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Multiple Streams Analysis SLIDES

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A GARBAGE CAN MODEL OF ORGANIZATIONAL CHOICE M.D. Cohen, J.G. March, & J.P. Olsen (1972) The garbage can process is one in which problems, solutions, and participants move from one choice opportunity to another in such a way that the nature of the choice, the time it takes, and the problems it solves all depend on a relatively complicated intermeshing of elements.

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social problems are complex

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Knowing things about the world is hard

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human cognition is imperfect limited information capacity selective attention

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policy makers operate under severe time constraints

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Ambiguity Identifying the real cause and consequences of problems is difficult and the way we understand problems is shaped by focusing events, crises, & symbols, among other things.

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The policy “primeval soup” “Much as molecules floated around in what biologists call the ‘primeval soup’ before life came into being, so ideas float around in [policy] communities.”

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Politics The national mood, organized political forces, the composition of policy making bodies (e.g. legislatures)

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Timing, policy entrepreneurs, & policy windows “Entrepreneurs do more than push…they also lie in wait – for a window to open.”

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Agenda setting Problem Stream Indicators (e.g. statistics) Focusing events Feedback

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Agenda setting Problem Stream Political Stream National mood Interest groups Politicians/policy makers

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Agenda setting Problem Stream Political Stream Policy Stream Policy alternatives generated in policy communities

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Agenda setting Problem Stream Political Stream Policy Stream Policy Window Changes in problem or policy streams circumstances

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Agenda setting Problem Stream Policy Stream Policy Window Changes in problem or policy streams circumstances Policy Entrepreneur Advocate willing to invest the resources – time, energy, reputation, money – to promote a position in return for anticipated future gain Political Stream

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Agenda setting Problem Stream Policy Stream Policy Window Changes in problem or policy streams circumstances Policy Entrepreneur “Coupling” to get problem or proposal on policy makers’ agenda Political Stream

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Agenda setting Problem Stream Worked out policy option Policy Stream Policy adoption Problem Stream Political Stream Policy Window Policy formulation, legitimation, & adoption Policy Stream Political Stream

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Policy change is more likely if… a policy window opens the streams are ready for coupling a policy entrepreneur promotes the policy change

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Agenda setting Problem Stream Worked out policy option Policy Stream Policy adoption Problem Stream Political Stream Policy Window Policy formulation, legitimation, & adoption Policy Stream Political Stream

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