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Demystifying the test pyramid

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Outline - History of the Test pyramid - Original pyramid - What is it ? - Flaws and evolutions - A word about coverage - How to look at the pyramid in 2023 - A 3d Pyramid with 4 sides: What, Why, How, When·re - Conclusion

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Xavier F. Gouchet Senior Software Engineer at Datadog @xgouchet / @datadoghq

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About the Test Pyramid…

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“ ” An effective test automation strategy calls for automating tests at three different levels […] . If the automated test suite is growing daily and has run without error every night of this sprint, the team is probably in good shape. — Mike Cohn Succeeding with Agile Mike Cohn (2009)

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Succeeding with Agile Mike Cohn (2009)

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Unit Testing a “unit” independantly from any other code. + fast and reliable in CI + lots of mocks - tight coupling with implementation

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Service Testing two or more units interacting together. + validates integration before end-to-end tests + mock network and DB - non exhaustive - fault localization is difficult a.k.a. Integration Test

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UI Test the product as the end user would. + validates user experience - fragility and flakiness - hard to debug a.k.a. End to End Test

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● Popularized the idea of automated tests ○ But like all popular things, it’s often taken at face value ● Gives the wrong idea that the volume is important ○ number Unit Tests > number of Integration Tests > number of E2E Tests ○ driven by the cost of writing/running/maintaining tests ● Doesn’t match all types of projects ● It’s a triangle, not a pyramid… ○ easy to understand, but lacks nuances What’s up with the test pyramid

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“ ” All models are approximations. Essentially, all models are wrong, but some are useful. — Georges Box

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The Pyramid revisited

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Noah Sussman (2017)

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“ ” I interpret the agile testing pyramid as a beginning to a discussion about test strategy in an agile team. — Sharon Robson More Agile Testing Lisa Crispin, Janet Gregory (2014)

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“ ” A pyramid is a self-supporting structure that cannot exist without each of its sides. Each has a different focus (or direction), but each ties into the whole unit. — Sharon Robson More Agile Testing Lisa Crispin, Janet Gregory (2014)

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More Agile Testing Lisa Crispin, Janet Gregory (2014)

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The four sides of the pyramid ● What are we testing? ● How are we testing it? ● Why are we testing? What are we looking to gain more confidence on? ● When are we running the tests? And Where?

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What…? End to End Tests Integration Tests Unit Tests Static Analysis

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What…? End to End Tests Integration Tests Unit Tests Static Analysis ● Levels size don’t relate to… ○ Number of tests ○ Importance ○ Speed ● Add a level for… ○ Business Rules ○ APIs / Data Format ○ Security

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Why…? Usability Functionality Reliability Performance Code Quality Maintenance End to End Tests Integration Tests Unit Tests Static Analysis

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Why…? Usability Functionality Reliability Performance Code Quality Maintenance ● And much more: ○ “Verify that the code works” ○ Make the contract explicit ○ Guide the development (TDD) ○ Prevent regression caused by ■ Other devs ■ Ourselves in the future ○ Ensure retrocompatibility

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How…? Datadog, Maestro, … JUnit, Espresso, … JUnit, Spek, … Detekt Ktlint Usability Functionality Reliability Performance Code quality Maintenance

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How…? Datadog, Maestro, … JUnit, Espresso, … JUnit, Spek, … Detekt Ktlint

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When…? Nightly/pre release Per PR/Nightly Per Commit/PR Per commit Datadog, Maestro, … JUnit, Espresso, … JUnit, Spek, … Detekt Ktlint

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When…? Nightly/pre release Per PR/Nightly Per Commit/PR Per commit ● Local ○ Reproducible environment setup ○ Easy to run locally ● CI ○ VCS provided (Github Actions, Gitlab, …) ○ Third Party Vendor (Bitrise, Circle CI, Travis, …) ○ Custom hosted (Jenkins, …)

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About tests roles…

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“ ” Different tests also play different roles in a project. The traditional role of automated tests is to check that an application behaves correctly. However, tests can also play a role as "living documentation". — John Ferguson Smart A Test Pyramid Heresy John Ferguson Smart (2017)

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Tests that Discover ● Example based ● TDD/BDD ● Discover the shape of a feature ○ API, interface, signatures, …

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Tests that Describe ● Make the contract explicit ● Explain Business Rule / Domain Logic ● Living documentation

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Tests that Demonstrate ● Complex or global scenarios ● Detail oriented ● Edge cases

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About coverage…

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Feature Compliance Input Coverage Compiler Static Analysis Monkey Tests Unit Tests Integration Tests E2E Tests Fuzzy Tests PBT

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SUCCESS: 26/26 (100%) Tests passed Bernd Lörwald @bloerwald

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“ ” The more any quantitative indicator is used for decision-making, the more subject it will be to corruption pressure. — Donald T. Campbell

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“ ” When code coverage is at 80%, it doesn’t mean 80% of your code is tested; it means at least 20% is not tested.

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Wrapping up

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“ ” The test pyramid is more what you’d call guidelines than actual rules.

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● You don’t need to have 4 levels exactly ● Have as many tests as you can, for each level ● Discuss the pyramid regularly ● You can (should) have conventions for tests Takeaway

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“ ” You need to be as confident in the tests you code as you are in the code you test.

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Thank you! Any questions?

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A 4 sided pyramid LEVEL 01 LEVEL 02 LEVEL 03 LEVEL 04 Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum

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A 4 sided pyramid LEVEL 01 LEVEL 02 LEVEL 03 LEVEL 04 Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum