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@addyosmani +AddyOsmani Frontrend, Tokyo. Mobile Web Development Workflow Improving your happiness and productivity during development

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Έͳ͞Μ͜Μʹͪ͸ ࢲ͸ΞσΟʔΦζϚχͳͬ͠ʔ ΑΖ͘͠ͳͬ͠ʔ

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This is the web today.

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"More people have access to mobile than to running water and toothbrushes"

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"87% of mobile users expect sites to load at least as fast, or faster than on their desktop."

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"57% will abandon a site after waiting 3 seconds for a page to load"

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This is most of us today. This is most developers today.

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Let’s change that.

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Developing mobile-first should now be assumed.

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Tools can help us find and fix mobile regressions earlier.

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How do you test across multiple devices?

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Re-checking your site on mobile is a pain

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Luckily tools can help us test more efficiently

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Navigate all devices to the same URL

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Remote Preview

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A lo-fi, free option Remote Preview

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Remote Preview [+] Free! [-] Loads page into iframe [-] Requires user to type url in page [+] Central place to change url to load into iframe after initial set-up

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Synchronize navigation & get screenshots.

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Adobe Edge Inspect CC

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Remote debugging with Weinre

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Get device screenshots

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Adobe Edge Inspect [-] Displays site in a WebView [+] Supports live reload [+] Extension to load any page you view in Chrome [-] Can’t account for localhost (i.e. switch to ip addr. of machine on local network) [+] Remote Inspect via Weinre

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Refresh all devices on edit

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Grunt + LiveReload

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Grunt + LiveReload [+] Free! [+] Easily see how each change you save looks across devices [+] Works with any modern mobile browser [-] Requires you to use Grunt for your build process

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Synchronize cross-device edits without saving

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Emmet LiveStyle

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Emmet LiveStyle [+] Free! [+] Works with Chrome, Safari and Sublime Text [+] Cross-platform [-] Requires you to install a package or extension

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Synchronize scrolls, clicks, interactions as well as navigation

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Sync desktop & mobile navigation

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Sync everything?

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Remote debugging Also done through Weinre

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Ghostlab [+] Creates server to folder contents [+] Syncs scrolls, clicks and reloads [-] Needs typing into browser on each device [+] Allows to match up scrolling and input [-] OS X Only [+] Debugging via Weinre

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Mobile Debugging

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DevTools Remote Debugging RAW USB debugging and Port Forwarding now supported

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iOS WebKit Debug Proxy

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jshyDebugger Debug mobile web applications and hybrid/WebView/PhoneGap apps on Android devices

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jshyDebugger Live Editing

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jshyDebugger Timeline

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jshyDebugger ADB plugin support

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jsConsole Remotely inject code into and debug any browser window or device.

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Aardwolf Remote JavaScript debugger for Android / iOS / Windows Phone 7 / BlackBerry OS 6

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Visual regression testing

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PhantomCSS A CasperJS module for visual regression testing

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Simulate real-network conditions

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Network Link Conditioner

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Netem, WANEm (Linux)

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Fiddler (Win/Mac/Linux)

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Captures all traffic Playback recorded traffic sessions

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Devices, Simulators & Emulators

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Screenshots or live testing?

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BrowserStack + local tunneling

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Sauce Labs Screenshots & Recordings

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Simulators & Emulators Massive, well-maintained list of options available

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Do I even need an emulator? Chrome DevTools Emulation

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Build tools

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grunt-responsive-images grunt-contrib-imagemin grunt-autoshot

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Grunt PageSpeed

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Yeoman + Mobile

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generator-mobile • Scaffold support for Bootstrap 3, TopCoat, Zurb Foundation and Pure • Generates responsive images for srcset • Generates screenshots of your site at different viewport sizes • Uses BrowserStack for cloud device testing • Includes FastClick to avoid iOS touch delays • Includes boilerplate for FullScreen API • Includes only the Modernizr feature detects your projects uses • Converts images to WebP • Includes a polyfill for async. localStorage

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Performance Insights

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Remote debugging + DevTools Timeline

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Rendering Performance Tooling

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PageSpeed Insights For Mobile

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PageSpeed Insights

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Phantomas Metrics Collector

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92 predefined metrics Export to JSON

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Telemetry Python wrapper around RDB.

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Generate Device Art

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Android Device Art Generator

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Lots of tooling options available.

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Use tools. not rules.

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@addyosmani +AddyOsmani ͋Γ͕ͱ͏͍͟͝·ͨ͠ͳͬ͠ʔ

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Next up..

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