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Building Accessible Apps with Jetpack Compose

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Why Number increase dramatically if we take temporary and situational disabilities into our account 2

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Why does it matter? It’s very important to do accessibility and then enforced by law in Europe Country 3

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Minimal Touch/ Pointer Target 4 ● Minimal 48 x 48 dp ● minimumInteractiveComponentSize() modifier extension

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Slide 5 text πŸ“ Blueprint Visualize the dimensions of your composables on a blueprint dependencies { debugImplementation("com.github.popovanton0.blueprint:blueprint:1.0.0-alpha04") releaseImplementation("com.github.popovanton0.blueprint:blueprint-no-op:1.0.0-alpha04") } 5 popovanto0/ Blueprint code issue pull-request

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BluePrint Preview 6

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Mouse Support 7

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Font Scale 8

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9 Font Scale ● @Preview (fontScale = 2f) ● Modifier.verticalScroll(rememberScrollState) ● maxLines = … ● overflow = TextOverflow.Ellipsis ● Or overflow = TextOverflow.Visible

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TextOverFlow 10 Text( modifier = Modifier.background(Color.Cyan).size(20.dp), text = "Visible", overflow = TextOverflow.Visible, ) Text( modifier = Modifier.size(20.dp).background(Color.Yellow), text = "Ellipsis", overflow = TextOverflow.Ellipsis, ) Text( modifier = Modifier.background(Color.Green).size(20.dp), text = "Clip", overflow = TextOverflow.Clip, ) Vi si bl e El. Cli

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Focus Order 11 To ensure that app is usable when the user navigates with such keystrokes, you have to check the focus order. Pressing the Tab or arrow keys should move the focus in a logical order. A focus can also move due to the IME (Input Method Editor) action on the on-screen keyboard.

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Focus Order 12 ● Add focusRequester and focusProperties modifiers ● Adding the Next IME action won’t add reactions to Enter and Tab keystrokes. ● Alternatively, use the onPreviewKeyEvent

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Focus Order 13 val (firstNameField, lastNameField, emailField) = remember { FocusRequester.createRefs() } TextField( modifier = Modifier .focusRequester(firstNameField) .focusProperties { next = lastNameField }, keyboardOptions = KeyboardOptions(imeAction = ImeAction.Next), ) TextField( modifier = Modifier .focusRequester(lastNameField) .focusProperties { next = emailField }, keyboardOptions = KeyboardOptions(imeAction = ImeAction.Next), ) TextField( modifier = Modifier .focusRequester(emailField) .focusProperties { next = firstNameField }, keyboardOptions = KeyboardOptions(imeAction = ImeAction.Next), )

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IME Actions 14 ● Next ● Send ● Search ● Previous ● Go

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IME Actions 15 TextField( keyboardOptions = KeyboardOptions(imeAction = ImeAction.Send), keyboardActions = KeyboardActions( onSend = { // send the form to the server } ), onValueChange = {}, value = "First name", )

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TalkBack 16 ● Drag, SIngle tap to move focus with Finger ● Double tap to click! ● Swipe right to move focus forward(left - backward) ● Swipe down then right (L-shape) to show TalkBack menu ● Many more gestures

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Switch 17 var isEnabled by remember {mutableStateOf(false)} Row( modifier = Modifier ) { Text(text = "Newsletter") Switch(checked=isNewsletterEnabled) }

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Accessible Switch 18 var isEnabled by remember {mutableStateOf(false)} Row( modifier = Modifier .toggleable( value = isNewsletterEnabled, onValueChange = {isEnabled = isChecked }, role = Role.Switch) ) { Switch(checked=isNewsletterEnabled) }

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Anatomy of the label 19 Showing the announcing label procedure in Talkback

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Modifier.semantics 20 Modifier.semantics { stateDescription = if (isNewsletterEnabled) "Enabled" else "Disabled" onClick( label = "toggle newsletter subscription", action = null ) }

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Content description 21 Icon( imageVector = Icons.Filled.Check, contentDescription = "Access Granted" ) contentDescription = "" contentDescription = null Access granted, Image Unlabelled, Image Ignored by TalkBack

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Image Labels 22 Green β†’ needs a label Red β†’ doesn’t need a label

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Merging descendants 23 Row(modifier = Modifier){ Text(text = "Thaw") Spacer(Modifier.width(4.dp)) Icon( imageVector = Icons.Default.Check, contentDescription = null ) } Row( modifier = Modifier .semantics(mergeDescendants = true) {} ) Materials Materials

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Custom Actions 24 .semantics { customActions = listOf( CustomAccessibilityAction( label = "Delete item", action = ::deleteItem ), CustomAccessibilityAction( label = "Archive item", action = ::archiveItem ) ) }

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Live Regions 25 TalkBack announces live region on change even if it is not focused Row( Modifier = Modifier.semantics { liveRegion = LiveRegionMode.Polite contentDescription = dateFormatter.format(date) } ) { Text(text = date) // Next and Previous Button Code } January 2023 February 2023

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Color blindness 26

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Color blindness Preview 27

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Color blindness 28

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Color blindness 29

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Use Material Design Guideline as much as possible 30

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31 Thanks!

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Learn more about Accessibility 32 ● Web content Accessibility guidelines ● Android Accessibility by tutorials - droidcon ● Universal Design Principles & Material Design Guidelines β—‹ Equitable of use β—‹ Flexibility of use β—‹ Simple and Intuitive use β—‹ Perceptible of information β—‹ Fault tolerant β—‹ Low physical effort β—‹ Size and space for approach

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Thank you! Mobile Android Developer Thaw Zin Toe Pe Tut thawzintoe-ptut @thaw_zin_toe