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Simplified Processes With Symfony Workflow

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Who Am I? I am Brazilian but living in Ireland I am a Symfony Lover ❤ You can find me at @Bruno_HSouza on Twitter Or @bruno7strings on Instagram

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AGENDA What Is a Process and Symfony Workflow? How to use Symfony Workflow? Workflow VS State Machine? The Real Case Scenario Generating Graphs Automatically

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What is a Process? A set of interrelated actions and activities performed to achieve a specified set of products, results, or services. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide). Project Management Institute, 2017

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1 2 3 4 5 Enjoy The Talks Arriving in the event venue Get a Transport Get Out From Home How To Get To The Symfony Con 2023? The Steps Of The Going Process Select Your Room

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What is the Symfony Workflow? A workflow is a model of a process in the application

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What is the Symfony Workflow? A workflow is a model of a process in the application Consists of places and actions to get from one place to another

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What is the Symfony Workflow? A workflow is a model of a process in the application Consists of places and actions to get from one place to another Terminology definition: Place - step or stage in the process Transition - is the action of getting from one place to another Definition - set of places and transactions Marking - current state position Marking Store - a place to store the state

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Init Transition Start Place A Symfony Workflow Terminology Transition 2 Place B Transition 3

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Place Trans ition Place Trans ition Place Enjoy The Talks Select Your Room Arriving in the event venue Get a Transport Get Out From Home How To Get To The Symfony Con 2023? The Symfony Workflow Terminology

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Place Trans action Place Trans action Place Enjoy The Talks Select Your Room Arriving in the event venue Get a Transport Get Out From Home How To Get To The Symfony Con 2023? The Symfony Workflow Terminology Marking

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Place Trans action Place Trans action Place Enjoy The Talks Select Your Room Arriving in the event venue Get a Transport Get Out From Home How To Get To The Symfony Con 2023? The Symfony Workflow Terminology Definition

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How To Use The Symfony Workflow? How to install and configure the component in our applications

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How to find the Workflow service class in the project?

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The Symfony Workflow configuration options To know all the configuration options from the component:

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The config:dump-reference workflows response

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Workflow VS State Machine What is the difference between the workflow and state machine types?

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Workflow VS State Machines Workflows can be in more than one place at the same time, the multiple-state terminology

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Workflow VS State Machines Workflows can be in more than one place at the same time, the multiple-state terminology The state machine uses the single-state terminology. The order can be only in a single place per time

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Workflow VS State Machines Workflows can be in more than one place at the same time, the multiple-state terminology The state machine uses the single-state terminology. The order can be only in a single place per time To apply a transition, workflows require that the object is in all the previous places of the transition

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Workflow VS State Machines Workflows can be in more than one place at the same time, the multiple-state terminology The state machine uses the single-state terminology. The order can be only in a single place per time To apply a transition, workflows require that the object is in all the previous places of the transition To apply a transition, state machines only require that the object is at least in one of those previous places

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The main difference is the way that Symfony Workflow stores the place data: Workflow: App\Entity\SalesOrder::getCurrentPlace(): ?array State Machine: App\Entity\SalesOrder::getCurrentPlace(): ?string The difference between workflow and state machine

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The Real Case Scenario How we are using the Symfony Workflow in our projects?

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>= 22 valid status More than 7 applications involved More than 5 different scenarios 2 of the main applications are using Symfony Workflow Let’s talk about the entry application The sales order flow in the company

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1 Sales Order Creation Request 2 Order Validation 3 Accepted 4 Persist the Order 7 Complete 6 Processing 5 Send to the next application The Sales Order Flow The happy path for the order flow in the entry application

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The Symfony Workflow Definition

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The Symfony Workflow Transitions

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The Symfony Workflow Dependency Injection

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The Symfony WorkflowInterface

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The Symfony Workflow Use Case

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The Symfony Workflow Use Case

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The DDD Structure How to apply the Symfony Workflow in a DDD architecture

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The DDD archicteture

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DON’T TALK TO ME OR MY DOMAIN EVER AGAIN The DDD archicteture Evans, E. (2004) Domain-Driven Design. p. 70 DDD only really requires one isolated layer which is the Domain Layer. The "domain layer" is the manifestation of the domain model and all directly related design elements.

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The DDD archicteture

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The DDD archicteture

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The DDD archicteture

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Generating graphs How to use the Symfony Workflow to generate graphs automatically

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It is possible to generate a visual representation of them as SVG or PNG images using: Graphviz, provides the dot command; Mermaid CLI, provides the mmdc command; PlantUML, provides the plantuml.jar file (which requires Java). Generating graphs

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Generating graphs

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From the Symfony 6.4 version, it is possible to use some metadata tags to style the workflow graphs: for places: bg_color: a color; description: a string that describes the state. for transitions: label: a string that replaces the name of the transition; color: a color; arrow_color: a color. Generating graphs - Stylish

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Generating graphs - Stylish

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Generating graphs - Stylish

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Generating graphs - Stylish

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