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Hello #DesignSprint @iamctodd

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“I’ve got an idea…”

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A tale of an idea

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“Example” quotes.

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A team of 12 ..?! $90k..??

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No. %$&@’n. Way.

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Everyone wants innovation. Not everyone has the guts. Richard Banfield CEO, FRESH TILLED SOIL

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| XPLANE ‹#› | XPLANE ‹#› | XPLANE ‹#› Slavery Average manufacturing had less than 4 employees US Steel has $1B market capitalization Average lifespan of S&P500 is 67 years Pay by performance Capital budgeting Task design Divisionalization Brand management Women couldn’t vote Management 1.0 90% of people were in agriculture Ford makes 500K cars/yr Social segregation Colonialism No environmental care Communism No Google No Airbnb Peak of II Industrial Revolution 1850 1890 1900 1915 1940 1960 1970 1985 1995 2005 2015 2020 2025 2030 Source: XPLANE

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| XPLANE ‹#› | XPLANE ‹#› | XPLANE ‹#› Slavery Average manufacturing had less than 4 employees US Steel has $1B market capitalization Average lifespan of S&P500 is 67 years Pay by performance Capital budgeting Task design Divisionalization Brand management Women couldn’t vote Management 1.0 90% of people were in agriculture Ford makes 500K cars/yr Social segregation Colonialism No environmental care Communism No Google No Airbnb Peak of II Industrial Revolution 1ST Digital change agents 2ND Innovation Consultants 3RD Venture Design Human-Centered Co-Creation Ethnography Customer Journey Average lifespan of S&P500 is 15 years 1850 1890 1900 1915 1940 1960 1970 1985 1995 2005 2015 2020 2025 2030 Rise of Design for Innovation Source: XPLANE

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| XPLANE ‹#› | XPLANE ‹#› | XPLANE ‹#› Slavery Average manufacturing had less than 4 employees US Steel has $1B market capitalization Average lifespan of S&P500 is 67 years Pay by performance Capital budgeting Task design Divisionalization Brand management Women couldn’t vote Management 1.0 90% of people were in agriculture Ford makes 500K cars/yr Social segregation Colonialism No environmental care Communism No Google No Airbnb Peak of II Industrial Revolution 1ST Digital change agents 2ND Innovation Consultants 3RD Venture Design Human-Centered Co-Creation Ethnography Customer Journey Average lifespan of S&P500 is 15 years 1850 1890 1900 1915 1940 1960 1970 1985 1995 2005 2015 2020 2025 2030 Rise of Design for Innovation Source: XPLANE

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| XPLANE ‹#› | XPLANE ‹#› | XPLANE ‹#› Slavery Average manufacturing had less than 4 employees US Steel has $1B market capitalization Average lifespan of S&P500 is 67 years Pay by performance Capital budgeting Task design Divisionalization Brand management Women couldn’t vote Management 1.0 90% of people were in agriculture Ford makes 500K cars/yr Social segregation Colonialism No environmental care Communism No Google No Airbnb Peak of II Industrial Revolution 1ST Digital change agents 2ND Innovation Consultants 3RD Venture Design Human-Centered Co-Creation Ethnography Customer Journey Average lifespan of S&P500 is 15 years 1850 1890 1900 1915 1940 1960 1970 1985 1995 2005 2015 2020 2025 2030 Rise of Design for Innovation Source: XPLANE

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| XPLANE ‹#› | XPLANE ‹#› | XPLANE ‹#› 1850 1890 1900 1915 1940 1960 1970 1985 1995 2005 2015 2020 2025 2030 Source: XPLANE

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| XPLANE ‹#› | XPLANE ‹#› | XPLANE ‹#› 1850 1890 1900 1915 1940 1960 1970 1985 1995 2005 2015 2020 2025 2030 Traditional Organizations from the 20th Century Organizations with a more conscious approach Modern Organizations from the 21st Century Source: XPLANE

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Three Organization Types Traditional Organizations More Conscious Organizations Modern Organizations Source: XPLANE

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Traditional Organization: The “Pyramid” Source: XPLANE

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Conscious Organization: The “Family” Source: XPLANE

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Modern Organization: The “Organism” Source: XPLANE

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An Evolution? Pyramid Family Organism Source: XPLANE

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Or a Combination? Change Source: XPLANE

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Twenty-first Century Business Requires Twenty-first Century Tools

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Challenge # 1

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Challenge # 2

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Source:;; Empathize Define Prototype Test Ideate

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Source:;; Empathize Define Prototype Test Ideate Discovery Interpretation Experimentation Evolution Ideation

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Source:;; Empathize Define Prototype Test Ideate Discovery Interpretation Experimentation Evolution Ideation

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Define Understand Build Test Ideate Understand Diverge Prototype Validate Decide 2013 Unpack Sketch Prototype Test Decide 2015 Understand Diverge Build Test Converge Empathize Define Prototype Test Ideate

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Phase 1 Understand Get the Background Get Inspired Define the Problem Know the User Daily Retrospective

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Phase 1 Understand Get the Background Get Inspired Define the Problem Know the User Daily Retrospective Phase 2 Diverge Gear Up Generate Solutions Daily Retrospective

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Phase 1 Understand Get the Background Get Inspired Define the Problem Know the User Daily Retrospective Phase 2 Diverge Gear Up Generate Solutions Daily Retrospective Phase 3 Converge Scrutinize Your Work Team Sketching Prototype Sketch Daily Retrospective

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Phase 1 Understand Get the Background Get Inspired Define the Problem Know the User Daily Retrospective Phase 2 Diverge Gear Up Generate Solutions Daily Retrospective Phase 3 Converge Scrutinize Your Work Team Sketching Prototype Sketch Daily Retrospective Phase 4 Build Build Prototype Structure Interviews Daily Retrospective Finish Prototype

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Phase 1 Understand Get the Background Get Inspired Define the Problem Know the User Daily Retrospective Phase 2 Diverge Gear Up Generate Solutions Daily Retrospective Phase 3 Converge Scrutinize Your Work Team Sketching Prototype Sketch Daily Retrospective Phase 4 Build Build Prototype Structure Interviews Daily Retrospective Finish Prototype Phase 5 Test Test Interviews Daily Retrospective Project Wrap-up !

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understand Get the Background Introductions Rules of the Design Sprint Idea Parking Lot Review Agenda Pitch Practice Research, Competition & Past Work Get Inspired Goals & Anti-goals Assumptions Define the Problem Problem Statement Know the User Who / Do Personas User Journey Map Wrap-up Daily Retrospective

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what are you solving for? who why

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assumptions questions facts

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assumptions questions facts

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what’s an assumption?

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assumptions: what you think you know

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what are you solving for? really

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what’s their journey?

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diverge Gear Up Review Agenda and Rules Pitch Practice Background Phase Recap Job-Stories Generate Solutions Mind Map 6-Ups (aka Crazy Eights) Storyboard Silent critique Group critique Wrap-up Daily Retrospective

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job stories

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When ___SITUATION___ happens, I want/need __MOTIVATION__ so that I can __OUTCOME__.

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converge Get Started Describe Converge Pitch Practice (yes, again!) Scrutinize Your Work Recap Background $100 Test Assumptions Table Identify Alternative Prototype Team Sketching - I Ritual Dissent Team Sketching – II Final Sketch Wrap-up Daily Retrospective

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build Prototype Refine Screens Build it! Confirm Interviews Define Pre-roll questions Define Tasks Define post-roll questions Confirm Interviews Wrap-up Daily Retrospective

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74 Lo Hi Interactive Fidelity Hi

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test ! Interviews #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 Wrap-up Daily Retrospective Sprint Retrospective

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what ..worked? ..was validated? ..did you learn?

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} } } DESIGN SPRINT JUMP START AGILE SCRUM Define Understand Build Test Ideate WEEK 1 Refine Build Test WEEK 2 Refine Build Test WEEK 3 Refine Build Test WEEK 4 Refine Build Test WEEK n

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Life is too short to build something nobody wants. Ash Maurya AUTHOR, RUNNING LEAN

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