Slide 18
Slide 18 text
1. Ryosuke Matsumoto, Uchio Kondo and Kentaro Kuribayashi, FastContainer: A Homeostatic System Architecture High-
speed Adapting Execution Environment Changes, The 43rd Annual IEEE International Computers, Software, and
Applications Conference (COMPSAC2019), July 2019. (to appear)
3. Yuuki Tsubouchi, Asato Wakisaka, Ken Hamada, Masayuki Matsuki, Hiroshi Abe and Ryosuke Matsumoto, HeteroTSDB: An
Extensible Time Series Database for Automatically Tiering on Heterogeneous Key-Value Stores, The 43rd
Annual IEEE International Computers, Software, and Applications Conference (COMPSAC2019), July 2019. (to appear)
4. Komei Nomura, Kenji Rikitake and Ryosuke Matsumoto, Automatic Whitelist Generation for SQL Queries Using Web
Application Tests, The 9th IEEE International COMPSAC Workshop on Network Technologies for Security, Administration
and Protection (NETSAP 2019), July 2019. (to appear)
5.Ryosuke Matsumoto, Kenji Rikitake, Kentaro Kuribayashi, Large-scale Certificate Management on Multi-tenant Web
Servers, The 6th IEEE International COMPSAC Workshop on Architecture, Design, Deployment and Management of
Networks and Applications (ADMNET 2018), July 2018.
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