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Front-End Ops Alex Sexton | 2014
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A little under a year later…
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Naming Things #hardCSproblems
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Regressive Enhancement
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Front-End Ops Alex Sexton | 2014
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UGLY (in spanish)
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Iron Ops catchy
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I pay the Iron Price for lower latency
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What is Front-End Ops?
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“Some weird terms you invented to describe things that don’t exist.” - John Edgar, Digital Ocean
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First Of All
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More Importantly…
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That’s the whole point.
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Serving webpages is really hard.
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that’s why we have conferences for this stuff (jQConf, FEOpsConf)
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Conferences That Don’t Exist
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Front-End Ops is the collection of things you can do to make serving webpages easier. opposite of harder
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So you can focus on your product.
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Mature FEOps benefits the people who don’t have time to think about this stuff.
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Lots of folks agree!
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So really what is it?
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The App Everything Else
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The App Everything Else FEOps™
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Article Recap
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“Front-End Ops Engineers are the bridge between an application’s intent and an application’s reality”
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We’re collectively insane.
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Why now?
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Application logic is being deferred to the client side.
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Performance Testing
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Error Logging
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Lifecycle Logging
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Measurement over time
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A Front-End Ops Engineer enables long-term progress
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Performance is the foundation on which user experience is built.
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A UX in the DOM is worth two on the wire.
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Speed is the metric that we measure by.
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Speed of app.
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Speed of tools.
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Speed of development.
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(all of these can be measured and tracked)
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(all of these can be measured and tracked) ((but it’s important to read the data right))
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Speed of app.
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Speed up your app In 5 Simple Steps How To
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Step 1 forget everything you know because it’s wrong
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Step 2 it’s probably the network
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Step 3 Probably Read Ilya’s book
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Step 4 measure
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Step 5 measure
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1) Forget everything 2) It’s probably the network 3) Ilya’s book 4) Measure 5) Measure Recap
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Chrome DevTools Flame Graphs, CPU Profiles, and Repaints/Reflows info are invaluable.
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The limiting factor of your system should be the speed of light. Assuming you have Fiber
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0 50 100 150 200 THEORETICAL GRAPHS
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OS X Android iOS Blackberry 1200ms 0ms
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1200ms 0ms
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1200ms 0ms
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Distribution of Load Time
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Desktop Mobile
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Two distinct loading curves
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What you see when you add them together.
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If I had to pick one part that was most important to FEOps, it’d be all of it
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but #2 would be MEASUREMENT
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Measure twice. Optimize once.
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Make a dashboard.
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Things you can put in a dashboard
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Speed Index Over Time
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Speed Index Over Time And then draw lines where commits happen.
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Speed Index Over Time And then draw lines where commits happen. And then link to the diff between tests
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image is of
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Things you can put in a dashboard
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Page Weight Over Time
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Page Weight Over Time gzipped/ungzipped
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Page Weight Over Time gzipped/ungzipped Broken down by filetype
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Requests Over Time 0E+00 2.5E+01 5E+01 7.5E+01 1E+02
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Errors There are lots of great companies that will help you do this these days.
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Build Time Over Time
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Speed of tools. usually build
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Rule #1
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The time between making a change, and seeing it in your app must approach 0.
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Rule #2
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Never do anything twice.
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AKA “Cache Everything”
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(feel free to do two things at the same time though)
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Speed of development.
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Speed of development. AKA Developer Happiness
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Spare no expense.
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Take the time to make source maps work.
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There should be one easy command to get everything to work.
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There should be one easy command to get everything to work. Vagrant can help with environments
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Turn on LiveReload
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Implement Lifecycle Logging
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Set a calendar reminder to update your dependencies
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Have a rigorous Style Guide that everyone follows, and that robots yell about. Lint!
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If we take care to build robust tools around these FEOps ideals, ! developers will need to master less, and will be able to focus on users more.
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Let’s make fast, measurement driven, easily-maintained web applications the starting point.
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Thanks @slexaxton