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Using Kotlin Flow in MVVM S. Fatih Giris Android Lead @ DNB Bank fgiris fatih_grs

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Agenda • LiveData in MVVM • LiveData + Flow • Only Flow • Testing

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LiveData in MVVM • LiveData ✓Lifecycle aware ✓No memory leak ✓Cache ✓…

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LiveData in MVVM • LiveData - Backpressure ❌ Producer Observer Ref:

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LiveData in MVVM • LiveData - Backpressure ❌ - Data transformation 🥵

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LiveData in MVVM • LiveData - Backpressure ❌ - Data transformation ❌ - Requires lifecycle owner to observe (Activity, Fragment …) 🤔

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LiveData in MVVM • Weather forecast app • One-shot request • Data stream

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LiveData in MVVM • ViewModel: LiveData • Repository: Suspend Ref:

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LiveData in MVVM WeatherForecastRepository.kt

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LiveData in MVVM WeatherForecastRepository.kt

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LiveData in MVVM WeatherForecastViewModel.kt

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LiveData in MVVM WeatherForecastViewModel.kt

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LiveData in MVVM WeatherForecastViewModel.kt

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LiveData in MVVM WeatherForecastViewModel.kt

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LiveData in MVVM WeatherForecastViewModel.kt

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Return multiple values?

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LiveData in MVVM Open Twitter app

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LiveData in MVVM Open Twitter app Get the tweets from cache

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LiveData in MVVM Open Twitter app Get the tweets from cache Fetch new tweets from server Update UI

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LiveData in MVVM Open Twitter app Get the tweets from cache Fetch new tweets from server Update UI

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LiveData in MVVM WeatherForecastRepository.kt

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LiveData in MVVM WeatherForecastRepository.kt

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Flow 🤩

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Flow • Reactive stream which can return asynchronously computed values

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Flow Pros • Structured concurrency • Cold stream • Efficient data transformation • Easy testing

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LiveData + Flow • ViewModel: LiveData • Repository: Flow Ref:

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LiveData + Flow WeatherForecastRepository.kt

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LiveData + Flow WeatherForecastRepository.kt

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LiveData + Flow WeatherForecastOneShotViewModel.kt

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LiveData + Flow WeatherForecastOneShotViewModel.kt Flow

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LiveData + Flow WeatherForecastOneShotViewModel.kt Flow

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LiveData + Flow WeatherForecastOneShotFragment.kt

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LiveData + Flow WeatherForecastRepository.kt

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LiveData + Flow WeatherForecastRepository.kt Data per second

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LiveData + Flow WeatherForecastDataStreamViewModel.kt

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No content

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Flow Intermediate Flow Operators • map • filter • transform • onEach • …

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LiveData + Flow map operator

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LiveData + Flow map operator

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LiveData + Flow map operator

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LiveData + Flow onStart operator

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LiveData + Flow filter operator

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LiveData + Flow onEach operator

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LiveData + Flow flowOn operator

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LiveData + Flow catch operator

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LiveData + Flow asLiveData extension

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Why not only Flow?

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LiveData 👋

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Flow • Cold stream • ≠ LiveData • Configuration changes 🙄

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Flow WeatherForecastDataStreamFlowViewModel.kt 😭

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Flow WeatherForecastDataStreamFlowViewModel.kt No asLiveData

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Flow WeatherForecastDataStreamFlowFragment.kt

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Flow WeatherForecastDataStreamFlowFragment.kt Terminal Operator 👈

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Flow WeatherForecastDataStreamFlowFragment.kt

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Testing • LiveData • LiveData & Coroutines might result some race condition • Need to observe again when Transformations used

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Testing • Flow • Sequential • No race condition • Test like a list (toList )

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Testing WeatherForecastRepository.kt

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Testing WeatherForecastRepositoryTest.kt

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Testing WeatherForecastRepositoryTest.kt

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Testing WeatherForecastRepositoryTest.kt

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Testing WeatherForecastRepositoryTest.kt

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Testing WeatherForecastRepositoryTest.kt

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Testing WeatherForecastRepositoryTest.kt

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Testing WeatherForecastRepositoryTest.kt

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Testing Dispatchers.Main -> Android Main Looper -> Android OS

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Testing Solution: TestCoroutineDispatcher

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Testing MainCoroutineRule.kt

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Testing MainCoroutineRule.kt

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Testing MainCoroutineRule.kt

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TL;DR • Flow & LiveData similar • One shot request • Repository: Suspend or Flow • ViewModel: LiveData or Flow (with repeatOnLifecycle in the View layer) • Data stream • Repository: Flow • ViewModel: LiveData or Flow (with repeatOnLifecycle in the View layer) • LiveData Tests 😥 - Flow Tests 😎

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QUESTIONS @fatih_grs

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Stay safe!

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References • a98fe06077a0 • ii-252ec15cc93a • • • • kotlinx.coroutines.flow/index.html

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References • coroutines-256260fb3bdb • • advanced-kotlin-coroutines/ • and-other-common-observability-problems-bb477262eb04 • test-28ff280fc0d5