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good test bad test ! ! ! ! ! dan crosta @lazlofruvous magnetic

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virtues of good tests

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fast selective repeatable reliable helpful

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fast selective repeatable reliable helpful

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fast selective repeatable reliable helpful

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fast selective repeatable reliable helpful

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fast selective repeatable reliable helpful

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Slide 8 text opinions ahead

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myth 1 100% coverage

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if every line is covered, it must be correct. ! right?

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Slide 11 text (modified)

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Slide 12 text "mutually assured destruction"

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! some code should not
 be tested

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what would cause
 my test to fail? !

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keep your “plumbing” dumb. !

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myth 2 assert about everything

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more assertions means
 higher confidence ! right?

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def test_it_parses_log_lines(self): line = '2015-03-11T20:09:25|GET /foo?bar=baz|...' ! parsed = parse_log_line(line) ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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def test_it_parses_log_lines(self): line = '2015-03-11T20:09:25|GET /foo?bar=baz|...' ! parsed = parse_log_line(line) ! self.assertEqual({ "date": datetime(2015, 3, 11, 20, 9, 25), "method": "GET", "path": "/foo", "query": "bar=baz", }, parsed) ! ! ! ! !

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def test_it_parses_log_lines(self): line = '2015-03-11T20:09:25|GET /foo?bar=baz|...' ! parsed = parse_log_line(line) ! self.assertEqual( datetime(2015, 3, 11, 20, 9, 25), parsed["date"], ) self.assertEqual("GET", parsed["method"]) self.assertEqual("/foo", parsed["path"]) self.assertEqual("bar=baz", parsed["query"]) ! ! ! !

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def test_it_parses_get_request_log_lines(self): # ... self.assertEqual("GET", parsed["method"]) self.assertEqual("/foo", parsed["path"]) self.assertEqual("bar=baz", parsed["query"]) ! def test_it_parses_post_request_log_lines(self): # ... self.assertEqual("POST", parsed["method"]) self.assertEqual("/foo", parsed["path"]) self.assertEqual("bar=baz", parsed["query"]) ! def test_it_parses_log_lines_with_oof_requests(self): # ... self.assertEqual("GET", parsed["method"]) self.assertEqual("/oof", parsed["path"]) self.assertEqual("bar=baz", parsed["query"])

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what would I do when a test fails? !

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have your tests tell you what is wrong. !

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! only make one assertion per test

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def test_it_parses_request_method(self): # ... self.assertEqual("GET", parsed["method"]) ! def test_it_parses_request_path(self): # ... self.assertEqual("/foo", parsed["path"]) ! def test_it_parses_query_string(self): # ... self.assertEqual("bar=baz", parsed["query"]) ! def test_it_gives_none_when_no_query_string(self): # ... self.assertIsNone(parsed["query"]) !

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! myth 3 mock makes tests better

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mock helps you isolate tests to just one layer ! right?

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def authenticate(username): """Return a True if the user is authenticated """ # ... return True ! ! def login(username): if not authenticate(self.params["username"]): return Response(status=401) ! # ... do more stuff ... ! return Response(status=200) !

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def test_login_returns_200_on_success(self): with mock.patch(app, "authenticate") as auth: auth.return_value = True ! response = app.login("dcrosta") ! self.assertEqual(200, response.status) ! ! def test_login_returns_401_on_failure(self): with mock.patch(app, "authenticate") as auth: auth.return_value = False ! response = app.login("dcrosta") ! self.assertEqual(401, response.status)

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def authenticate(username): """Return a tuple of (authenticated, user_roles) """ # ... return (True, ["admin"]) ! ! def login(username): if not authenticate(self.params["username"]): return Response(status=401) ! # ... do more stuff ... ! return Response(status=200) !

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why might my test pass when it really should fail? !

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use verified doubles

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class StubDB(object): ! def __init__(self): self.users = {} ! def register_user(self, username, roles): self.users[username] = roles ! def authenticate(self, username): if username not in self.users: return (False, []) return (True, self.users[username]) ! ! !

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def test_login_returns_200_on_success(self): db = StubDB() db.register_user("dcrosta", ["admin"]) ! app = MyApp(db) response = app.login("dcrosta") ! self.assertEqual(200, response.status) ! def test_login_returns_401_on_failure(self): db = StubDB() ! app = MyApp(db) response = app.login("dcrosta") ! self.assertEqual(401, response.status)

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Slide 35 text library authors: ship test doubles
 with your packages

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tests can smell, too !

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design your tests !

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good tests are your best friends

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good test bad test ! ! ! ! ! dan crosta @lazlofruvous magnetic