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TAKING Andrew Godwin @andrewgodwin CHANNELS ASYNC

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Hi, I’m Andrew Godwin • Django core team member • Senior Software Engineer at • Does network programming for "fun"

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2015: "django-onair"

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2015: Channels 0.1

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2017: Channels 1.0

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Python 2.7 compatible Twisted for webserver Synchronous Django code

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Webserver (Twisted) Django (Sync worker process) Clients Channel Layer (Redis or other) Webserver (Twisted) Django (Sync worker process)

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Too many moving pieces No asyncio support Easy to shoot yourself in the foot

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I was wrong.

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2018: Channels 2.0

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Asyncio-native Python 3.5 and up Supports async coroutines and sync threads

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Webserver (Twisted) Django (Sync worker process) Clients Webserver (Twisted) Django (Sync worker process) Channel Layer (Redis or other)

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75% rewrite

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Django had to be partially async

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WSGI/ASGI Handler (request translator) URL Routing (path to view mapping) Django Middleware (auth, sessions, etc.) Views (logic and presentation) ORM (database kerfuffling)

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WSGI/ASGI Handler (request translator) URL Routing (path to view mapping) Django Middleware (auth, sessions, etc.) Views (logic and presentation) ORM (database kerfuffling) ASGI Routing (path/protocol/etc. mapping) ASGI Middleware (auth, sessions, etc.) Consumers (logic and presentation) synchronous

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Async-native most of the way

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But how?

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sync_to_async async_to_sync

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sync_to_async async_to_sync

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Synchronous code has to run in threads ThreadPoolExecutor does most of the hard work

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loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() future = loop.run_in_executor( self.threadpool, func, ) return await future

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Calling the ORM Rendering templates Handing off to Django views

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sync_to_async async_to_sync

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Async code runs on the event loop We need to go find it! Or make our own.

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# Make a future for the return information call_result = Future() # Use call_soon_threadsafe to schedule a synchronous callback on the # main event loop's thread if not (self.main_event_loop and self.main_event_loop.is_running()): # Make our own event loop and run inside that. loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() asyncio.set_event_loop(loop) try: loop.run_until_complete(self.main_wrap(args, kwargs, call_result)) finally: try: if hasattr(loop, "shutdown_asyncgens"): loop.run_until_complete(loop.shutdown_asyncgens()) finally: loop.close() asyncio.set_event_loop(self.main_event_loop) else: self.main_event_loop.call_soon_threadsafe( self.main_event_loop.create_task, self.main_wrap( args, kwargs, call_result, ), ) # Wait for results from the future. return call_result.result()

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Make a Future Jump to the main thread and add the coroutine Tie the coroutine's end to triggering the Future Block the thread on the Future

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Lets us provide async-native APIs And still let synchronous code use them

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Both async and sync code are useful Channels lets you write your code as both

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Async interfaces are separate to sync You can't provide both through one API

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ASGI Handler (ASGI-to-request translator) URL Routing (path to view mapping) Django Middleware (auth, sessions, etc.) Views (logic and presentation) ORM (database kerfuffling) ASGI Routing (path/protocol/etc. mapping) ASGI Middleware (auth, sessions, etc.) Consumers (logic and presentation) synchronous

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How to make WSGI async?

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ASGI: It's like WSGI but with an A in it Also asyncio and stuff like that

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class Application: def __init__(self, scope): ... async def __call__(self, receive, send): event = await receive() ... await send(data)

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"Turtles all the way down" Routing is an ASGI app. Middleware is too.

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What does this mean for Django?

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How much can we make async? Can we keep sync compatability?

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What does an async ORM look like? Is it even a sensible endeavour?

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Do we need to replace WSGI? Or does nobody want long-polling or websockets?

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Multiple servers (daphne, uvicorn) Multiple frameworks (Django, …?)

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Do we want to have everyone writing async? What's the balance? How do we be flexible enough?

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What is Django?

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Thanks. Andrew Godwin @andrewgodwin