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Speakers CSI Dev B Team Server-side engineer CSI Dev A Team Server-side engineer Alfredo Osorio Zhixin Li

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Agenda - About Safety Check - Disaster management and fast notification - Event-driven architecture for updates - Load testing - Summary

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Agenda - About Safety Check - Disaster management and fast notification - Event-driven architecture for updates - Load testing - Summary

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Safety Check

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When disaster happens in the user’s region, a red banner shows on the home tab of LINE. Disaster Banner

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In addition to setting your status as Safe or Affected, you can also enter additional information from either message template or typing yourself. Input your status

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You can check the statuses of others in the main service page. View friend’s statuses

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Goal Prevent paralyzed communication Minimize battery and data consumption Quick information confirmation Give users a peace of mind during disasters

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Disaster Management

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Application Scenario Decide whether to enable feature Earthquake Banner shows for target users Register using CMS

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Safety Check CMS Architecture Safety Check CMS Server Safety Check Server Web CMS Safety Check DB Notification Service User REST Request getDisasterCases Server cache Operator A P I G a t e w a y Read & Write Read Local DB

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Safety Check CMS Architecture Safety Check CMS Server Safety Check Server Web CMS Safety Check DB Notification Service User REST Request getDisasterCases Server cache Operator A P I G a t e w a y Read & Write Read Local DB CMS

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CMS • Content Management System • Manage service meta data easily • Front-end: Web HTTP service with authentication • Back-end: REST API implemented by Armeria

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CMS Disaster Case Message Template Notification Service

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Message Template Disaster Case Disaster Case / Message Template

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Safety Check CMS Architecture Safety Check CMS Server Safety Check Server Web CMS Safety Check DB Notification Service User REST Request getDisasterCases Server cache Operator A P I G a t e w a y Read & Write Read Local DB

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Notification Service • A light weighted event delivery system for LINE • A signal to send to the client side when changing contents in the CMS • iOS/Android side request the server content after receiving the signal • Delay time and client filter are provided Notification Service Safety Check Server 1. signal 2. request 3. response

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Safety Check CMS Architecture Safety Check CMS Server Safety Check Server Web CMS Safety Check DB Notification Service User REST Request getDisasterCases Server cache Operator A P I G a t e w a y Read & Write Read Local DB

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{ "_id": ObjectId("6265efc5c5083d73240ac6c2"), "archived": true, "enabled": false, "region": "JP", "localizedTitles": { "en_US": "Fukushima 7.3 Earthquake", "ja_JP": "..." }, "localizedDescriptions": { "en_US": "Earthquake occurred on 3/16 23:36", "ja_JP": "..." }, "seeMoreUrl": "...", "createdAtMillis": NumberLong(1650847685900), "updatedAtMillis": NumberLong(1653374701559) } Safety Check DB • MongoDB is used as primary database _id : ObjectId, archived : Boolean, enabled : Boolean, region : String, localizedTitles : Object, localizedDescriptions : Object, seeMoreUrl : String, createdAtMillis : NumberLong, updatedAtMillis : NumberLong { "_id": ObjectId("6265efc5c5083d73240ac6c2"), "archived": true, "enabled": false, "region": "JP", "localizedTitles": { "en_US": "Fukushima 7.3 Earthquake", "ja_JP": "..." }, "localizedDescriptions": { "en_US": "Earthquake occurred on 3/16 23:36", "ja_JP": "..." }, "seeMoreUrl": "...", "createdAtMillis": NumberLong(1650847685900), "updatedAtMillis": NumberLong(1653374701559) } { "_id": "6265efc5c5083d73240ac6c2", "archived": false, "enabled": true, "region": "JP", "localizedTitles": { "en_US": "Fukushima 7.3 Earthquake", "ja_JP": "..." }, "localizedDescriptions": { "en_US": "Earthquake occurred on 3/16 23:36", "ja_JP": "..." }, "seeMoreUrl": "...", "createdAtMillis": 1650847685900, "updatedAtMillis": 1653374701559 }

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Safety Check CMS Architecture Safety Check CMS Server Safety Check Server Web CMS Safety Check DB Notification Service User REST Request getDisasterCases Server cache Operator A P I G a t e w a y Read & Write Read Local DB Server API

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Server API • getDisasterCases is defined in THRIFT • Server gets user country and language via API request struct GetDisasterCasesResponse { 1: list disasters, 2: list messageTemplates, /** * Indicates the TTL (time to live) in milliseconds for the the response so that the clients can cache it and request for updated information when it becomes stale. */ 3: i64 ttl, }

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Safety Check CMS Architecture Safety Check CMS Server Safety Check Server Web CMS Safety Check DB Notification Service User REST Request getDisasterCases Server cache Operator A P I G a t e w a y Read & Write Read Local DB

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Server-side Cache • Server local memory cache is used to reduce DB request • Disaster data do not change frequently, and they are the same for all users in the country and language • Cache is updated asynchronously every fixed time Safety Check Server 1. request 2. response Server cache Safety Check DB Async update

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Client-side Cache • iOS/Android keep their local DB for disaster cases in the previous request • Banner will keep showing for some users when notification is delayed or lost • Strategies of disaster API • Client will request API (getDisasterCases) when user access end page of safety check • Client will request API when TTL expires

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Agenda - About Safety Check - Disaster management and fast notification - Event-driven architecture for updates - Load testing - Summary

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Event-driven architecture for updates

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Publish/Subscribe Model Producer Consumer Broker (Kafka) write read

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Decaton • Stream task processing framework built on top of Kafka developed by LINE. • Design goals included enabling concurrent processing of records from a single partition. •

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Safety Check Update Architecture Safety Check Server A P I G a t e w a y Safety Check Decaton Record Format: {“sourceUser”, “targetUser”, ”disasterId”,”status”,”message”} Local Db updateSafetySatus Thrift User A User C User B friends Notification Service produce consume produce consume

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Load Testing

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Mocking Services

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Testing System Under Test (SUT) Service B Service A HTTP Request

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Testing System Under Test (SUT) Mock Server HTTP Request

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Benefits of Mocking HTTP Services • Guarantee the service latency • Avoid Rate Limits • Avoid Modifying State • Test Edge Cases • Test Error Scenarios • Results are deterministic • Useful for integration tests and load tests

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Spring Cloud Contract • Spring Cloud Contract is a tool that enables Consumer Driven Contract (CDC) development. • It consists of: • Spring Cloud Contract Verifier Plugin (Gradle and Maven) • Spring Cloud Contract Stub Runner (Mock Server)

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Contract Project Structure

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Contract Example

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Project’s build.gradle

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Mocking HTTP Services Overview Define Contracts (Kotlin, Java, YML) Publish Stubs Artifact (JAR) Nexus Define num. of replicas Configure Service Specify Parameters: stubs, server port K8s Stub Runner Resource Definition Stub Runner (Mock Server) Fetches Stubs

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Kubernetes Resources Deployment Service

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Load Testing Tool

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Load Testing with Ayaperf • A LINE developed tool for distributed load testing based on Locust. • Allows you define your tests using Java. • Command tool to set up the secondary nodes (workers) that will generate the load for the server under test using Kubernetes. • Metrics in Grafana.

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Load Testing (Ayaperf) Locust Master Worker 1 Java Client Worker 2 Java Client Worker 3 Java Client Kubernetes Cluster Application (SUT)

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Load Test Definition

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Load Test Definition

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Load Test Architecture Locust Master Worker 1 Java Client Worker 2 Java Client Worker 3 Java Client Kubernetes Cluster Kubernetes Cluster Safety Check Server Deployment Pod 1 Pod 2 Pod N L o a d B a l a n c e r Ayaperf Spring Cloud Contract (Wiremock) Deployment Pod 1 Pod 2 Pod N Service

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Load Testing Results

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Safety Check Server updateSafetyStatus • Num of VM: 1 • Spec: 8vCPU 16GB RAM

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Safety Check Server getDisastersCases • Num of VM: 1 • Spec: 8vCPU 16GB RAM

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Load Test both APIs • RPS: 1,600 • RPS per API • updateSafetyStatus • 47.61 % • 761 (1600 * 0.4761) • getDisasterCases: • 52.38 % • 838 (1600 * 0.5238)

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Load Test both APIs Given that a single server is able to handle about 1,600 RPS with about 30 % CPU then 14 servers were enough to support our initial estimation of 22,000 RPS.

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Summary • Robust CMS allows easy configuration and fast distribution. • Cache strategies increase traffic tolerance and keep client up-to-date. • Event-Driven Architecture decouples your microservices. • Decaton allows to achive higher throughput with small number of partitions. • Mocking Server helps you control the test scenarios and the service latency. • Load testing allows to measure application throughput and resource utilization.