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Finally, I announced my second new release of the evening: jQuery: New Wave Javascript. In a nutshell, this code revolutionizes the way you can get Javascript to interact with HTML John Resig, Jan 16, 2006

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IE 5: 5.5% IE 6: 60.3% IE 7: 0.2% FF : 25% Opera : 1.6% Netscape : 0.5%

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document.getElementById() document.getElementsByTagName() elem.addEventListener elem.attachEvent

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It bothered me that so few JavaScript libraries had documentation when I was making jQuery and I made a point to write online docs from the get-go. I’m glad I did! I’m frequently surprised by how few developers will put in the (marginal) extra effort to document their code. So many more people will be able to use and understand if you do! John Resig

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$(…).on(‘click’, function() { }); ????

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 opacity: 0.25
 }); ????

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$.getJSON().then(function(data) {
 }); ????

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ancestors parents children siblings

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jQuery is more than just a library

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It’s a learning tool

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from jQuery to JavaScript to CoffeeScript to Angular to React

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This website still works, 4+ years after I last touched it… And we can all understand it.

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@N_Gular Wicked hype for Angular 2 and TypeScript !!111!!! @R_eact Use ES2018 with React today for awesome features @G_ulpulicious If you use Grunt you’re a bad person @Jack_Franklin I didn’t have breakfast this morning LOL

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Don’t let Hacker News fool you!

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At the very least, make sure you know what jQuery is doing for you, and what it's not.

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The great thing about an established library, like jQuery, is it’s hammered on by lots of talented people, transparently improved, and refined by the community. John-David Dalton, Paul Irish

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You can check how many bugs jQuery is covering for you

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jQuery 2.2.3 has 99 cross browser edge cases / bugs that it deals with

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curl jquery-2.2.3.js | grep -n Support:

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And even if you argue that most of those bugs are edge case / won’t impact you…

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jQuery is often easier.

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$ = document.querySelectorAll

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If jQuery is “dying”, it’s the one with the sword.

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document.querySelectorAll classList Promise

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Not every website you build will even need JavaScript

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Some might need a tiny bit, and you’ll decide it’s not worth adding jQuery just for a little piece of code

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Another website will be much more complex and require something like React / Angular

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Something else might only need the tip top latest browser support, and you’re happy writing vanilla JS

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But just sometimes you’ll need a little bit of a hand, or reliable X-Browser support, and jQuery is still a great option.

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Sara’s not the only one…

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jQuery is still keeping the barrier low for those new to the web

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jQuery is still providing a great API and X-Browser solution for those with projects that fit it

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jQuery is not a solution for every problem, and nor should it be.

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jQuery is still providing a great community that brings people together (like us)

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Thanks. @Jack_Franklin