Slide 18
Slide 18 text
The CDC reduced data preparation
from 3 months to 3 days with Trifacta
Refuted an assumption in analysis that
would not have been possible without
enriching datasets
Expects to scale this model to other,
similar outbreaks, such as Zika or Ebola
In future, we need to combine
“a variety of sources to identify
jurisdictions that, like this county in
Indiana, may be at risk of an IDU-
related HIV outbreak. These data
include drug arrest records, overdose
deaths, opioid sales and prescriptions,
availability of insurance, emergency
medical services, and social and
demographic data.”
- CDC “The Anatomy of an HIV Outbreak
Response in a Rural Community”
E. M. Campbell, H. Jia, A. Shankar, et al. “Detailed Transmission Network Analysis of
a Large Opiate-Driven Outbreak of HIV Infection in the United States”. Journal of
Infectious Diseases, 216(9), 27 November 2017, 1053–1062.