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Reactive State Machine 2016/10/20 #iOSConfSG Yasuhiro Inami / @inamiy

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Reactive Programming

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Streams of values over time

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Swift FRP Libraries (FRP = Functional Reactive Programming) • RxSwift • ReactiveCocoa (RAC) • SwiftBond / ReactiveKit • Interstellar • ReactKit FRP constructs data-flow declaratively.

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State Management using MVVM

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Setting State (Data Binding) final class ViewModel { var rawValue: Value let variable: RxSwift.Variable let mutableProperty: RAC.MutableProperty } mySuperEventEmitter.on { viewModel.rawValue = $0 } observable.bindTo(viewModel.variable) // RxSwift viewModel.mutableProperty <~ signal // ReactiveCocoa

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Getting State (Data Observing) final class ViewModel { var rawValue: Value let variable: RxSwift.Variable let mutableProperty: RAC.MutableProperty } // `viewModel.rawValue` is not observableʂ (if not KVO) viewModel.variable.asObservable().doOn {...} // RxSwift viewModel.mutableProperty.signal.on {...} // ReactiveCocoa

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Observable or Signal ≒ EventEmitter

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Variable or MutableProperty ≒ EventEmitter + Current Value

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FRP + MVVM Super easy to manage states!

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final class ViewModel { let variable: Variable }

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final class ViewModel { let variable: Variable } final class ViewModel2 { let variable: Variable }

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final class ViewModel { let variable: Variable } final class ViewModel2 { let variable: Variable } final class ViewModel3 { let variable: Variable }

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final class ViewModel { let variable: Variable } final class ViewModel2 { let variable: Variable } final class ViewModel3 { let variable: Variable } ... final class ViewModel1000 { let variable: Variable }

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let variable = { n in viewModel[n].variable } variable(1).asObservable() .map { ... } .bindTo(variable(2)) variable(2).variable.asObservable() .flatMap { ... } .bindTo(variable(3)) Observable.combineLatest(variable(123), variable(456)) .map { ... } .bindTo(variable(789)) ...

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1000 ViewModels Much states So universe

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FRP + MVVM ○ Data-flow × State Management

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Problems in FRP + MVVM (1) // UI binding using RxSwift viewModel.variable.asDriver().drive(/* UI update */) // 1. State is too easy to change at anytime. viewModel.variable.value = "!!! poops!"

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final class ViewModel { var rawValue: T let variable: Variable } let variable and var rawValue are both mutable!

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Problems in FRP + MVVM (2) // UI binding using RxSwift viewModel.variable.asDriver().drive(/* UI update */) // 2. Data-flow is too easy to change at anytime. let disposable = !!!Observable .bindTo(viewModel.variable) // connect disposable.dispose() // disconnect

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Data-flow itself is a state!!!

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FRP + MVVM ↓ State "control" is easy ↓ But, number of states are increasing...

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Are we really "managing" the states?

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Rapidly changing "Data-flows" Unpredictable "States"

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Paradigm Shift 1. Fix "Data-flow" 2. Minimize "State"

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React.js • JavaScript framework for stateless view management • Component: Renders view in replace of DOM • JSX: XML-like tree description • Virtual DOM: Diff-patch algorithm • Data-flow from parent to child • Not same as "Reactive Programming"

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Problem in React.js Data-flow from child to parent is difficult

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Redux • Singleton state container (Store) • Topmost component no longer needs state management • Any level of components can send Action to Store easily • Reducer: State transition using pure function • Data-flow from child to parent

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Problems in Redux • Middleware V.S. Reducer • Middleware adds side-effect (IO) before passing Reducer • Q. What happens if we want to add side-effects while passing Reducer? • A. We often need coupled solution • Middleware is order-dependent

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Problems in Redux • Asynchronous task is difficult • Use Thunk? Promise? ES6 Generator? Observable? inside Middleware? • Q. What happens if multiple Middlewares chain-react each other asynchronously??? !"!"!"! • A. ¯\_(π)_/¯ • Observable is much easier to handle async-chaining

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Think for a better architecture

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Look through Redux types • Action = input, State • Store = state container • Reducer = (State, Action) -> State ɹɹ= state transition function • Listener = State -> /* IO */ () = state observer • Middleware = State -> ... -> Action -> /* IO */ Any = hooks side-effects

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State Machine • Deterministic / Non-deterministic, Finite / Infinite • Acceptor / Recognizer • Pushdown, Turing Machine, etc • Transducer • Moore Machine (1956) • Mealy Machine (1955)

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Mealy Machine (Σ, Ω, S, s0, δ, λ)

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Mealy Machine Finite transducer that creates "new state" and "output" from "current state" and "input".

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Mealy Machine • Σ = Set of Inputs • Ω = Set of Outputs • S = Set of States • s0 = Initial state (s0 ∈ S) • δ = State transition function, δ: S x Σ → S • λ = Output function, λ: S x Σ → Ω

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Redux = Mealy Machine • Action = Σ = Set of Inputs • State = S = Set of States • Store = s0 + δ = Initial state + transition function • Reducer = δ = Transition function • Listener = Ω = Set of Outputs • Middleware = λ = Output function

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Existed since 1955

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Let's combine Redux + FRP

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Redux + FRP (Idea) 1. Merge Reducer and Middleware: S x Σ -> S x Ω 2. Use Optional for Reducer's return value • Avoid unnecessary dispatches for state transition failure 3. Use FRP (ReactiveCocoa) for async-chaining 4. Use SignalProducer for output type that can also send next Input

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Reactive / Rx Automaton inamiy/ReactiveAutomaton inamiy/RxAutomaton

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Redux ˰ ReactiveAutomaton • Store 㱺 Automaton • Action 㱺 Input • Reducer 㱺 (State, Input) -> (State, SignalProducer)? • Listener 㱺 Reply -> /* IO */ () • Middleware 㱺 !

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Sample code (Login flow) • State: LoggedOut, LoggingIn, LoggedIn, LoggingOut • Input: Login, LoginOK, Logout, LogoutOK, ForceLogout

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Sample code (Login flow) // 1. switch-case pattern matching let mapping: NextMapping = { fromState, input in switch (fromState, input) { case (.loggedOut, .login): return (.loggingIn, loginOKProducer) case (.loggingIn, .loginOK): return (.loggedIn, .empty) case (.loggedIn, .logout): return (.loggingOut, logoutOKProducer) case (.loggingOut, .logoutOK): return (.loggedOut, .empty) case (.loggingIn, .forceLogout), (.loggedIn, .forceLogout): return (.loggingOut, forceLogoutOKProducer) default: return nil } }

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Sample code (Login flow) let canForceLogout: State -> Bool = [.loggingIn, .loggedIn].contains // 2. Fancy pattern matching using Swift's custom operators let mappings: [NextMapping] = [ /* input | fromState => toState | effect */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */ .login | .loggedOut => .loggingIn | loginOKProducer, .loginOK | .loggingIn => .loggedIn | .empty, .logout | .loggedIn => .loggingOut | logoutOKProducer, .logoutOK | .loggingOut => .loggedOut | .empty, .forceLogout | canForceLogout => .loggingOut | forceLogoutOKProducer ]

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Sample code (Login flow) let (inputSignal, observer) = Signal.pipe() let send = observer.sendNext let automaton = Automaton( state: .loggedOut, input: inputSignal, mapping: reduce(mappings), // combining reducers strategy: .latest ) automaton.replies.observeNext { print($0) }

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Sample code (Login flow) expect(automaton.state.value) == .loggedIn // already logged in send(Input.logout) expect(automaton.state.value) == .loggingOut // logging out... // `logoutOKProducer` will automatically transit to "logged out" expect(automaton.state.value) == .loggedOut // already logged out send(Input.login) expect(automaton.state.value) == .loggingIn // logging in... // will transit to "logged in" shortly, but... send(Input.forceLogout) // let's force-logout!"! expect(automaton.state.value) == .loggingOut // logging out... // `forceLogoutOKProducer` will automatically transit to "logged out"

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ReactiveAutomaton • State manager, from single tiny flag to whole app's states • Similar to Elm's architecture • Program + Effect Manager (language support) = Automaton • Model = State, Msg = Input • update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg) = State transition function + Output function

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Model View ViewModel

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Model View ✨Automaton✨

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Recap • "Data-flow" as the "State" • FRP + MVVM is not a silver bullet • Learn from React.js + Redux • Needs UIKit evolution (e.g. ReactNative) • Redux + FRP = Reactive State Machine • Elm is awesome (Ref: A Farewell to FRP)

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