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The day I reverse engineered a furry Gameboy Advance game With @macabeus D E F C O N F u r

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Here is the bridge

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Here is the debugger panel

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This is the tile ID. In this example, all tiles with the ID 9B are the bridge left-corner. 9A is the ID of the continuous part of the bridge.

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This tells us where the tile is stored in the memory. In this example, it is at 0600F1AD.

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Slide 24 text The address found is expected 0600F1AD given that everything between 0600 and 0601 is part of the section known as VRAM.

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Our bridge starts here!

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Our bridge starts here!

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And now we grow it bigger!

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And now we grow it bigger!

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And now we grow it bigger! WTF??!

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VRAM pulls the tilemap containing exactly what the player has to see from somewhere else that has the entire thing.

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Slide 35 text Direct Memory Access D M A

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Slide 37 text It is a feature of computer systems that allows certain hardware subsystems to access main system memory (random access memory), independent of the CPU

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Slide 38 text tldr; makes copying and pasting faster

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DMA3: 03000900 0600E000 80000400 DMA3: 03001100 0600E800 80000400 DMA3: 03004DB0 0600F000 80000200 DMA3: 03004800 07000000 84000048

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DMA3: 03000900 0600E000 80000400 DMA3: 03001100 0600E800 80000400 DMA3: 03004DB0 0600F000 80000200 DMA3: 03004800 07000000 84000048 The closest to the bytes of our bridge (0600F1AD).

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DMA3: 03000900 0600E000 80000400 DMA3: 03001100 0600E800 80000400 DMA3: 03004DB0 0600F000 80000200 DMA3: 03004800 07000000 84000048 In other words, VRAM is updated here

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DMA3: 03000900 0600E000 80000400 DMA3: 03001100 0600E800 80000400 DMA3: 03004DB0 0600F000 80000200 DMA3: 03004800 07000000 84000048 This byte is the VRAM data source. It’s located in the Fast WRAM section.

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And going to this address…

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Our bridge starts here!

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Stretching it…

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Stretching it… And…

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Stretching it… …It works! And…

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Stretching it… …It works! And… WTF??!

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Stretching it… …It works! And… WTF??!

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Our extra tiles disappear when out of the player vision range.

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Object Attribute Memory O A M

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This is the address in which Klonoa is stored on the memory

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DMA3: 03000900 0600E000 80000400 DMA3: 03001100 0600E800 80000400 DMA3: 03004DB0 0600F000 80000200 DMA3: 03004800 07000000 8400003E

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DMA3: 03000900 0600E000 80000400 DMA3: 03001100 0600E800 80000400 DMA3: 03004DB0 0600F000 80000200 DMA3: 03004800 07000000 8400003E We can see exactly the byte that writes on Klonoa’s object (07000000).

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DMA3: 03000900 0600E000 80000400 DMA3: 03001100 0600E800 80000400 DMA3: 03004DB0 0600F000 80000200 DMA3: 03004800 07000000 8400003E We can see exactly the byte that writes on Klonoa’s object (07000000).

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The first byte on an object defines the Y position…

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…and updating it…

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…and updating it…

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…on running the next frame, we can notices that it changes the Klonoa Y position!

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…on running the next frame, we can notices that it changes the Klonoa Y position! But also returns this byte for the correct value…

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…and Klonoa continues to fall as to be nothing happened

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Camera 03002926:03002927

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Camera 03002926:03002927 63 00 63 00

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Camera 03002926:03002927 63 00 63 00 In-game position 03002922:03002923

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Camera 03002926:03002927 63 00 63 00 In-game position 03002922:03002923 88 01 76 01

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Camera 03002926:03002927 63 00 63 00 In-game position 03002922:03002923 88 01 76 01

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After a lot of researches, I found it:

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Here is where updates the in-game Y position

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Here is where it decides if it should update or not the Klonoa's position…

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…and it uses the tile id stored at the Slow WRAM Here is where it decides if it should update or not the Klonoa's position…

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After updating the tile map at the Slow WRAM…

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After updating the tile map at the Slow WRAM…

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The data flow Cartridge

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The data flow Cartridge Slow WRAM >

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The data flow Cartridge Slow WRAM > Fast WRAM >

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The data flow Cartridge Slow WRAM > Fast WRAM > VRAM >

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The data flow Cartridge Slow WRAM > Fast WRAM > VRAM > Display >

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Slow WRAM Our research flow Cartridge Display VRAM Fast WRAM > > > >

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Level loader instructions

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swi… what?

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i SW

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SoftWare Interrupt i S W

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SoftWare Interrupt i S W = Bios Calls

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BIOS is a firmware that is intended to initialise the physical components of the system

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BIOS is a firmware that is intended to initialise the physical components of the system In GBA, its BIOS exposes many functions often used in games, including data compression and decompression

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BIOS is a firmware that is intended to initialise the physical components of the system In GBA, its BIOS exposes many functions often used in games, including data compression and decompression Each function has an associated numeric code, which must be used as a parameter in the SWI statement

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How division works on GBA: swi 0x06

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How division works on GBA: swi 0x06 Input: R0 
 numerator R1 

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How division works on GBA: swi 0x06 Input: R0 
 numerator R1 
 denominator R0 
 numerator / denominator R1 
 numerator % denominator R3 
 abs(numerator / denominator) Output:

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And in this case, the software is calling the Huffman Decompress and lz77 Decompress functions

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Huffman + lz77 = deflate

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6E 6E 6E B0 B1 BD 77 AB B3 AB B3 7C 6E 6E 6E 6E 6E 6E 6E 6E 7C 6E 6E 6E 6E 7C 6E 6E

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6E 6E 6E B0 B1 BD 77 AB B3 AB B3 7C 6E 6E 6E 6E 6E 6E 6E 6E 7C 6E 6E 6E 6E 7C 6E 6E 6E 6E 6E B0 B1 BD 77 AB B3 AB B3 7C 6E 6E 6E 6E 6E 6E 6E 6E 7C 6E 6E 6E 6E 7C 6E 6E

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6E 6E 6E B0 B1 BD 77 AB B3 AB B3 7C 6E 6E 6E 6E 6E 6E 6E 6E 7C 6E 6E 6E 6E 7C 6E 6E 6E 6E 6E B0 B1 BD 77 AB B3 AB B3 7C 6E 6E 6E 6E 6E 6E 6E 6E 7C 6E 6E 6E 6E 7C 6E 6E =

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0x1A 0x1B 0x1C 0x1D 0x1E 0x1F 0x1A 0x1B 0x1C 0x1D 0x1E 0x1F 0x1A 0x1B 0x1C 0x1D 0x1E 0x1F 0x1A 0x1B 0x1C 0x1D 0x1E 0x1F

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0x1A 0x1B 0x1C 0x1D 0x1E 0x1F 0x1A 0x1B 0x1C 0x1D 0x1E 0x1F 0x1A 0x1B 0x1C 0x1D 0x1E 0x1F 0x1A 0x1B 0x1C 0x1D 0x1E 0x1F

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0x1A 0x1B 0x1C 0x1D 0x1E 0x1F

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H · W = 25020 
 H,W ∈ ℕ

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x x x x a x x x x 
 x x x x b x x x x I’m on tile a Below me is the tile b

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x x x x a x x x x

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x x x x a x x x x 
 x x x x b x x x x From the tile a to b there are 9 bytes (= 9 tiles), so the length of the tilemap is exactly 9 I’m on tile a

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Breakpoint here

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The tile address which Klonoa is standing on

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The tile address which Klonoa is standing on

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When I change this byte…

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When I change this byte… …it reflects right there, and it’s our tile a,…

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When I change this byte… …it reflects right there, and it’s our tile a,… …at 02008439

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Then we should update the tiles below Klonoa…

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…to drop him one level Then we should update the tiles below Klonoa…

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Then get the tile address on the one level below

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Changing this byte…

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Changing this byte… …we found the tile b!

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Changing this byte… …we found the tile b! It's at 020085DD

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02008439 - 020085DD = 1A4 (420) 
 The length of the level is 420!

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const Jimp = require('jimp') const { drop } = require('ramda') const fs = require('fs') const data = drop(3, fs.readFileSync(‘dump/level-1/tilemap'))

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const Jimp = require('jimp') const { drop } = require('ramda') const fs = require('fs') const data = drop(3, fs.readFileSync('dump/level-1/tilemap'))

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const getPixelColor = hexTile = > { if (hexTile === 0) { return 0x000000 } return 0xFFFFFF }

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new Jimp(300, 600, (err, image) = > { let x = 0 let y = 0 for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i += 1) { const value = data[i] x += 1 if (x === 420) { y += 1 x = 0 } let color = getPixelColor(value) image.setPixelColor(color, x, y) } image.write('image.png') })

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React.js GitHub Pages WebAssembly

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React.js GitHub Pages WebAssembly

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React.js GitHub Pages WebAssembly

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React.js GitHub Pages WebAssembly

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🖌 Brush

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🖌 ✂ Brush Scissors

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Z 🖌 ✂

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Z 🖌 ✂ Extract data 
 from the ROM Get constants values Update the 
 ROM data UI

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Web assembly

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Tilemap compressed > Old C code to uncumpress it Decompressed Tilemap >

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Tilemap compressed >

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Tilemap compressed > Old C code to uncumpress it Decompressed Tilemap >

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Tilemap compressed > Old C code to uncumpress it Decompressed Tilemap > Emscripten WebAssembly > >

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huffman.c lzss.c > Emscripten > huffman.wasm 
 lzss.wasm huffman.js 
 lzss.js +

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const lzssModule = require('./wasm/lzss.js' ) const { FS } = lzssModul e const lzssDecode = (buffer) => { FS.writeFile('filelzss', buffer ) lzssModule._LZS_Decode( ) try { return lzssModule.FS.readFile('filelzss', { encoding: 'binary' } ) } catch (e) { throw new LzssDecodeError(e ) } }

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const lzssModule = require('./wasm/lzss.js' ) const { FS } = lzssModul e const lzssDecode = (buffer) => { FS.writeFile('filelzss', buffer ) lzssModule._LZS_Decode( ) try { return lzssModule.FS.readFile('filelzss', { encoding: 'binary' } ) } catch (e) { throw new LzssDecodeError(e ) } }

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const lzssModule = require('./wasm/lzss.js' ) const { FS } = lzssModul e const lzssDecode = (buffer) => { FS.writeFile('filelzss', buffer ) lzssModule._LZS_Decode( ) try { return lzssModule.FS.readFile('filelzss', { encoding: 'binary' } ) } catch (e) { throw new LzssDecodeError(e ) } }

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const lzssModule = require('./wasm/lzss.js' ) const { FS } = lzssModul e const lzssDecode = (buffer) => { FS.writeFile('filelzss', buffer ) lzssModule._LZS_Decode( ) try { return lzssModule.FS.readFile('filelzss', { encoding: 'binary' } ) } catch (e) { throw new LzssDecodeError(e ) } }

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const lzssModule = require('./wasm/lzss.js' ) const { FS } = lzssModul e const lzssDecode = (buffer) => { FS.writeFile('filelzss', buffer ) lzssModule._LZS_Decode( ) try { return lzssModule.FS.readFile('filelzss', { encoding: 'binary' } ) } catch (e) { throw new LzssDecodeError(e ) } }

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const lzssModule = require('./wasm/lzss.js' ) const { FS } = lzssModul e const lzssDecode = (buffer) => { FS.writeFile('filelzss', buffer ) lzssModule._LZS_Decode( ) try { return lzssModule.FS.readFile('filelzss', { encoding: 'binary' } ) } catch (e) { throw new LzssDecodeError(e ) } }

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function docker_run_emscripten { local filename="$1" echo "Compiling $filename..." docker run \ --rm -it \ -v $(pwd)/scissors/src/wasm:/src \ trzeci/emscripten:1.38.43 \ emcc -s WASM=1 -s ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1 -s MODULARIZE=1 \ -s EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS=[\”FS\"] \ -s EXPORT_NAME=\"$filename\" -o ./$filename.js $filename. c } docker_run_emscripten huffma n docker_run_emscripten lzss

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function docker_run_emscripten { local filename="$1 " echo "Compiling $filename... " docker run \ --rm -it \ -v $(pwd)/scissors/src/wasm:/src \ trzeci/emscripten:1.38.43 \ emcc -s WASM=1 -s ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1 -s MODULARIZE=1 \ -s EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS=[\”FS\"] \ -s EXPORT_NAME=\"$filename\" -o ./$filename.js $filename. c } docker_run_emscripten huffma n docker_run_emscripten lzss

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const extractFullTilemap = (romBuffer, addressStart) = > romBuffer.slice(addressStart ) |> huffmanDecod e |> lzssDecode

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Saving the new tilemap

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First Level Second Level Third Level Each level is stored continually in the memory

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First Level Second Level Third Level

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First Level Second Level Third Level Changes in the first level >

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> Second Level Third Level Customised

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> Second Level Third Level Customised

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Thumb ARM

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Faster to run Instructions demand less memory Thumb ARM

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Faster to run Instructions demand less memory Can perform more complex instructions Thumb ARM

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The switch between ARM and Thumb must be done by bx instruction.

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The switch between ARM and Thumb must be done by bx instruction. This instruction only can read a register

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The switch between ARM and Thumb must be done by bx instruction. This instruction only can read a register bx updates the PC by the register value used in its parameter

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Very big hole space at the end of cartridge First Level Second Level Third Level Instruction to load a level

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First Level Second Level Third Level Instruction to load a level Constant addresses map table Hole Customised level loader Customised First Level Customised Second Level Customised Third Level Hole Hole Hole

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First Level Second Level Third Level Instruction to load a level Constant addresses map table Hole Customised level loader Customised First Level Customised Second Level Customised Third Level Hole Hole Hole 0836720 FC 27 1B 0 8 0836724 00 77 36 0 8 0836728 5C 3E 1B 0 8 083672C B0 86 36 0 8 0836730 AC 50 1B 0 8 0836734 80 93 36 08

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First Level Second Level Third Level Instruction to load a level Constant addresses map table Hole Customised level loader Customised First Level Customised Second Level Customised Third Level Hole Hole Hole 0836720 FC 27 1B 0 8 0836724 00 77 36 0 8 0836728 5C 3E 1B 0 8 083672C B0 86 36 0 8 0836730 AC 50 1B 0 8 0836734 80 93 36 08

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First Level Second Level Third Level Instruction to load a level Constant addresses map table Hole Customised level loader Customised First Level Customised Second Level Customised Third Level Hole Hole Hole 0836720 FC 27 1B 0 8 0836724 00 77 36 0 8 0836728 5C 3E 1B 0 8 083672C B0 86 36 0 8 0836730 AC 50 1B 0 8 0836734 80 93 36 08

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First Level Second Level Third Level Instruction to load a level Constant addresses map table Hole Customised level loader Customised First Level Customised Second Level Customised Third Level Hole Hole Hole 0836720 FC 27 1B 0 8 0836724 00 77 36 0 8 0836728 5C 3E 1B 0 8 083672C B0 86 36 0 8 0836730 AC 50 1B 0 8 0836734 80 93 36 08

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First Level Second Level Third Level Instruction to load a level Constant addresses map table Hole Customised level loader Customised First Level Customised Second Level Customised Third Level Hole Hole Hole

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First Level Second Level Third Level Instruction to load a level Constant addresses map table Hole Customised level loader Customised First Level Customised Second Level Customised Third Level Hole Hole Hole Original Loader 08043B0A mov r4, r0 08043B0C add r0, r5, 4 08043B0E mov r1, r4 08043B10 bl 0805143Ch

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First Level Second Level Third Level Instruction to load a level (patched) Constant addresses map table Hole Customised level loader Customised First Level Customised Second Level Customised Third Level Hole Hole Hole Original Loader 08043B0A mov r4, r0 08043B0C add r0, r5, 4 08043B0E mov r1, r4 08043B10 bl 0805143Ch Patched Loader 08043B0A mov r4, r0 08043B0C bl 08367610 h 080v3B10 bl 0805143Ch

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First Level Second Level Third Level Instruction to load a level (patched) Constant addresses map table Hole Customised level loader Customised First Level Customised Second Level Customised Third Level Hole Hole Hole Patched Loader 08043B0A mov r4, r0 08043B0C bl 08367610 h 080v3B10 bl 0805143Ch R0 is the pointer to which the tilemap will be loaded. We should update it to the address of the custom level

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First Level Second Level Third Level Instruction to load a level (patched) Constant addresses map table Hole Customised level loader Customised First Level Customised Second Level Customised Third Level Hole Hole Hole Patched Loader 08043B0A mov r4, r 0 08043B0C bl 08367610 h 080v3B10 bl 0805143Ch

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First Level Second Level Third Level Instruction to load a level Constant addresses map table Hole Customised level loader Customised First Level Customised Second Level Customised Third Level Hole Hole Hole 08367610 mov r0, r15 ; r15 = PC
 08367612 add r0, 3Ch
 08367614 bx r0

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First Level Second Level Third Level Instruction to load a level Constant addresses map table Hole Customised level loader Customised First Level Customised Second Level Customised Third Level Hole Hole Hole 08367650 add r0, r4, 4 h 08367654 ldr r4, [r15, #-3Ch ] 08367658 cmp r0, r 4 0836765C ldreq r0, [r15, #-40h ] 08367660 ldr r4, [r15, #-40h ] 08367664 cmp r0, r 4 08367668 ldreq r0, [r15, #-44h ] 0836767C ldr r4, [r15, #-44h ] 08367680 cmp r0, r 4 08367684 ldreq r0, [r15, #-48h ] 08367688 mov r4, r 1 0836768C bx r14

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First Level Second Level Third Level Instruction to load a level Constant addresses map table Hole Customised level loader Customised First Level Customised Second Level Customised Third Level Hole Hole Hole 08367650 add r0, r4, 4 h 08367654 ldr r4, [r15, #-3Ch ] 08367658 cmp r0, r 4 0836765C ldreq r0, [r15, #-40h ] 08367660 ldr r4, [r15, #-40h ] 08367664 cmp r0, r 4 08367668 ldreq r0, [r15, #-44h ] 0836767C ldr r4, [r15, #-44h ] 08367680 cmp r0, r 4 08367684 ldreq r0, [r15, #-48h ] 08367688 mov r4, r 1 0836768C bx r14

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First Level Second Level Third Level Instruction to load a level Constant addresses map table Hole Customised level loader Customised First Level Customised Second Level Customised Third Level Hole Hole Hole 08367650 add r0, r4, 4 h 08367654 ldr r4, [r15, #-3Ch ] 08367658 cmp r0, r 4 0836765C ldreq r0, [r15, #-40h ] 08367660 ldr r4, [r15, #-40h ] 08367664 cmp r0, r 4 08367668 ldreq r0, [r15, #-44h ] 0836767C ldr r4, [r15, #-44h ] 08367680 cmp r0, r 4 08367684 ldreq r0, [r15, #-48h ] 08367688 mov r4, r 1 0836768C bx r14

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First Level Second Level Third Level Instruction to load a level Constant addresses map table Hole Customised level loader Customised First Level Customised Second Level Customised Third Level Hole Hole Hole 08367650 add r0, r4, 4 h 08367654 ldr r4, [r15, #-3Ch ] 08367658 cmp r0, r 4 0836765C ldreq r0, [r15, #-40h ] 08367660 ldr r4, [r15, #-40h ] 08367664 cmp r0, r 4 08367668 ldreq r0, [r15, #-44h ] 0836767C ldr r4, [r15, #-44h ] 08367680 cmp r0, r 4 08367684 ldreq r0, [r15, #-48h] 08367688 mov r4, r 1 0836768C bx r14

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First Level Second Level Third Level Instruction to load a level Constant addresses map table Hole Customised level loader Customised First Level Customised Second Level Customised Third Level Hole Hole Hole 08367650 add r0, r4, 4 h 08367654 ldr r4, [r15, #-3Ch ] 08367658 cmp r0, r 4 0836765C ldreq r0, [r15, #-40h ] 08367660 ldr r4, [r15, #-40h ] 08367664 cmp r0, r 4 08367668 ldreq r0, [r15, #-44h ] 0836767C ldr r4, [r15, #-44h ] 08367680 cmp r0, r 4 08367684 ldreq r0, [r15, #-48h ] 08367688 mov r4, r1 0836768C bx r14

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1. Redirect to the patched code 2. Check if the R0 is on the table 3. If yes, load the associated value 4. Return to the original loader

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BRUNO MACABEUS Senior Software Engineer 
 @outsystems macabeus bmacabeus

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MATHEUS ALBUQUERQUE Special thanks for helping to develop the frontend at this talk ythecombinator

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Raul peres Special thanks for drawing all the images Kniksis KniksisG

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RayCarrot Special thanks for helping to extract the sprites from the rom RayCarrot RayCarrot

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Matt Greer Special thanks for helping to improve the emulator city41

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