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How to optimize Ruby internal Shizuo Fujita

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Self • @watson1978 • Ubiregi Inc. • Ruby committer

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Ruby 3x3 • Ruby 3 need 3 times faster performance than Ruby 2

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About this talk • How to measure Ruby Internal • Idea to optimize Ruby internal • Optimize

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How to measure

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Prepare benchmark code hash1 = {aaa: 12, bbb: 34} hash2 = {ccc: 56, ddd: 78} loop do hash1.merge(hash2) end

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Mesure $ iprofiler -timeprofiler ./miniruby ~/benchmark.rb hash1 = {aaa: 12, bbb: 34} hash2 = {ccc: 56, ddd: 78} loop do hash1.merge(hash2) end

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Idea to optimize Ruby internal

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Method execution... • Method dispatching • Look up constants / methods • Ruby method executing • Implemented in Hash/String/Array/Time...

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Dispatching Method execution

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Dispatching Method execution

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Dispatching Method execution

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Dispatching Method execution

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• Focused to reduce method execution time

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• Focused to reduce method execution time • Remove dispatching in method • Remove redundant allocations

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Remove dispatching Dispatching Method execution Dispatching Ruby method via rb_funcall()

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Remove dispatching Dispatching Method execution

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Remove redundant allocations BMMPDBUJPOT Dispatching Method execution

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Remove redundant allocations BMMPDBUJPOT BMMPDBUJPOT Dispatching Method execution

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Hash#merge • It has used rb_obj_dup() and it’s calling rb_funcall()

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rb_obj_dup() • It calls Object#initialize_dup via rb_funcall()

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rb_obj_dup() • It calls Object#initialize_dup via rb_funcall() • Replace rb_obj_dup() to something like rb_ary_dup() to remove redundant Object#initialize_dup

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Patch for Hash#merge

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Patch for Hash#merge • Replaced rb_obj_dup() to remove rb_funcall()

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Hash#merge performance Y Y Y Y Y Y 3VCZ 3VCZEFW Y Y hash1 = { "a" => 100, "b" => 200 } hash2 = { "b" => 254, "c" => 300 } hash1.merge(hash2)

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Patch for Time (1)

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Patch for Time (2)

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Patch for Time (3)

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Time methods • Time methods called Ruby methods via rb_funcall()

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Time methods • Time methods called Ruby methods via rb_funcall() • Added some internal APIs to call method directly

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Time#- performance Y Y Y Y Y Y 3VCZ 3VCZEFW Y Y -

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Result (2.4.1 vs 2.5.0-dev) "SSBZ Y Y Y Y Y )BTI Y Y Y Y Y 4USJOH Y Y Y Y Y 5JNF Y Y Y Y Y Ubuntu 17.04 gcc version 7.0.1 ruby 2.5.0dev (2017-08-27 trunk 59665) [x86_64-linux]

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Ruby 2.5.0-dev 35.7 % slow down

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One more thing…

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Hash • Hash object need to allocate some heap areas

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Hash Internal RBasic st_table * int VALUE RHash char char char int st_hash_type * st_index_t st_index_t * st_index_t st_index_t st_table_entry * st_table st_index_t st_index_t st_index_t st_index_t …. st_index_t [] st_table_entry st_table_entry …. st_table_entry st_table_entry []

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4 allocations RBasic st_table * int VALUE RHash char char char int st_hash_type * st_index_t st_index_t * st_index_t st_index_t st_table_entry * st_table st_index_t st_index_t st_index_t st_index_t …. st_index_t [] st_table_entry st_table_entry …. st_table_entry st_table_entry []

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Reused & faster Slow allocating RBasic st_table * int VALUE RHash char char char int st_hash_type * st_index_t st_index_t * st_index_t st_index_t st_table_entry * st_table st_index_t st_index_t st_index_t st_index_t …. st_index_t [] st_table_entry st_table_entry …. st_table_entry st_table_entry []

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Always allocating RBasic st_table * int VALUE RHash char char char int st_hash_type * st_index_t st_index_t * st_index_t st_index_t st_table_entry * st_table st_index_t st_index_t st_index_t st_index_t …. st_index_t [] st_table_entry st_table_entry …. st_table_entry st_table_entry []

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…. …. …. …. Before After Concatenate heap areas 2 allocations 1 allocation

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Hash literal performance Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Before After h = {foo: 12, bar: 34, baz: 56} Caution: This is just prototype

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vs. Ruby 2.4.1 After Ruby 2.4.1 Base : ruby 2.5.0dev (2017-09-10 trunk 59745) [x86_64-linux] Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Caution: This is just prototype h = {foo: 12, bar: 34, baz: 56}

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You might learn: • How to measure • Some ways to optimize effectively • A part of current Ruby-dev status

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Thank you !!