get('/api').then(
 res => dispatch(loadData(;
 }; our first action actions/index.js

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import React from 'react';
 import Things from ‘./Things';
 import VsContainer from ‘../containers/VsContainer';
 import { RelativeFragment as Fragment, Link } from 'redux-little-router';
 export const App = ({ text, initData, listings, getDataFromServer }) => (


 Show Things
 VS App Load Data From Server


 ) load some data! components/app.jsx

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What about loading and saving data on route transitions?

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Stack layer 5: reaction and side effects

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MobX React- Router v3 Redux setState() redux-little- router React- Router v4 Junctions Router5 Superagent Axios fetch() Request Redux- Thunk Redux Saga Redux-CRUD Observable React + Webpack reactive layer

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our use of thunk, in approximately real time

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truth in advertising: redux-thunk edition

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state management libraries in react

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“saga” just sounds cooler

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import axios from 'axios';
 import { takeEvery, put } from 'redux-saga/effects';
 import * as actions from '../actions';
 function* dispatchAPICall(action) {
 if (action.payload.pathname === '/things') {
 let response = yield axios
 .then(res =>;
 yield put(actions.loadThings(response));
 export default function* watchRouter() {
 yield takeEvery('ROUTER_LOCATION_CHANGED', dispatchAPICall)
 our first saga sagas/transition.js

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MobX React- Router v3 Redux setState() redux-little- router React- Router v4 Junctions Router5 Superagent Axios fetch() Request Redux- Thunk Redux Saga Redux-CRUD Observable React + Webpack reactive layer

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The air’s getting thin at this level of abstraction

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Just checking in... You said there was a good reason *not* to use Ember, right?

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“don’t change horses mid-stream” - Some president, probably

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Stack layer 6: models

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MobX React- Router v3 Redux setState() redux-little- router React- Router v4 Junctions Router5 Superagent Axios fetch() Request Redux- Thunk Redux Saga Redux-CRUD Observable React + Webpack mori POJOs Transis Immutable.js Swarm.js Model layer

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MobX React- Router v3 Redux setState() redux-little- router React- Router v4 Junctions Router5 Superagent Axios fetch() Request Redux- Thunk Redux Saga Redux-CRUD Observable React + Webpack mori POJOs Transis Immutable.js Swarm.js Model layer

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import { Record, Map, List, fromJS } from 'immutable';
 import Details from './details';
 const Thing = Record({
 id: 0,
 externalId: '',
 thingUrl: '',
 status: '',
 details: Details(),
 attributes: Map(),
 images: List(),
 isFavorite: false,
 isBanned: false
 export default { Thing }; our first model ducks/things/models.js

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but something’s not right... that’s our framework folks!

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ACT II: the elements conspire

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Stack layer 6: Testing

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MobX React- Router v3 Redux setState() redux-little- router React- Router v4 Junctions Router5 Superagent Axios fetch() Request Redux- Thunk Redux Saga Redux-CRUD Observable React + Webpack mori POJOs Transis Immutable.js Swarm.js testing layer Jest + Enzyme Nightmare Karma + Mocha TestCafe Selenium

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Let’s use an off-the- shelf acceptance test solution

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MobX React- Router v3 Redux setState() redux-little- router React- Router v4 Junctions Router5 Superagent Axios fetch() Request Redux- Thunk Redux Saga Redux-CRUD Observable React + Webpack mori POJOs Transis Immutable.js Swarm.js testing layer Jest + Enzyme Nightmare Karma + Mocha TestCafe Selenium

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Wait... what about the UI?

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We realize: we’re swimming upstream

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our hero comes crawling back to Karma Look who’s come crawling back to karma

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var webpack = require('webpack');
 module.exports = function (config) {
 browsers: [ 'Chrome' ], //run in Chrome
 singleRun: true, //just run once by default
 frameworks: [ 'mocha' ], //use the mocha test framework
 files: [
 'tests.webpack.js' //just load this file
 plugins: [ 'karma-chrome-launcher', 'karma-chai', 'karma-mocha',
 'karma-sourcemap-loader', 'karma-webpack', 'karma-coverage',
 preprocessors: {
 'tests.webpack.js': [ 'webpack', 'sourcemap' ] //preprocess with webpack and our sourcemap loader
 reporters: [ 'mocha', 'coverage' ], //report results in this format
 webpack: { //kind of a copy of your webpack config
 devtool: 'inline-source-map', //just do inline source maps instead of the default
 module: {
 loaders: [
 { test: /\.js$/, loader: 'babel-loader' }
 postLoaders: [ { //delays coverage til after tests are run, fixing transpiled source coverage error
 test: /\.js$/,
 exclude: /(test|node_modules|bower_components)\//,
 loader: 'istanbul-instrumenter' } ]
 webpackServer: {
 noInfo: true //please don't spam the console when running in karma!
 coverageReporter: {
 type: 'html', //produces a html document after code is run
 dir: 'coverage/' //path to created html doc
 }; configure karma (whee!)

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Your app is a snowflake of interwoven dependencies

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MobX React- Router v3 Redux setState() redux-little- router React- Router v4 Junctions Router5 Superagent Axios fetch() Request Redux- Thunk Redux Saga Redux-CRUD Observable React + Webpack mori POJOs Transis Immutable.js Swarm.js our framework Jest + Enzyme Nightmare Karma + Mocha TestCafe Selenium

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this dependency tree is not free... literally

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cost 1: Weak & fragile routing mishmash

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cost 2: Inconsistent data loading & access in models

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cost 3: $*!$%^&$ acceptance testing

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ACT III: our hero retreats

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OK, last time, ember is the right call. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills!

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MobX React- Router v3 Redux setState() redux-little- router React- Router v4 Junctions Router5 Superagent Axios fetch() Request Redux- Thunk Redux Saga Redux-CRUD Observable React + Webpack mori POJOs Transis Immutable.js Swarm.js our framework graph Jest + Enzyme Nightmare Karma + Mocha TestCafe Selenium

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rewrites are dangerous

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tactical goals º Build and ship a nice SPA quickly º Stay on paved roads (good docs, etc.) º Use popular, easy-to- hire-for tooling º Learn novel new tools & techniques

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philosophical goals º Choose & participate in a healthy community º Build trusted systems using “Outside-in” testing º Build on shared abstractions

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“I guess I’d rather be late being right than be wrong any longer” - Me, definitely

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can we prove the concept in 3 days?

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rewrite unlocked

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import { describe, it, beforeEach, afterEach } from 'mocha';
 import { expect } from 'chai';
 import startApp from 'consumer-ui/tests/helpers/start-app';
 import destroyApp from 'consumer-ui/tests/helpers/destroy-app';
 import { select } from "consumer-ui/tests/helpers/x-select";
 describe('Acceptance | tune preferences', function() {
 let application;
 beforeEach(function() {
 application = startApp();
 afterEach(function() {
 describe('when visiting the homefit route', function() {
 beforeEach(function() {
 it('redirects you to the tune preferences page', function() {
 it('loads your existing preferences', function() {
 expect($("[data-test-preference-select-area] option:selected").length).to.equal(1);
 expect($("[data-test-preference-select-area] option:selected:first").text()).to.equal("Downtown Austin");
 it('has no existing min or max price options', function() {
 expect($("[data-test-preference-select-minprice] option:selected").text()).to.equal("None");
 expect($("[data-test-preference-select-maxprice] option:selected").text()).to.equal("None");
 glorious tests! tests/acceptance/preferences-test.js

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rewrites are not easy to pull off

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how it felt

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MobX React- Router v3 Redux setState() redux-little- router React- Router v4 Junctions Router5 Superagent Axios fetch() Request Redux- Thunk Redux Saga Redux-CRUD Observable React + Webpack mori POJOs Transis Immutable.js Swarm.js our framework graph Jest + Enzyme Nightmare Karma + Mocha TestCafe Selenium

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Ember- Redux POJOs Ember + Ember CLI Ember’s framework graph Ember Data router.js fetch() Actions Ember.Object Immutable.js POJOs Mocha/Testem qUnit/Testem

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how did we wind up in this position?

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Basically, I didn’t listen

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• Persevere pivot Retreat you’re swimming upstream!

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when to persevere

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Low philosophical fit, high tactical fit

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when to pivot

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high philosophical fit, low tactical fit

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when to pack it in

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low philosophical fit, low tactical fit

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aka when to do the big scary rewrite

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High philosophical fit, high tactical fit

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my dream: a better-aligned version of react

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My dream framework: Solves 80% SPA use case: º Rock-solid, flexible routing layer º Model layer with data loading º State management with immutable data that auto-updates UI layer º Simple, inline templating like JSX º INTEGRATED ACCEPTANCE TESTING tactical goals

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º Large community focused on shared values & solutions º Simple to start, easy to learn with robust documentation º Post-adoption support via community resources º Testing & deployment: first-class citizens My dream framework: philosophical goals

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excuse *me*, princess... Isn’t that just Ember?

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by Uncle Bill Williams Tactical alignment: $$$

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Lots of folks in Ruby are pivoting right now

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Where are we going?

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The ruby community gave us many gifts

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Our job is to pass the torch to the next generation

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the react story has a happy ending

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want to get involved? talk to @cowboyd

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remember the gifts you’ve been given

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@tehviking THANKS!