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Memories of a remote and lonely Android developer

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The development

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Your main goal is to ship a product

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Static analysis

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The process

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Who is going to review my code?

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Page heading Open Pull Request !rst, the old way

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Page heading Pull Requests now

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The planning

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No content

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Github integration in Android Studio

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The shipping

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Jenkins DSL plugin def gitUrl = 'git://' job('PROJ-unit-tests') { scm { git(gitUrl) } triggers { scm('*/15 * * * *') } steps { maven('-e clean test') } }

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Plugin con!guration androidLint('**/outputs/lint-results.xml') { thresholdLimit('low') useStableBuildAsReference(false) useDeltaValues(false) shouldDetectModules(false) thresholds( unstableTotal: [all: 3, high: 3, normal: 3, low: 3], failedTotal: [all: 3, high: 3, normal: 3, low: 3], unstableNew: [all: 0, high: 0, normal: 0, low: 0], failedNew: [all: 0, high: 0, normal: 0, low: 0] ) }

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Plugin con!guration checkstyle('**/checkstyle/*.xml') { thresholdLimit('low') useStableBuildAsReference(false) useDeltaValues(false) shouldDetectModules(false) thresholds( unstableTotal: [all: 2, high: 2, normal: 2, low: 2], failedTotal: [all: 2, high: 2, normal: 2, low: 2], unstableNew: [all: 0, high: 0, normal: 0, low: 0], failedNew: [all: 0, high: 0, normal: 0, low: 0] ) }

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Conditional actions flexiblePublish { conditionalAction { condition { and { status('SUCCESS', 'SUCCESS') } { not { stringsMatch('$ON_MAINLINE', 'true', false) } } }

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The pipeline

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Amazon Device Farm and Jenkins

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Publish to Beta apply plugin: '' def playstoreServiceAccount = System.env.PLAYSTORE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT def playstorePk12File = System.env.PLAYSTORE_PK12_FILE if (playstoreServiceAccount && playstorePk12File) { play { track = 'beta' serviceAccountEmail = playstoreServiceAccount pk12File = rootProject.file(playstorePk12File) } } project.afterEvaluate { def publishApkRelease = project.tasks.getByName("publishApkRelease") def incrementVersionForRelease = project.tasks.getByName("incrementVersionForRelease") publishApkRelease.dependsOn incrementVersionForRelease

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Questions? David González @dggonzalez [email protected]