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How to develop application safely using Stripe on AWS

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Agenda ● About Stripe ● Using AWS to use Stripe more secure ● Community information about Stripe

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We can add/do... ● Send invoice and charge it ● Membership / Subscription ● Create marketplace (CtoC) ● POS / Finance / Card / eKYC / etc...

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Use case

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Use Case: Shifter ● Save/update credit card ● Create/modify subscription ● Provide PAYG option plan to customer ● Analyze business (on Stripe Dashboard) ● etc...

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How to use it?

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We need to get the API key to call Stripe API

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Publishable API Key ● For frontend ● Tokenize Card and confirm payment Secret API Key ● For backend ● Access & modify all resource in Stripe

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Publishable API Key ● For frontend ● Tokenize Card and confirm payment Secret API Key ● For backend ● Access & modify all resource in Stripe

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“Restricted API Key” -> Custom API key -> Custom policy

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Use API Key to init Client

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And call Stripe API

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● Stripe Secret API key is critical ● We can access&modify real customer data ● We need to hold it secure

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AWS can hold the API key security

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● We never place API key on our local ● Just call AWS API to get it ● Set once, only read

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Amplify CLI supports AWS Secrets Manager (and SSM)

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Automatically generate a code to get the env value

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● Secrets Manager can handle API key secure ● AWS Amplify can use this from CLI ● Stripe with AWS is good for developer ● Let’s create your own SaaS bussiness !

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Info & Community

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Official Docs & Tutorial Japanese Community Discord

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