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 Learning Python Tips from Cognitive Science, Jupyter, and Open Souce Community Carol Willing March 27, 2021 Oak Valley Coding Club Guest Speaker Series with MIT Alumni Club of San Diego

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Hello Steering Council, Python Core Developer, Python Fellow, Python Software Foundation Frank Willison Award for technical and community contributions to Python Steering Council, Project Jupyter Core Developer, Project Jupyter Co-Editor, Journal of Open Source Education Co-Author, Teaching and Learning with Jupyter Notebooks 2017 ACM Software System Award Lead Developer Advocate, Carol Willing GitHub: willingc

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HELLO, I’M CAROL ➤ I love playing and creating with code. ➤ How did you make this? ➤ What happens if... ➤ I wonder if I can break it. ➤ People before code - always ➤ Learn, Build, Share - Openly

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Why learn Python?

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Learning and Cognitive Science Thinking Ideas

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What is Cognitive Science? Anthropology Linguistics Education AI Psychology Philosophy Neuroscience

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Learning results from what a student does and thinks and only what the student does and thinks. Herbert A. Simon

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The teacher can advance learning only by in fl uencing what the student does to learn. Herbert A. Simon Credit:

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Python - The Beginning the most important lesson I learned was about sharing – Guido van Rossum

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Designed for Learning In reality, programming languages are how programmers express and communicate ideas — and the audience for those ideas is other programmers, not computers. – Guido van Rossum

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Creating CPython: Guido & core team Credit: PyCon 2017 Language Summit

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Scratch to Python 3 Joshua Lowe EduBlocks

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Mu Python 3 code editor for learning

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Visualize Get live help Philip Guo (UCSD Cognitive Science)

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@WillingCarol Learn Python is designed for your success.

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Tools and Libraries

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Jupyter Notebook A Jupyter Notebook document with a visualization of measles data.

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@WillingCarol 19 
 JupyterLab: Integrated Experience

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@WillingCarol 20 Learning and computational ideas Usability Reproducibility Collaboration Prediction Recommendation Classification

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@WillingCarol 21 
 Jupyter Notebook • Interactive, browser-based computing environment • Exploratory data science, ML, visualization, analysis, stats • Reproducible document format: • Code • Narrative text (markdown) • Equations (LaTeX) • Images, visualizations • Over 50 programming languages • Everything open-source (BSD license) Interactive, Exploratory, Reproducible

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Five years ago 283,399 notebooks on GitHub

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Today 9,857,138 notebooks on GitHub

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How did we get to almost 10 million notebooks in 5 years?

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It started with communication, problem solving, passion, and simplicity

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No content

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@WillingCarol 28 
 Enabling Reproducible Science

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@WillingCarol 29 
 Live Code on Binder LIGO Binder

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• Feedback and communication with students using nbgrader jupyterhub+nbgrader / • Progression to complex examples and task s python4geosciences Geosciences and Climate Change Python for Geosciences Dr. Kristen Thyng

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Digital Humanities and Arts

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@WillingCarol 32 
 Enabling Open Data Journalism

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• Exploration and experimentation signal-processing-using-wearables-jupyter-notebooks- scipy-2016.html • Physical media with wearables and electronics • Real world, self-directed projects Motivate learners in science and engineering Teaching Signal Processing using Wearables and Jupyter Notebooks Dr. Demba Ba

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Used in universities around the world Berkeley Data Scienc e Data8 UC Berkeley • Campus wide curriculu m • Cross-disciplin e • Zero to JupyterHub with Kubernetes

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Invite new learners Use a proven curriculum Engage students Reduce stress with notebooks Meetups and Workshops Intro to Python - San Diego Python

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DjangoGirls and PyLadies

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No content

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Tinkering and making

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Building helpful community

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...a programming language created by a community fosters happiness in its users around the world. – Guido van Rossum

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@WillingCarol Learn Share Build

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@WillingCarol Choose a language designed for learning

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@WillingCarol Use learner-friendly tools

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@WillingCarol Encourage others and share

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@WillingCarol Immerse yourself

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Came for the language. Stayed for the community. Brett Cannon and Pythonistas around the world Credit: Kushal Das

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@WillingCarol 50 Thank you

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Python Software Foundation

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•San Diego Python •Demba Ba •Project Jupyter team and community •Photo credits and links on individual slides Attributions and recognition